Message from Administration

Dear parents and caregivers

We are approaching the end of a busy term, with so many events and celebrations being held, including Science Week, Book Week, Concert Band Festival, Public Speaking and Athletics Carnivals.

This week, we have the beginning of our Interschool Athletics events tomorrow and our annual open classrooms for the Inquiry Learning Showcase on Friday afternoon. It has been fantastic to see the community support this term, thank you for coming along to spectate and getting involved with volunteering where you can. Your children are excited to show you their learning this Friday (and this afternoon for Kindy A and C). The focus for the open classroom time, will be for your child to be a host and tell you all about what they have been learning and creating.

Your child’s teacher will be in the classroom and may help your child to elaborate on the learning process if needed or point out different displays in the learning spaces. As there will be lots of parents and carers in the classroom, it won’t be the time for detailed conversations about learning progress. You are encouraged to email your child’s teacher for a private meeting if you would like to discuss specific aspects of your child’s progress.

On Friday afternoon, we will also have a selection of art work from students across the school in the Undercover Area. You are also welcome to visit the Science Room upstairs in the middle double storey block, which is above the Art Room next to Room 27. Our specialist teachers run outstanding programs and we also want to celebrate the learning happening in these curriculum areas too.

Public Holiday: As you would be aware, next Thursday 22 September has been declared a national public holiday to honour the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The school will be closed on this day. The school will re-open on Friday 23 September for the final day of Term 3. We expect all students to attend on this day. The P&C Colour Run will be held after lunch on the Friday, which will be a great fun way to end the term.

Teaching and Learning

Artist Spotlight:

The Year 4s in Room 25 have been creating sea creatures inspired by US artist Kerry Heath’s work. These collage and mixed media pieces are on display in the junior verandah space near Room 9. Make sure you take a look next time you are passing, they are incredible!

NAPLAN 2022:

We are still awaiting the delivery of the printed reports to distribute to Year 3 and 5 parents with information about your child’s NAPLAN results. As soon as these have been received, these will be sent home with your child.

Music at Wembley:

Congratulations to our Concert Band for their incredible performance last week at the Concert Band Festival which took place at the Churchlands SHS Concert Hall. Mrs Kate Humphreys was so proud of them, particularly after such a disrupted year due to COVID. Thank you to Mrs Humphreys for all her hard work teaching our talented concert band musicians. The standard of our concert band is just outstanding thanks to Kate’s leadership.

Next week, we look forward to seeing our Senior Choir take to the stage for the Massed Choir Festival at the Perth Concert Hall. After months of preparation, also disrupted due to COVID, our Year 5/6 students have their chance to shine. Thank you to all parents/carers for supporting your children to take part in these opportunities.

Community Engagement

Inquiry Showcase:

Please make sure you reserve your spot for the open classrooms using the Student Online Booking System link that has been emailed to all parents. We are using a booking system again to ensure the time in classrooms is relaxed and not too crowded.

We also have a Cake Stall for Year 6 fundraising being held outside the Undercover Area all afternoon and the P&C are running a sausage sizzle so you don’t have to worry about dinner. Thank you to all parent volunteers helping to make the cake stall and sausage sizzle possible. We also thank Wembley Supa IGA for generously supporting our P&C Association once again.

P&C Events:

Our dedicated fundraising sub-committee have been working really hard this term on the Father’s Day Stall, Wembley Family Fun Day and the Colour Run. Thank you to Victoria Martelli, Bailey Stewart, Susan Havlin, Therry Tay, Dani Clyne, Bec Guy and all class parent reps and parent volunteers. With the huge canteen upgrade happening (some works begin this holidays) and an ongoing commitment by the P&C to supporting the school’s technology leases so we can avoid a Bring Your Own Device program, these fundraising initiatives will continue to make a huge difference to the learning environment and resources we can provide your children. The Family Fun Day will also be a great opportunity to enjoy a fun day out as a community. I look forward to sharing in this day with you!

We also thank our Kindy/PP P&C sub-committee for their hard work and partnership. We are moving ahead with providing shade sails for the mud kitchen area in Kindy and a synthetic turf space under a shade sail just in time for summer outdoor eating. Thanks so much to Shohan Johnson-Kain, Kindy parent and landscape architect, who has been supporting us with expertise and contacts to move this project along. Partnerships with our community are vital and we thank each of you for supporting our school, in whatever way you can.

‘Collaborate, Connect, Communicate and Care’.

Yours in learning

The Senior Leadership Team

Tamara, Milani, Rachel, Stacey and Natalie

School Grounds – Weekend Security

It has come to our attention that over the weekends and at night, there are many people coming onto school grounds and leaving rubbish, broken glass, vandalising property and disrupting our neighbours with noise and shouting. A reminder to the community that the school grounds are locked and not available for community use out of school hours unless a scheduled event is on. This includes the school oval, playgrounds and basketball courts. The school environment is for our students to learn and enjoy during school hours.

Please call School Watch on 1800 177 777 if you see anybody on school grounds over the weekend or at night so we can keep the school environment safe and well maintained for your children.

Interschool Athletics – Tomorrow

Interschool Athletics is approaching, and Wembley will be looking to defend their title again this year.

Day 1 – will be held on our school oval on Wednesday September 14. Below is an approximate schedule of events.

Please remember the times are a rough guide.

Day 2 –  will be held at McLean Oval in Floreat on Wednesday September 21. Also see below for an approximate guide of times for events for the day. Spectators are welcome at both days. There will be coffee van present both days.

Parents, if you are able to assist on either of the days, please email Mr Bowman;

Canteen – Volunteers

Volunteering in the canteen is always great fun, and your kids love seeing you.  If you are able to volunteer in our canteen please sign up here

Public Holiday – Thursday 22 September

Students do not attend school on Thursday 22 September, as this is a public holiday as a national day of mourning for the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Students MUST ATTEND school on Friday 23 September 2023.  This is the final day of Term 3.

Important Dates

Term 3:

Thursday 22 September – students do not attend school as this is a public holiday

Friday 23 September – students must attend school – final day of Term 3, 2022

Term 4:

Monday 10 October – school development day – students do not attend school

Tuesday 11 October – school development day – students do not attend school

Wednesday 12 October – first day for students of Term 4, 2022

Thursday 15 December – last day of Term 4, 2022

Chaplain Corner

‘Canoe’ believe the amount of creativity, perseverance, and problem-solving strategies displayed by the seniors?….. I can. You ‘grow’ girls!! The students trialled their rafts on water yesterday morning and they all did an amazing job. Well done.


A call out for Lego donations 


We would kindly appreciate any Lego donations to support the chaplaincy program in Term 4, big or small. If you are parting or willing to part with Lego parts, we would gladly take it off your hands. Please drop off to the Student Services office, upstairs next to Room 28 or email

Alessia Princi


PP3 students learning about R U OK? Day.

They engaged in role play to show how we can use the 4 steps to a positive conversation to help somebody who may not be OK. We also learned about the importance of stopping to listen and work out what you can do to help somebody who is needing help.

Wembley PS Concert Band

The Wembley PS Concert Band performed on September 8th at the Junior Band Festival as the opening novice performance for this year’s festival. They performed three pieces for a live audience and adjudicator and were one of few primary school bands to take part. I am very proud of the hard work and dedication these students put into their music – Thank you to Mrs Goyder and Miss Yap (percussion teacher) for helping me on the evening and thank you to parents for driving their children to and from the event!


For the second year running, Wembley Primary School students, families and friends have raised more money than any other school in the whole of the country!!!


Thank you to everyone who registered, read, and donated to such a worthy cause.  We should all feel immensely proud to be a part of this amazing Wembley community.

Thank you also to Lauren Ibbotson for her behind the scenes effort and for driving this. Well done Wembley.

Wembley P&C Fundraiser – Wine Wall

P&C Kindy PP Tea Towel Fundraiser

Colour Run – Friday 23 September

Redhage Basketball Term 4 After School Program

Young Engineers Club – Term 4 After School Program

Young Engineers Club (YEC) – Young Engineers is an after-school club for students interested in hands-on STEM. We offer unique STEM programs where children have fun while learning critical skills for the digital age. We explore STEM concepts by building & coding motorised Lego models.

YEC @ Wembley Primary (STEM room)

  • Thursdays (3:30pm – 4:45pm) – PP – Year 2
  • Thursdays (3:30pm – 4:45pm) –Year 3-6

Registration >>
Enquiries: / 0406 542 912

UWA West Coast Squads – Come and Try