Message from Administration
Dear parents and caregivers
What fun we are having at school. This term has started on such a positive note, a sense of belonging, and the celebration of a strong culture of learning and engagement has been highly visible. The 2024 Paris Olympics the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad has provided much inspiration.
Many classrooms have integrated elements of the games into their learning and Inquiry.
Last night, I had the pleasure of seeing the Junior Choir perform in the WAGSM concert series at Crown. They sang beautifully and held a strong stage presence and represented our school and community with pride. Olivia, performed a solo “ Fight Song”, it was a highlight of the night.
Congratulations to Mrs Jess Parry on a highly successful event, her first as music teacher at WPS.
Book Week was a hit! Magical costumes, 100% student and staff engagement and tremendous parent support. Mrs Jill Jordan most certainly brings reading alive at Wembley. A big thank you to all involved.
The WA Symphony Orchestra – students will be treated to an exciting musical showcase presented by four musicians from the WA Symphony Orchestra. Music will be played; songs will be sung, and students will be invited to use their musical skills to join in. This will be presented on 20th August with Years 3-6 attending first at 9:45am then K-2 attending after recess at 11:10am. We are very excited that WASO can visit our school! It will also feature and showcase the amazing talent of one of our staff members Mrs Andie Mendham.
Bike Safety – the school has received some data from community members regarding our students not wearing bike helmets when riding to and from school. Please ensure your child is fitted with a helmet.
Here are tips for finding the safest helmet for bikes and scooters:
• Make sure that the helmet is made to Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 2063:2008. Look for the Australian Standards label.
• Take your child with you when buying a helmet to make sure it’s properly fitted.
• Do the ‘push test’ to make sure the helmet is a snug fit. If you can push the helmet backwards, forwards or sideways once you’ve done up the clips, it’s too big.
• Make sure the helmet isn’t damaged. For example, check that there are no cracks and that the foam liner is intact.
• Don’t buy a second-hand helmet – there’s no way of knowing if the previous owner has damaged it in an accident.
• Always replace helmets after an impact.
Wembley Primary School’s Public School Review will be held in Term 1, 2025. In preparation, I will be asking for feedback from the community. The School Culture Survey link will come out in the next newsletter. You will be asked to reflect on 6 keys areas across the school:
• Relationships
• Teacher Quality
• Learning Environment
• Resources
• Leadership
• Student achievement and Progress
We encourage you all to participate in this survey so that we can better understand the needs from our school community. This data will play an important role in forming the community pillar of our next Business Plan.
A reminder to all families that Friday, 16 August is a School Development Day (student free) Staff will be attending a range professional learning programs on this day.
In the spirit of learning and community connection.
Donna Snow
OSHClub Wembley Primary School
Wembley Primary School are excited to announce that OSHClub will be providing out of school hours care onsite to Wembley PS families, commencing Term 4.
OSHClub are a leading Outside School Hours Care provider.
At OSHClub, we are passionate about providing world class experiences and programs that add depth and richness to children’s learning beyond the classroom and school curriculum. We have created a total of 7 adventure categories to guide children and their educators in various child-led activities. Our Adventure Program consists of a morning program Rise then Shine, afternoon program Stay And Play and school holiday program Holiday HQ.
With a wide selection of adventure categories that focus on physical education, arts, STEM, and wellbeing, kids in our care enjoy an ever-changing array of activities! A big feature of our program is inviting kids to select the activities that they want to do, helping them to develop confidence and identify their passions. And most of all – ensure everyone is having fun!
Please keep an eye out for more information regarding upcoming information sessions.
Student Free Day – Friday 16 August
Please remember on Friday 16 August is a school development day. Students DO NOT attend school on this day.
SunSmart – Hats required for Terms 3 and 4
During Terms 3 and 4 it is our school policy that hats must be worn – “no hat no play no fun at school today”.
Please ensure your child has their names written clearly on their hat.
Only the months of June and July, when the UV index is predominantly under 3 hats are not always required.
A copy of the SunSmart policy can be found on the school website.
Book Week Parade
A huge THANK YOU to everyone for embracing our fabulous Book Week Parade for yet another year. The costumes were outstanding! It was heart warming to see so many parents supporting this event which had a carnival atmosphere. Thank you for all your efforts. I’m not sure who had the most fun, the students or the staff. What a fabulous way to spend a Friday morning.
Jill Jordan
MS Readathon 
The MS Readathon is on again this month! Sign up, join our Wembley Primary School team and help raise money for those living with neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease.
Once signed up students ask family and friends to sponsor their participation and during August they read as many books as possible.
In 2022 Wembley Primary School was the top fundraising school in Australia raising just over $16,500 and reading over 1000 books.
Visit to sign up and be sure to sure join our Wembley Primary School team.
If you have any questions please see Mrs Jordan or Madame Ibbotson.
Year 6 Rotary
Last week, two students from Year 6 were selected to represent Wembley Primary School at the Interschool Public Speaking Competition organised by the Rotary Club of Cambridge. Curtis Combomorel and Daniel McRrae competed in the event at Lake Monger Bowling Club. They competed against 5 other schools and performed with distinction. We are very proud of their efforts.
Schools Music Society Concert – Junior Choir
On Monday 5 August, our Junior Choir had an unforgettable experience performing at the Crown Theatre for the Western Australian Government Schools Music Society Concert!
Sharing the stage with 12 other schools and 8 soloists, captivating the audience with three fantastic songs: “We Know the Way” from Moana, “Sea Change” by Ian Jefferson, and “Jungle Rhythm” by Paul Grabowski. For many of our students, this was their very first time performing in a grand theatre before a full house. All 84 students deserve a huge round of applause for their incredible performance and for representing our school with such pride and excellence. Their dedication and hard work made the night truly memorable.
A special mention to Olivia M from Year 6, who delivered an extraordinary solo performance singing Fight Song by Rachel Platten. The Wembley Junior Choir rallied around her from the upper-level stands, singing along with enthusiasm, and Olivia’s bravery and skill inspired everyone around her. Finally, a big thank you to all the parents who came out to support us and to the amazing Wembley Teachers and Education Assistants who volunteered their time to make attending this event possible. It was a night to remember, showcasing the remarkable talents and teamwork of our students and staff, and we look forward to celebrating even more of their achievements in the future!
Here are some photos from the rehearsal.
Year 5 Visit from Olympian Coach Peter Freitag
At the end of week two, our Year 5 students were fortunate enough to meet Peter Freitag, a former assistant coach of the Australian women’s hockey team that won gold at the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Peter’s grandson, Finn Freitag, was excited to share his grandad’s achievements with the rest of his cohort. Peter’s engaging stories and vivid recount of the team’s triumphant journey captivated the students, particularly the final minutes of the match when his team realised that they were going to win gold. His visit was especially timely as we geared up for the start of the Paris Olympics that afternoon and certainly left students feeling excited and motivated for what was to come.
Green and Gold to support our Olympians
WASO – WA Symphony Orchestra
Students will be treated to an exciting musical showcase presented by four musicians (Including Andie Mendham our wonderful Monday Music teacher) from the WA Symphony Orchestra.
Music will be played, songs will be sung and students will be invited to use their musical skills to join in. This will be presented on 20th August.
Years 3-6 attending first at 9:45am
K-2 attending after recess at 11:10am.
We are very excited that WASO are able to visit our school!
Senior Faction Athletics Carnival – Years 3 to 6 – Thursday 22 August
The Senior Faction Athletics Carnival will take place at the WA Athletics Stadium in Perry Lakes with events starting at 9.30am.
Presentations will conclude at approx 2.45pm. In the case of inclement weather, any events not completed on the day, such as relays, will be completed the following day on Wembley’s school oval.
Event is now live on Compass for parents to pay and give consent.
We will require parent helpers to assist with running the events on the day. If you can assist, please contact me via email on
Jonathon Bowman
Physical Education Specialist
P&C Association General Meeting – TONIGHT
Tuesday 6 August @ 7:30pm WPS Library
Please join us tonight for our Term 3 General Meeting in the school library at 7:30pm. It’s a great opportunity to hear what the P&C has planned for the rest of 2024. All are welcome- you don’t need to be a paid P&C member to come along! Some agenda items up for discussion include additional play resources for KPP, a fan to cool the Undercover Area, and financial assistance to keep athletics costs down for parents and carers.
If you are unable to attend but would like to comment, please email:
WPS P&C Secretary
P & C Association News
WPS Fundraising Comittee
P&C Merchandise
Please download Qkr! on your phone by following this link:
If you need help, please email the P&C Treasurer: