Message from Administration

Dear Parents and Caregivers 

It was wonderful to see the enormous level support our recent Cross-country carnival and the 2024 P&C Day thank you morning tea. 

I was very impressed with the level of competition, but the best outcome of the day was the resilience shown by each, and every student who crossed the finish line. Feedback from proud parents included, ‘It warmed my eyes to see the kindness, shown by older students towards those who were struggling’,  ‘An increase in confidence resulted their child competing and finishing their first ever cross-country’. A huge shout out to the House Captains and the Year 6 leaders who assisted students on the track throughout the day. Many of them ran several laps before their own race. Such a successful day is not possible without quality staff Mr. Bowman and Mrs. Watson always rise to the occasion – unlike the portable sound system!  

Director General – Education WA:

On Friday, Director General, Lisa Rodgers announced she will be leaving the Department towards the end of the year. She has accepted the position of CEO of the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), following in the footsteps of the Professor Geoff Masters. A recruitment process will commence soon to enable the appointment of a new director general. To assist with this transition, Jim Bell, Deputy Director General Student Achievement, will delay his retirement until the end of the year. 


We offer a very warm welcome to our new music specialist teacher – Mrs Jess Parry.  Jess is on contract until term 2, 2025 when Mrs Kate Humphry’s returns from maternity leave.  Jess will be contactable Tuesday-Friday. 

Mrs Trina Tanner, our highly dedicated Special Needs Education Assistant of almost twenty years will retire at the end of this term. Trina has been an integral team member at WPS. Her care, selflessness, superior organisational skills whether it be teaching resources or sorting out the staffroom fridge, incredible support of students requiring additional support, and her friendship will leave a huge void. On behalf of the entire school community, thank you Trina. 

Kindergarten Enrolments:

Kindergarten enrolments are open for  2025. If your child is born between 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 they are eligible to enrol for 2025. Please find your enrolment application on the school website and forward it to, before 19 July 2024. 


Student Representative Council:

Student agency is critical to a successful school. At WPS, a selected group of year 3-6 students, led by the head boy and girl, represent the interests of their peers by having input into the strategic direction of the school. The 2024 project works in unison with the School Boards Mater Grounds Plan subcommittee. An identified are of the school requiring attention. The students are in the early stages of planning a garden of reflection and belonging. A place where everyone can be at one with nature. The students are taking inspiration from the natural lake system, local and traditional history, and the flora of our area. They have gathered data from their peers and look forward to sharing more with you as the plan progresses. 



WA Student Assistance Payment: 

If you haven’t claimed the WA Student Assistance Payment, you’d better hurry – claims close on Friday 28 June. 

You can claim: 

Go to for eligibility and claiming requirements or to download the postal claim form. 


In the spirit of learning and community connection. 


Donna Snow 


Faction Cross Country

Winton for second year in a row – claimed the overall shield as winners of the Faction Cross Country.


P&C Day – Thank You Morning Tea

On Friday it was National Volunteers week and WA’s 2024 P&C Day. 


We celebrated with morning tea to say thank you all of our amazing P&C members.

Town of Cambridge – Grantham Street Underpass Mural 

The Council has agreed to fund a mural refresh following the lighting upgrade and pavement cleaning on the Grantham Street underpass. The current mural was created with the assistance of Wembley PS students in 1998.  

The council has asked our school community for feedback before progressing. What would you prefer? 

  1. Retain the local history and refresh the features of the current mural and build on this theme. 


  1. Create a new mural depicting the interests of our current students.

To vote please click on this link:  Town of Cambridge – Grantham Street Underpass Mural (

Out of School Hour Care Service at WPS (OSHC)

Invitation to submit expression of interest to provide an Out of School Hour Care service at Wembley Primary School

Wembley Primary School is seeking expressions of interest from licenced providers to deliver an Out of School Hour Care (OSHC) service from the school site, commencing Term 4, 2024.

Parent and community feedback indicates that an on-site OSHC service will be well utilised, and a highly valued service to the school community. In addition, having access to vacation care on the site through the OSHC provider would also be supported.

Expressions of interest must be received no later than 4pm on Tuesday 18 June 2024.

Please email

Debbie Humphry

Manager Corporate Services (M-Th)

Academic Competition – ICAS Assessments

ICAS will return to Wembley Primary School this year. We will participate in Years 2-6 Maths, English and Science. The ICAS competition challenges your child, motivates them to succeed and provides you with an objective ranking of their academic performance. The tests are fully online and sitting dates will commence in Term 3. Learn more: ICAS – Leading Academic Competition – ICAS Assessments

You can now order and pay for your child’s ICAS tests online!

To enter your child, visit and enter our school’s unique access code ZWG285 to make a direct payment. Online payment closes on Monday 29 July.

Bebras Computational Challenge

Congratulations to all students who participated in the first round of the Bebras Computational Challenge. Bebras is a fun and engaging computational thinking challenge for students in Years 3 to 12. It is an international challenge that involves over 2.9 million students from 60 countries.  Wembley PS has participated in the challenge for the past 5 years.

These are the results from the Year 3 cohort. (Years 4-6 will be mentioned in the next newsletter)

The following students achieved a Distinction which means they scored between 102-113 out of 135.

Finley D

Grace P

Anisha L

Tom R

Tom W

Hugo Z

Alex L

Fantastic results for their very first attempt at the competition.

Lisa Evans

Instructional Coach (Mon-Thurs)

Save the Date!  Book Week Parade – Friday 2 August

The theme for Book Week this year is  READING MAGIC !

Our Book Week Parade will be held on:

Friday 2 August – which is Week 3, Term 3.

9am on the basketball court.

Bikes and Scooters

Please remember do not leave any bikes or scooters at the school overnight.   Unfortunately they do go missing.  It is also a good idea if students can lock their bikes and scooters during the day to the bike racks provided.

Traffic Warden Unavailable

The Traffic Warden who operates the Children’s Crossing on Jersey Street near Ruislip Street is unable to attend the crossing From Tuesday 4 June until Friday 14 June inclusive  and unfortunately  have no relief staff available to cover the position.

Please take appropriate action and inform your children to be vigilant whilst crossing without a warden present.

P & C Association News

WPS Fundraising Comittee


Annual K/PP Quiz Night

The annual K/PP quiz night ticket sales are open! This promises to be a fabulous night with lots of prizes and incredible silent auction items.

When: Saturday 22 June

Time: Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start

Where: Leederville Function Centre

To Book:  Log in to Qkr!

Disco – Years 1 to 6

Friday is the mid-year disco for the kids from years one to six. We can’t hold this event without the support of our school community. If you  are able to spare some time please sign up to one of the rosters below to help this be a fun and safe event for the children.

P&C Merchandise

Please download Qkr! on your phone by following this link:


If you need help, please email the P&C Treasurer:

Community News


Kind Hearted Australia Ltd

Charity Quiz Night

Come along for a FAB night of 80’s fun, prizes & kindheartedness. The Kind Hearted Australia Ltd’s ‘Charity Quiz Night‘ promises to deliver all that and so much more!

Perth-onality Alexander Circosta will be your MC & quizmaster, offering a bunch of laughs along the way.

Guests will enjoy the stunning ambience that is the Historic Ballroom at the Pagoda Resort & Spa, along with the option to pre-purchase delicious grazing platters and a selection of beverages.

Grab your friends and create a half table of five or full table of ten, or just come along as an individual or couple. Everyone is welcome! And don’t forget to wear your best 80’s outfit as there will be a prize for the best dressed.

Ticket price includes entry to the event plus an entry per person into the sensational door prize. There will be raffles galore plus a silent auction, so bring your credit cards and cash as both will happily be accepted on the night.

This fundraiser is all to support Perth-charity Kind Hearted Australia Ltd and their Kookoorniny initiative – to build long-term transitional housing communities for women and their children escaping domestic & family violence.

Ticket are on sale NOW via  Don’t miss out!

Please note: this event is NOT BYO for food or drinks. Food & beverages can be pre-purchased via the ticket booking page.

Victoria Martelli