Message from Administration

Dear Parents and Caregivers 

This week it is National Volunteers week and WA’s 2024 P&C Day. 


On Friday, 24 we will be celebrating with a morning tea to say thank you all of our amazing P&C members. Those who work tirelessly behind to scenes to ensure that the students at Wembley PS have opportunities, experiences, and resources that not all public-school students enjoy. A big shout out to the P&C executive and their supporting sub-committees. 

What does the support look like in 2024: 

  • Ground improvements; trees, seating and play equipment 
  • Technology leases $60K – enabling all students access to new and well maintained iPads and laptops all day, everyday. 
  • Early childhood resources 
  • A fully functional canteen operating 4 days per week 
  • Literacy and numeracy resources to support classroom programs 

P&C members and volunteers are invited to join staff this Friday on the verandah of the undercover area to celebrate ‘your’ day at 10.30 -11.10am. 

National Reconciliation Week 27 May – 3 June 

National Reconciliation Week commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey; he successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively. It is a time for all Australians to learn about shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.  

“The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024,  Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will —and must —continue. 

There have been many moments in Australia’s reconciliation journey that make us want to turn away. But when things are divisive, the worst thing we can do is disengage or disconnect. 

Now more than ever, we need to tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation.  

Now more than ever, the work continues. In treaty making, in truth-telling, in understanding our history, in education, and in tackling racism. We need connection. We need respect. We need action. And we need change.   

Now more than ever, we need reconciliation.” Reconciliation Australia 


Student Representative Council (SRC)

Today, I met with the Year 3-6 Student Representative Council (SRC) to determine the planning focus for 2024 “Creating a welcoming school for everyone.” The year 6 prefects have been undertaking training, under the guidance of Mr Jeremy Wood from the Rotary Club of Cambridge, in meeting protocols and procedures in readiness to lead SRC business. 


Congratulations to the 8 students (4 from Years 3-4, and 4 from Years 5-6) who represented our school in the Keen2STEAM Challenge last Friday.

For each of the challenges, students worked in teams to design and create solutions in Science, Maths, Technology and Engineering. Problem solving, collaboration and thinking critically and creatively were the clear keys to team success.

A huge thank you to Mrs Webber for her investment, passion and dedication in getting our teams ready for the challenge. Their well-developed critical and creative thinking skills and collaboration resulted in the team winning the Yr 5/6 challenge and WPS came second overall out of 11 schools. The growing partnerships and support from Dr Bruce Webber from CSIRO and Dr Grant Pusey and students from CSHS, shows how inspired they are to see this event grow to support students learning in this field. 

I have been amazed at level of enthusiasm students are displaying in the learning, particularly literacy. The quality of reading and writing happening in all classrooms across the school is outstanding.  

Looking forward to seeing you at the Cross Country carnival on Friday! 


In the spirit of learning and community connection. 


Donna Snow 


Faction Cross Country –  Friday 24 May

The Faction Cross Country will be held this Friday 24 May commencing straight after recess at 11.15am on our school oval.

The order of races will be as follows:

RECESS (10.40am – 11.05am)

  • Year 3 Girls
  • Year 3 Boys
  • Year 2 Girls
  • Year 2 Boys
  • Year 1 Girls
  • Year 1 Boys

LUNCH (12.55pm – 1.40pm)

  • Year 4 Girls
  • Year 4 Boys
  • Year 5 Girls
  • Year 5 Boys
  • Year 6 Girls
  • Year 6 Boys

Last race will be at approximately 2.40pm, followed by presentations being held on the oval.

At this stage the weather looks fine but if it changes the school will advise parents via Compass.

Reminder there will be no cross country training on Friday morning.

School Charges and Voluntary Contributions

Reminders of unpaid charges and voluntary contributions will be pushed out on Compass later this week.

Please note that voluntary contributions can be paid on your Compass App through part payments. Please go to payment centre, then choose voluntary contributions and charges. You can input the amount you wish to pay. If you do not wish t pay voluntary contributions, please let the office staff know so we can amend your child’s account.

If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact the front office.

Debbie Humphry

Manager Corporate Services (M-Th)

Academic Competition – ICAS Assessments

ICAS will return to Wembley Primary School this year. We will participate in Years 2-6 Maths, English and Science. The ICAS competition challenges your child, motivates them to succeed and provides you with an objective ranking of their academic performance. The tests are fully online and sitting dates will commence in Term 3. Learn more: ICAS – Leading Academic Competition – ICAS Assessments

You can now order and pay for your child’s ICAS tests online!

To enter your child, visit and enter our school’s unique access code ZWG285 to make a direct payment. Online payment closes on Monday 29 July.

Library News

National Simultaneous Storytime tomorrow

We are all very excited for National Simultaneous Storytime tomorrow. This fabulous book with its stunning illustrations is the featured book for 2024.

This is such a good opportunity for classes from K-6 to come together to each read the same book, at the same time, across the country!  Each class will be participating in various activities and reading to their classes and buddies.

Save the Date!  Book Week Parade – Friday 2 August

The theme for Book Week this year is  READING MAGIC !

Our Book Week Parade will be held on:

Friday 2 August – which is Week 3, Term 3.

9am on the basketball court.

Dolly’s Dream

Dolly’s Dream blue dress up day was on Friday 10th May, initiated by Year 5 Student Victoria W, making an awareness of bullying.

Thank you to everyone as $670 was raised.

Left to Right: Olivia W, Grace S, Victoria W, Willow B, Samantha E

Year 6 Cake Stall – Tuesday 28 May

Children’s Crossing Herdsman Parade

(near Alexander St and Moondine Dr)

This crossing is not attended, so please explain to your children to be extra careful when crossing the road.

The Children’s Crossings Unit with the WA Police Force have advised us they are experiencing an extreme lack of staff but they are advertising and trying their best to get a new warden for that area.

Karen Young on big feelings, behaviour and self-regulation

Hale School parent presentation

Psychologist and author Karen Young will return to Hale this month to discuss emotional regulation in children.  The capacity to emotionally regulate is one of the most important building blocks for success and social and emotional wellbeing. This will take time to develop and, in the meantime, things can get messy.

For many young people, big feelings will drive big behaviour, which can be confusing and challenging for them and the adults who care for them. The more we understand the what, why and how of feelings and the behaviours they fuel, the more we can respond to young people (and ourselves) more effectively and compassionately.

What: Karen Young on big feelings, behaviour and self-regulation

When: Wednesday 29 May, 7.00pm – 8.30pm

Where: John Inverarity Music and Drama Centre, Hale School, Unwin Avenue, Wembley Downs

Registration: This is a FREE event but registration is required via this link:

Note: This presentation will be most suitable for parents of Junior and Middle School aged children.