Message from Administration

Dear parents and caregivers

It is already the fourth week of Term 4 and we are well and truly into all the exciting events and celebrations that the final term of the school year brings. Humphreys Dance is underway, we enjoyed the amazing French recess last week and we have lots of music events to come in the next few weeks, including the talent quests and All Stars Concert. We are still using the calendar on the school website, so please check regularly to stay informed about what is coming up. Next year, we will move all calendar events to Compass.


Thank you to all staff and families for the relatively smooth transition to using Compass so far this term. If you have not logged in or have any trouble logging in, please contact the school office and we can re-send your invite by email. The class blogs have now been disabled on the school website so all class news will now be sent via Compass. We are still using Seesaw this term for students and teachers to share examples of learning, including photos and videos of school work.

Year 6 Camp:

At the end of Week 2, our Year 6 students spent 3 days and 2 nights away at Forest Edge Recreation Camp in Waroona. I was lucky enough to spend half the camp with the group and got to experience some of the many adventurous activities and share in the memories. All 112 students who attended, really stretched themselves and conquered some amazing feats in their time away, including flying on the Big Fox through a huge valley, abseiling down 9m and 20m towers, building and racing billy carts, navigating through the Pamper Pole on the ropes course and bush walking.

It was so special to see how supportive the group were of one another and how courageous they were in attempting these activities. While not much sleep was had the first night (by all), by the second night they were ready for some rest after an evening of ‘entertaining’ everyone in the ‘talent’ quest. Special mention to the ‘Six Direction’ group who took out top spot with their rendition of ‘What Makes You Beautiful’.

Our staff were so proud of the way the group approached camp and the success was a credit to all involved. I would like to acknowledge the staff who attended camp, going above and beyond their duties by giving up time with their families to take our students away. Thank you to Mr Porteous, Mrs McCarthy, Mrs Hunter, Mrs Thuang, Miss O’Malley, Mr Bowman and Miss Smith. We just couldn’t run the camp without the dedication of our staff.

Teaching and Learning

Artist Spotlight:

The Year 1s in Room 11 have produced some outstanding clay work based on their exploration of texture, form and all things medieval in their specialist art class with Mrs Barratt. The Year 1s investigated castles and knights, starting with 2D artwork and then creating their own clay work. I am sure you will agree that the standard of artwork is absolutely incredible!

Community Engagement

World Teacher’s Day:

Thank you to the whole community for showing your support for our wonderful teachers last week. In particular, a big thank you to the P&C and Georgina Versteegen for coordinating the amazing morning tea on Friday. Our teachers were so appreciative of the thank you messages, flowers and goodies they received. There is a huge amount of work that goes into the education of our students and our teachers work so hard to create engaging and responsive programs to help your child make progress. Thank you for acknowledging their hard work. I also thanked each teacher with a hand written note and small token of appreciation. I am so thankful to work in a school with such dedicated and committed teachers.

WPS Business Plan 2023-2025:

After several months of reflection with staff and the School Board, we are now nearing the final stages of a draft strategic plan to guide the school for the next 3 years. The new Business Plan will be launched early in 2023 and will include school improvement strategies focused on the priority areas of the school; excellence in teaching and learning, a positive school culture, effective relationships and partnerships with the community and opportunities for all students to experience success.

I am inviting members of the school community to form a focus group of approx. 8-10 parents or caregivers to provide feedback and input on our draft business plan. Please complete the expression of interest form  here   if you wish to be considered.  The focus group will likely take place during the week beginning 14 November.

‘Collaborate, Connect, Communicate and Care’.

Yours in learning

The Senior Leadership Team

Tamara, Milani, Stacey and Natalie

Music Events for Term 4

Term 4 Week 6: Senior Talent Quest 

18 November (Friday) after lunch in Undercover Area

Term 4 Week 7: Junior Talent Quest 

25 November (Friday) after lunch in Undercover Area

Featuring Junior Choir, Senior Choir, Concert Band, Petite Chorale and all IMSS students

Rehearsal during day:  7 December (Wednesday) 1pm-3pm Churchlands SHS

Performance:  8 December (Thursday) 6:30pm Churchlands SHS –  Taryn Fiebig Concert Hall

Tickets on sale soon!

Any questions – please email


Open invitation for junior and senior choir members to join the choir at the free community Carols by Candlelight event after the Wembley Family Fun Day on the oval at 7pm on Saturday 26 November 2022. It will run for an hour and for those keen, I can email the program and lyrics for you to practice beforehand. In addition to the performance, the only commitment is a rehearsal on Thursday 24 November after school in the music room from 3:15-4pm.

Please register your interest with Bec Guy at today. Look forward to seeing you all there.

Thank you. 

Kate Humphreys
Full Time Music Specialist 

French Recess – Thank You

Last Wednesday’s French recess was nothing short of très magnifique!

The students, staff and I would like to say a huge MERCI to:

  • Genna, Esther, Mel and Georgina – our amazing crew in the canteen who prepared and cooked all the delicious food.
  • Florina, our queen of the Eiffel Tower cookies, who iced over 600 cookies!
  • Our Monday French teacher, Madame Kelly Marinucci, who came in on her day off to help serve.
  • Our wonderful team of parent helpers who all flocked to the canteen to help prepare, cook and serve the students.
  • Our Year 6 helpers who were so kind to give up their recess time to help sell food and drinks, and;
  • Ruben K. in Year 5 who was a whizz in the kitchen on Wednesday morning preparing crêpe batter, miraculously saving a tray of croissants from landing on the floor and helping wherever he could.

A wonderful event like this cannot happen without so many people getting on board! We truly appreciate your help!

Madame Lauren Ibbotson 

Chaplain Corner

Yesterday morning we had a few creative minds attend Lego Club. The students were to use their imagination and the creations were outta this world.

A big thank you to those who donated Lego, the smile on the kids’ faces as they entered to room said it all.

Alessia Princi 


Uniform Shop


Gratitude to our WPS Community

Thanks to everyone for supporting our French and Halloween recess events

The kids love the fun & excitement and the special treats.

Big thanks to our parent volunteers for coming in to serve the kids.

Special thanks to our Year 3 Mum and artist, Florina, who patiently sits for literally  hours, days on end, adding detail and bringing our cookies to life.

Our events wouldn’t happen without you all!

Sushi week 

Fresh Sushi will be available next week. Pre-orders will open on Thursday.

Five piece packs including Teriyaki Chicken, Vegetarian and Tuna.

Gluten free options available

Summer Surprise!

It’s getting hot, hot, HOT! Delicious pure fruit slushies are now available at the canteen.


Volunteers -We need YOU!

Can you spare a few hours to help us out doing simple kitchen tasks and serving our kids?

Please sign up here or consider Gifting a Shift and we will be able to pay a casual employee to fill a shift. Details on QKR!

We guarantee it’s FUN and you get to check out stage one of our new kitchen!

P&C News: Wembley P&C Family Fun Day – SAVE THE DATE – 26 November, 3pm-8pm

The Wembley Family Fun Day (formerly the Wembley Fete)

Will be coming to life on Saturday 26 November across the school oval, the Community Centre car park and Rutter Park.

There will be market stalls, live entertainment, food trucks, sausage sizzle, amusement rides, animal farm, pony rides plus a dunking machine!

This is the biggest school fundraiser and community event only held once every four years, so don’t miss it!

HUGE thanks to our wonderful sponsors of the Wembley Family Fun Day.

Carols by Candlelight

Also, on the same night, from 7pm-8pm, the Wembley Carols by Candlelight featuring the Wembley Community Orchestra and Choir, as well as local legends Libby Hammer and Ali Boycott, will take place on the school oval to close off the event.

We Need Your Wine!!!

Our wine wall for the WFFD is looking pretty bare at the moment. Could you please spare a bottle of wine (any variety and any value)?

Celebrating Success

Congratulations Theia on your achievement.

Theia represented Western Australia in the International Brazilian Jiujitsu PanPac Kids 2022 on Saturday in Victoria and came 2nd placed.