Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear Parents and Caregivers

It has been a perfect start to the week for the Year 4-6 students who are enjoying interm swimming lessons at Bold Park. With the hot weather comes the need to be SunSmart. Students must wear hats and rehydrate. Please ensure your child’s wide-brimmed hat is clearly labelled with their name. Whilst sunscreen is available at school, it is highly recommended you apply sunscreen at home prior to the school day. 


Teaching and Learning 

Last week Year 5 students put on their spy hats, as a hook for their persuasive Talk for Writing, to complete the secret mission to find the school’s missing key. After they had changed their names, to protect their identities, they used their collaborating, communicating and problem solving skills to answer a range of clues using their spy gadgets. They completed their mission and the key was found in the Middle School elevator. Well done Year 5 students. Mission completed!  


School Board 

  1. The annual open School Board Meeting is scheduled for 5:45pm – 6:15pm on Tuesday 2 March in the school library. All members of the community are welcome to attend. 

Agenda: Principal and School Board Chair welcome address and reports, and the 2021 Business Plan and operational overview. 


2. School Board Meeting 1: For all Board representatives –  5:45-7:30pm on Tuesday 2 March  


  • 2020 Annual Report 
  • Public School Review preparation – Community Engagement domain
  • Board effectiveness survey data analysis 
  • 2021 Draft Budget 


Engagement and Relationships  

Parent Information Sessions  

Tomorrow, classroom teachers will be sharing two videos and the 2021 Parent Information Booklet with you via Seesaw by 5pm. One video will enable you to ‘meet’ your child’s classroom teacher/s through an introductory video so you can put a face to the name if you haven’t met already. A second video will be a narrated presentation which will outline how your child’s classroom will look and feel this year. These videos and the booklet will be sent as a Family Announcement direct to parents through Seesaw. You can view these at a time of your choosing on a mobile device via the Seesaw Family app or log into Seesaw via your browser on a computer. If you aren’t connected to your child’s Seesaw account yet, please check your email inbox for the Seesaw invitation or request an invite from your child’s classroom teacher. A link to a digital form will be shared next week, should you still have questions for the teacher after reading the parent information booklet and viewing the presentation.  


Important Updates: 

Ms Tamara Doig is Acting Principal from Friday, 19 February until Thursday, 25 February while I am attending leadership training. For all urgent communication please contact Tamara via email or by phoning 9253 9400 


Collaborate, Connect, Communicate.

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Donna, Alan, Tamara, Milani and Rachel

Payment Reminder for Online Learning Programs

If you have not done so already, please select the Payments’ tab on Qkr to pay for your child’s/children’s online learning programs. (Please note, these options will remain on the Qkr system even after you have paid.)  Please refer to the information below to ensure accurate payment:

Kindy and Pre-primary Reading Eggs $18.00
Years 1 – 3 Nessy Reading and Spelling $  8.00
Pre-primary – Year 1 Mathseeds $12.00
Years 2 – 6 Mathletics $12.50
Years 1 – 6 Champion Life $  9.00


Ed-u-dance lessons commenced last Tuesday for students in Pre-primary to Year 3.  The cost is $32 for 9 lessons, including the concert.  Full participation in the lessons is dependent upon payment and permission.  If you have not yet paid for these lessons, please go to the Incursions/Excursions tab to make the payment and give permission for your child to attend.


A big thank you to those of you who have already paid your School and P & C Voluntary Contributions via Campion or Qkr. If you have not yet paid these, you can do so by going to the Payments’ tab on Qkr, or by credit card at the school office.

Swimming Training – Years 4-6

Swimming training for our Faction Swimming Carnival and Interschool Carnival has commenced.

Sessions are Wednesday and Friday mornings 7.30-8.15am at Bold Park Aquatic Centre.  Sessions are run by Jayne Malone, Em Roberts, Grant Landers (parents) and Mr Bowman.

The centre has requested that parents do not enter the complex but rather drop-off and pick-up students from the front of the complex.

Students are reminded to bring swimming caps and goggles to training and to pay pool entry on arrival ($4.90 each day). Multi-entry cards are available at the aquatic centre reception. Lane hire will be divided amongst participating students at the completion of the sessions and added as a charge on Qkr. The final session will be Friday 26 March.

Dates for our Carnivals for Years 4-6:

Faction Swimming – Wednesday 10 March at HBF Stadium Outdoor 10-lane Pool

Interschool Swimming – Monday 29 March  at HBF Stadium Inside Pool

If you have any questions, please email Mr Bowman:

Jonathon Bowman

Physical Education Specialist

Faction Swimming Carnival Years 4-6 – Parent Helpers Needed

Our Faction Swimming Carnival for years 4-6, is coming up on Wednesday 10 March. We will require parent helpers on the day for various jobs such as timing, scoring and ribbons. If you are able to assist on the day please contact Em Roberts, who is organising the parent helpers:

The carnival takes place at HBF Stadium from 9.30am until approximately 2.00pm.  It will be held at the 10 lane outdoor pool, so don’t forget your hats and sunscreen.

Thank you

Jonathon Bowman

Physical Education Specialist

Uniform Shop – Exchanges and Returns

This is a reminder from the Uniform Shop that we will be open from 8.30am to 9.30am on Fridays leading up to 4 March.


Purchases must still be made through Flexischools.  As mentioned previously, we encourage Kindy and Pre-primary parents to buy ahead. Please note that sizes 8 upwards can only be purchased by one item per order to be fair to all families within the school.

Warm regards

Nat Ramsay & Suse Havlin

Uniform Shop Coordinators

Wembley Kindy T-Shirts – Order Now

Last day for orders is Friday 19 February 2021

$15 each 

Please go to the Qkr! App (P&C Fundraising and Events’ tab) and order online today.  Choose from 15 colours in either size 4 or 6.

The shirts will be delivered to the classrooms by 15 March.

Wembley Kindy T-shirt’s are a P&C fundraiser and are not compulsory.

For questions, contact or 0414 638 734

Thank you

Bec Guy, Early Childhood Representative

Scholastic Book Club

A warm welcome to everyone.  We are excited to finally kick off Book Club for 2021.  If you are new to Book Club, please find listed here, some simple information to assist with ordering.

Your child will bring home a catalogue from school.  Please note we will not distribute Issue #2 this year due to late arrival of Issue #1 catalogue and this being a short term. Catalogues go home on the Monday and orders close the following Monday.

Order online via Scholastic Australia LOOP website or app

  1. Log in, or create a new account at If you are new to Book Club, follow the Wizard to set up your profile.
  2. Click the ORDER tab and select your school and child’s class
  3. Add your child’s first name and last initial
  4. Enter the product item number shown in the catalogue
  5. Make Credit Card Payment

The books will be delivered to your child’s classroom.  If you are purchasing gifts however, you can select ‘GIFTS’ and they will be held in the Library for your collection.

Thank you for supporting your School.  Wembley Primary School earn ‘Reward Points’ for every purchase which we then use to acquire some fabulous new resources for our school!

Jill Jordan / Kym Devenish


Scoliosis and Colour Blindness Information

Please click here to access the Government of WA Child and Adolescent Health Service information on Colour Blindness.

Please click here to access the Government of WA Child and Adolescent Health Service information on Scoliosis.

Rotary Club of Cambridge – Parenting Bravely

The Rotary Cambridge are hosting a presentation by Helen Davidson on 10 March 2021.

YMCC Hockey Club

Come and try out at our Hockey Skills Clinics which is being held at Wembley Primary School for Years 1 to 6 students.

Whether you’ve played hockey before or are brand new , YMCC Hockey Club would like you to come along to our “Hockey Skills Clinics”.

Dates:  Wednesday 17 and Tuesday 23 February 2021

Where:  School oval

Time 7:45am to 8:30am

Sticks provided but you are welcome to bring your own too.

For more details please contact Mr Edward Hogg on his email:

Wembley Junior Football Club