Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Wembley PS has most certainly hit the ground running with 848 enrolled students!

We appreciate the efforts families are making to get their children to school before the 8:45am siren sounds for Pre-primary to Year 6 students to start their day. It has made for a smooth and confident start, especially with our younger students.

Arrival after the start of the school day at 8:50am is very problematic as parents are not permitted to enter classrooms or verandas, the attendance roll is taken at this time and specialist classes start at 8:50am. Pre-primary to Year 6 students arriving after 8:50am must be accompanied by a parent/carer to the office to collect a late note.


Teaching and Learning

Classrooms are set up to promote learning in an innovative and flexible way, relationships are being formed and strong routines established. This week we launched the whole school Inquiry thread Who am I? Who are We?. The rooms have been buzzing with conversations, thoughts and questions in the Finding Out stage of the Inquiry. The Year 1’s below have thoroughly enjoyed themselves!


New Staff: A welcome the following staff members, new and returning to Wembley for 2021:

  • Sandy Tidboald and Liesel Erskine, Kindy (Term 1) and Sammi O’Donnell, K/PP
  • Emily Powell, Year 2
  • Deirdre Fardell and Aislinn Chinen, Year 3
  • Marissa Powell and Rebecca Webster, Year 4
  • Kirby Harper, Year 6
  • Amanda Schelsher, Art on Monday
  • Mary-Anne Goyder, Music on Monday
  • Alessia Princi, Brandon Layne and Kate Gibson, Special Needs Education Assistants
  • Kath Maingard, Mainstream Education Assistant
  • John Wood, Gardener

Congratulations and welcome to the Administration team Mrs Rachel Cusack. Rachel will be taking over from Deputy Principal, Mrs Milani Grace when she takes leave later this term

Farewell to Mrs Fay Edwards (Music) who is taking 12 months off.

Engagement and Relationships

  1. Attendance

We have a new SMS system for attendance. If your child is away for any reason please SMS 0447 932 933 by 9:30am with the following details:


Child’s name:

Room number:

Brief reason for absence:

An automated SMS will go out to Parent/Guardian contact #1 at 10am each day if your child has been marked as absent by the classroom teacher and no reason has been provided.


  1. Parent Information Sessions – changes

We recognise that the current restrictions as a result of the pandemic places parents and the community in a difficult position in terms of establishing relationships and engaging in your child’s education. Usually you would get an opportunity to meet the teacher and other parents next week at the Parent Information sessions. However due to the 4 square meter rule and the very short term (7 weeks and three days remaining), your child’s class teacher will provide information about the class via a pre-recorded video that you can watch at a time suitable. Following the session, if you still have questions, you will have an opportunity to ask these using a digital format (to be advised) and teachers will answer them in a set of FAQs in the following days.

It was previously advertised that the meetings would be via Zoom, however the Department does not support this platform and we would like to provide families with flexibility in accessing the information using a pre-recorded format. Apologies for the misinformation. In week 9, we will hold parent interviews where you can meet one on one with your child’s teacher/teachers. Teachers will also be present outside classrooms at least twice a week for incidental conversations. If you have pressing concerns, please email your child’s teacher and they will respond within two working days.

Quality Learning Environment

  1. Changes to recess and lunch:

The internal school day has changed due to timetable pressures and to ensure the essential literacy and numeracy learning blocks occur before lunch.

Recess time is now 10:40 – 11:05am and lunch time is 12:55pm – 1:40pm. As a result, the students have reverted back to eating lunch first for 15 minutes followed by play for 30 minutes.

  1. Safety Reminders:

Parents and carers PLEASE:

  • stay off the verandahs before and after school until otherwise advised
  • if your child shows cold/flu like symptoms keep them home from school
  • ensure your child wears a correctly fitted helmet if they are riding bikes, scooters and skateboards to and from school.

Important Updates:

  1. Year 4-6 Interm Swimming

As a result of the COVID-19 restrictions at Bold Park Pool this week, we are only able to secure a one-week swimming time slot in 2021. Therefore, the Year 4-6 interm swimming is for 5 days only beginning Monday 15 February – 19 February.

  • Students have their enrolment forms – check bags today.
  • See Qkr for all details.
  1. The Year 6 leadership assembly / badge presentation will be held on the School Oval on Tuesday 16 February at 2:40pm. Parents of the Year 6 students are invited to attend following COVID-19 guidelines.

Collaborate, Connect, Communicate.

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Donna, Alan, Tamara, Milani and Rachel

Swimming – Years 4 to 6 Five Day Program

Due to the current restrictions around fitness venues, the swimming program has been reduced to five days only.

Swimming lessons will now commence on Monday 15 February for all Year 4 to 6 Students.

The Interm Swimming Enrolment Form needs to be completed and returned by Friday 12 February to the classroom teacher, and payment to be made on the Qkr App by Friday 19 February, or at your earliest convenience.

The swimming lesson times have been allocated for Term 1 for Years 4, 5 and 6. The lessons will be held at Bold Park Aquatic Centre. Lessons start on Monday 15 February 2021 (Week 3) and run for 5 days.

Students in Rooms 23, 16 & 14 will be leaving school at 10.40am and will arrive back at school at approx. 11:55am  (Lesson time 11.00am – 11.40am)


Students in Rooms 21, 22 & 18 will be leaving school at 11.25am and will arrive back at school at approx. 12:40pm  (Lesson time 11.45pm – 12.25pm)


Students in Rooms 20, 15 & 17 will be leaving school at 12.35pm and will arrive back at school at approx. 1:55pm  (Lesson time 12.55pm – 1.40pm)


Students in Rooms 24 & 25 will be leaving school at 1.20pm and will arrive back at school at approx. 2.35pm  (Lesson time 1.40pm – 2.20pm)

Cost of excursion:  $27                          Payment due by   19 / 2 / 2020 

Special requirements/other information:

All students wear their bathers their uniform and pack sandals/slip on shoes for the week to go to and from the pool, to make changing easier for them, goggles, towel and a bag for the wet towel and bathers after swimming. They also need to bring underwear for after swimming.  Please label all items.

This excursion has now been uploaded to Qkr. Please complete payment and permission in a timely manner. If you have any queries about Qkr, please enquire at the office.

Participation in this excursion is dependent upon payment and permission by the due date.

Website Subscription and Class Email Subscription

Please subscribe on the home page of our website. Also please note, your child’s class email subscriptions will no longer be valid. You will need to subscribe to your new class from 1 February 2021 onwards.

Qkr Student Profile

Please update your child’s Student Profile on your Qkr App by updating their new year and class.

Could all new families to the school please download the Qkr App on your device.  Please click on following link for instructions:

marketing_howto_noncanteen (3)

Voluntary School Contributions and P&C Contributions

The amount of school voluntary contributions parents/caregivers are asked to pay is set at $60.00 per student which is in line with the School Education Regulations.

Funds are used to supplement school expenditure in the curriculum areas. While the contributions are voluntary, the quality of our teaching and learning programs is maximised when families make a contribution to supplement the funding received from other sources, including the State and Commonwealth Governments.

If you have not paid your school voluntary contributions via Campion while paying for personal items lists, these can be paid via the Qkr payment app (under the Payments’ tab), or by credit card at the school office.


The P & C is the fundraising body of the school. P & C Contributions help to keep fundraising activities to a minimum.  The P & C donates money to the school, in response to submissions from the school, towards projects and items that directly benefit students.   The P & C voluntary contribution is set at $85.00 per student.

If you have not paid your P & C voluntary contributions via Campion while paying for personal items lists, these can be paid via the Qkr payment app (under the Payments’ tab), or by credit card at the school office.

The school collects P & C Voluntary Contributions on behalf of the P & C and transfers the funds to the P & C bank account.


The Qkr payment app is the school’s preferred payment method and is a secure and convenient way to pay for school excursions, incursions and other payments anytime, anywhere, using your phone or another device.

Please ensure that the following information is selected correctly in Qkr when choosing an event/item for your child:

  • Ensure that the correct child is selected for each relevant excursion, incursion or payment.
  • If both parents/caregivers have the Qkr app, please communicate with each other to ensure that payments are not duplicated (paid by each parents on separate devices).
  • If you were using Qkr in 2020, you will be required to update your child/ren’s Year and Form group profiles for 2021.

Qkr PAYMENTS/School Payments Tab:  Please select this option to pay for your voluntary contributions (if not previously paid) and online learning programs. Please note, these options will remain on the Qkr system even after you have paid).  Please refer to the online learning information below before making the payment on Qkr:

Kindy and Pre-primary Reading Eggs $18.00
Years 1 – 3 Nessy Reading and Spelling $  8.00
Pre-primary – Year 1 Mathseeds $12.00
Years 2 – 6 Mathletics $12.50
Years 1 – 6 Champion Life $  9.00


Qkr EXCURSIONS AND INCURSIONS Tab:  Please select this option to pay for and give permission for all excursions and incursions throughout the year.  Notification from the teacher, with details of the event, will be sent home before the event is loaded onto Qkr.  If you have notifications activated on your device, you will also receive a push notification once the event has been loaded.

Please come and see us in the administration area if you have any questions regarding Qkr.

School Uniform Shop

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Good news for families needing school uniforms! The WPS uniform shop will remain open until March 3, 2021 after our planned transition to Perm-A-Pleat was delayed until mid-March. Orders can be placed through Flexischools for delivery dates on February 19 and 26 and March 4. Please note that all orders must be placed by 1.45pm the day before delivery.

We are well stocked with polo shirts, shorts and zipper jackets in sizes 4 and 6, however stocks are severely limited for sizes 8 and up in all uniform items. To be fair to all school families, at this stage we can only allow 1 (one) item per order of all size 8s and above.

Please be aware that some items are out of stock and due to delays caused by the covid-19 pandemic we will not be able to stock them before the move to Perm-A-Pleat. Some items, including size 8 mesh polos and size 10 cotton polos take approximately 10-12 weeks to arrive once Perm-A-Pleat places the order, so parents and caregivers need to be patient. Sizes 6 and above of the wet weather jackets will be available from Perm-A-Pleat from mid-March.

The P&C are working hard to make this a seamless transition over to Perm-A-Pleat however there will be issues and we appreciate your patience. Please also remember the Uniform shop is run by volunteers who are extremely busy during this period and will endeavour to deliver uniforms and return emails in a timely fashion. We are also investigating a secondhand clothing platform and we will update accordingly.

Flexischools will be open for orders from Wednesday, February 10, and we will only list items that are in stock. We especially encourage parents in Kindy and Pre-primary to order ahead for their children for the coming years, as the prices will remain at a lower cost until the transition to  Perm-A-Pleat  is complete. There will be updates weekly as to how our stock is running. If there are any questions please make sure that you contact us at to eliminate further work for Administration.

As there are still restrictions in place due to covid-19 we cannot open this Friday, but our volunteers will be able to deliver to classrooms any urgent orders that are required, including orders that were not collected at the Try&Buy in January. Exchanges and returns can be processed once we reopen next week. New students to the school will be able to come to the shop for sizing via appointment only through the above email address.

Warm regards,

Nat Ramsay and Suse Havlin

Uniform Shop Coordinators

The Hungry Lion Canteen

The Hungry Lion Canteen opens tomorrow, Wednesday 10 February

We are kicking off the 2021 year with some fresh changes to our canteen.

There have been some changes to this ordering system, which we believe will make ordering your lunch easy. Check the drop boxes on line to see options.

To place online orders, you will need a Quickcliq account for each child if you haven’t got one already.

Cash orders can be placed at the canteen counter from 8:20am each day.

View our fresh new term one menu  here


We take allergies and dietary requirements seriously. Please remember to add your allergy to the allergen box on Quickcliq so we are aware and we promise to give extra care to your order.

Many dishes are available Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Vegetarian. Check the drop boxes with each meal.


The canteen can only continue to offer fresh and healthy food for our children with the help of parent volunteers. It really is fun and the kids get a thrill seeing their parents in the canteen!

We have a online roster that you can sign up to, please click here

We still have spaces that need filling THIS WEEK. Please, if you have an hour or so spare, come help us out.

P&C Class Representatives Needed for 2021

Being a Class Representative is a great way to get to know the kids and parents in your class and make a contribution to the school community. The role mainly involves organising some social catch ups over the year, keeping the class updated on any P&C news and forwarding P&C email communications.

If you would like to be the rep for your child’s 2021 class, please email Pip Browning at

Churchlands Senior High School – Academic Extension Program

Please click on below links for more information on the Churchlands SHS Academic Extension Program.

2020 AEP Parent Information Morning Presentation

If you would like your child to sit the HAST test for our Academic Extension Program, application forms can be downloaded from:

Testing on Saturday 27 February 2021.

Triple P Positive Parenting Program

Wembley District Netball Club

Registrations for this year’s Winter Netball Season are now open!

Wembley District Netball Club is for Wembley Primary School students in Years 2-6.

If your child is interested in playing this year please contact:

Registrations close 14 February 2021.

Game days are:

NSG (Yr2-5) Friday after school (commencing 7 May 2021)

Junior (Yr6) Saturday mornings (commencing 8 May 2021)

Chess for Life

Floreat Park Tennis Club Program

Please click on the following link for program details held at Wembley Primary School on basketball courts in mornings before school and other junior programs run by the club.

Term 1 2021 Tennis starting 9 February 2021

Term 1 2021 Tennis Junior Program

Mark Lee Football Coaching

We are delighted to be able to offer the program again in Term 1 and appreciate all of the support from the school and parents.

Please simply email to register your child.

Day:     Thursday’s 7.30am-8.30am

Date:    18 February to 24 March

Cost:    $119 for 6 weeks

Hope to hear from you soon!

Best Wishes

Mark & The MLFC Team

Mark Lee Football Coaching

0430 788 703

Twitter – @MarkLeeFC

Young Engineers Club

Young Engineers Club (YEC) (Thursday & Friday after school from 3:30pm) – Young Engineers is on again in Term 1, 2021. Students interested in hands-on STEAM will now get their chance to build like never before. If you’ve enrolled in Young Engineers before, you will get an email invitation when registration opens. If you’ve never heard of Young Engineers before, you are welcome to place your details on the waitlist. Please follow the links below for more info.

Pre-Primary – Yr 1 students | every Thursday OR Friday 3:30pm-4:45pm (Wembley PS – Science Room)
Build, build & more building… learning engineering by building Lego prototypes of historical, modern and functional machines. STEAM can’t be any more real and fun. Starts Week 2 of Term 1.

Yr 2-6 students | every Thursday 3:30pm-4:45pm (Wembley PS – STEAM Room)
All past and present Lego engineering students can now level up and add electronics engineering to their portfolio. We build awesome electronic devices such as FM radio, solar powered lights and much more… while learning about electronics. Starts week 2 of Term 1.

Join the waitlist:
Enquiries: / 0406 542 912

Kind Regards,

Ryan Paramor

Phone: 0406 542 912

Redhage Basketball