Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear Parents and Caregivers

We are already in the fourth week of a short term and as I walk around the school, it is wonderful to see motivated students engaged in deep thinking and diving straight into learning with resilience, courage and commitment. Swimming lessons are over for another year for our Year 4-6 students while our junior students are dancing up a storm in their Edu Dance classes.

We wish you a safe and happy long weekend ahead and look forward to seeing you all back on Tuesday 2 March ready for the final 5 weeks of Term 1.

Teaching and Learning

Two strategies for improvement in the current school Business Plan include equipping students with the social/emotional skills and learning dispositions to engage in the curriculum with confidence and maintaining a focus on oral language and vocabulary as a foundation for enhancing writing using the Talk 4 Writing framework.

In Room 27 this Term, Year 3 students have been working hard on writing effective sentences while also thinking about how they can be imaginative and engage in creative habits of learning. Ms Leila Sugden co-developed a split-screen learning intention with the students so they could focus on both effective sentences and thinking about how they could be more imaginative in their writing.

Ms Sugden modelled this writing, some collaborative work was done with peers, and then students independently used these skills to create effective and imaginative sentences using picture prompts.

I think you’ll agree, these Year 3s are set to become skilled and effective writers. Congratulations Ari on some great writing!


Our new Year 6 student leadership team, led by Head Girl Juliet K and Head Boy Lachlan P, presented their first whole school assembly today online via WebEx. This format was used in 2020 to connect our whole school, deliver important messages, present merit certificates to deserving students and provide leadership opportunities for our elected Year 6 students. This format will continue in 2021 due to the growing enrolment of our school and continuing to ensure we adhere to COVID-19 guidelines.

A difference this year is to bring back a spotlight on our students in the classroom, with every class given an opportunity to celebrate their learning by sharing a pre-recorded video with the whole school during assemblies. We hope you enjoy this item by Year 5s in Room 24. Thank you to Mrs Geelhoed and Mrs Turner for their work in preparing for the video, please click here to view

Engagement and Relationships

Parent Information Sessions – Feedback and Questions

Last Wednesday, classroom teachers shared two videos and the 2021 Parent Information Booklet with you via Seesaw to enable you to ‘meet’ your child’s classroom teacher/s through an introductory video and listen to a narrated presentation about your child’s classroom learning this year. As promised a link to a digital form will be shared with you tomorrow via email. This will provide an opportunity to ask any questions you still have for the teachers after reading the parent information booklet and viewing the presentation and for us to gather feedback on the format.

Although the sessions looked and felt different to previous years, we are hoping the flexibility of accessing the information at a time of your choosing will suit busy parents and enable us to reach more family members who perhaps would not have been able to make it to the face to face sessions in the past. We would appreciate you filling out the short digital form by next Tuesday 2 March.

Community Engagement

You, as parents and carers are important partners with us in your children’s education. As we did in Week 1 of term, we are inviting you into the classroom using a pre-booked staggered start time when we return from the long weekend on Tuesday 2 March. As the square metre rule has been relaxed from 4 square metres to two, we can invite more of you in at one time. To minimise disruptions to learning time, the available times will start from 8:30am and conclude at 9am from Pre-primary to Year 6. Kindergarten parents are also invited to book a time via the link below. This is a time for you to spend a few minutes in the learning environment with your child, say hello to the teacher and for your child to show you their classroom.

Please follow this link to book your time on Tuesday 2 March:

Bookings for our usual parent-teacher meetings in Week 9 will also be advertised in the coming weeks, enabling you to have important face-to-face conversations about your child’s progress, academically and socially.

In the meantime, for more urgent meetings or longer conversations about your child please email your child’s classroom teacher, allowing two working days for a response.

We also encourage you to join the Welcome Picnic on the school oval this Friday afternoon so you can have the chance to engage socially with other families and connect with the community.

Important Updates:

Ms Tamara Doig is Acting Principal from Friday 19 February until Thursday 25 February while I am attending leadership training. For all urgent communication please contact Tamara via email or by phoning 9253 9400


 Collaborate, Connect, Communicate.

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Donna, Alan, Tamara, Milani and Rachel

Payment and Permission Overdue for EDU-DANCE for Years PP and Years 1, 2 and 3

Thank you to all the parents in PP and Years 1, 2 and 3, that have already paid and given permission for Edu-Dance. For those parents who have not yet given permission and paid on Qkr, this is now overdue.  Payments were due on 15 February.

To ensure your child can participate in the Edu-Dance Concert, please make payment and give permission on Qkr immediately.   Go to the Incursions/Excursions tab and select Edu-Dance. The cost is $32 for 9 lessons, including the concert.  Thank you.


Payment Reminder  Faction Swimming Carnival for Years 4, 5 and 6

The Faction Swimming Carnival (for Years 4,5,6 students only) will be held on Wednesday 10 March.  The total cost is $14. Payment is due by 5 March. 

To ensure your child can attend please make payment and permission on Qkr as soon as possible. Go to the Incursions/Excursions tab and select Faction Swimming Carnival.

Thank you to the parents who have already paid and given permission.

Book Club Changes – Issue #2

In the last newsletter I mentioned we would not be distributing Issue #2 due to late delivery of Issue #1 catalogues.  Turns out Issue #1 catalogues arrived too late to distribute so we will start the year with Issue #2!!  These will go out in Week 5. Any families who have already logged on and have ordered from Issue #1 will still receive their items – thank you.  Our apologies for any confusion.

Jill Jordan / Kym Devenish


Wembley Primary School P&C 2021 Welcome Picnic

Wembley Primary School P&C invite you to attend the 2021 WELCOME PICNIC this Friday 26 February from 4-6pm on the school oval.

This is a great way to meet other Wembley families, especially if you are new to the school. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the P&C, what they do and how you can become involved.

Pack a picnic & rug, bring some drinks and come along for a fun afternoon.  Please note ALL CHILDREN MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT.

A bouncy castle is being provided for the kids and there will be gelato and coffee available to purchase (card payments preferred please).

There will also be a few surprises as well!

Hope to see you there.

Monsterella Pizzas for Welcome Picnic

Monsterella are joining the WPS P&C Welcome Picnic on Friday by taking pre-orders for pizzas!

ALL pizza orders for Friday’s picnic need to be emailed to Victoria Martelli at

ALL pre-orders required by 9am Thursday 25 February.

All of Monsterella’s pizzas are available for pre-order at the special price of $18 basic and $20 others.

Each order will receive a text message on Friday to advise their collection time, which will be between 4-5pm on Friday 26 February.

Of course you can always walk across to Monsterella after 5pm on Friday and order as usual.

Huge thanks to Tania and the Monsterella team for assisting with our welcome picnic.

P&C Kindy/PP Subcommittee AGM

The P&C Kindy/PP Subcommittee AGM will be held tomorrow Wednesday 24 February at 7.30pm in the Kindy rooms.

We hope to see you at the AGM.

Kind regards

Laura Campbell


Save the date! P&C Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 3 March, 7.30pm in the school library

Do you love behind-the-scenes access and crave exclusive content? Join the P&C!

The P&C is a fantastic way to be involved in the school community and to have your say on the P&C’s activities for the coming year. There are lots of different ways to be involved, with levels of commitment to suit everyone’s circumstances. The P&C meets once a term for about an hour, and the best time to join is at the AGM next week.

We have elected officials, including president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, WACSSO rep, communications officer and sub-committee convenors. The elected officials form our executive committee and are expected to attend one general meeting a term plus executive meetings as required. This year, we strongly encourage people to nominate for the secretary position – we have been without a secretary for months and desperately need someone! You are also welcome to nominate for any of the other positions.

We also have a range of sub-committees which are always keen for fresh ideas and enthusiasm. Sub-committee members are asked to attend at least one sub-committee meeting a term, and it is a great way to meet other parents and help decide the direction of P&C activities. Sub-committees include fundraising, canteen, uniform shop, community engagement, social media and K/PP.

The P&C also welcomes general committee members, who are encouraged to attend P&C general meetings to vote on issues facing the P&C.

Last, but definitely not least, we love all our of parent volunteers! The P&C is a parent-run, volunteer, not-for-profit organisation, and we could not continue without parents sharing their time, skills and experience. Volunteers do not have to be P&C members, and everyone is welcome to do what they can, when they can.

If you want to know more about the P&C or positions, please email Tiffany at

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM!

Tiffany Fox


P&C  Association 

Harmony Week

Monday 15 March to Friday 19 March 2021 is Harmony Week.  Wembley PS is celebrating Harmony Week with some special activities.  On Wednesday 17 March the students and teachers wear orange (Harmony Week colour) or their National costumes.  On this day the canteen will serve orange food at recess and Mexican food for lunch.

There is a writing competition for the students to do at home, with a Dymock’s Book voucher as a prize for the winning students from each group, PP to Year 2, Year 3 to 4 and Year 5 to 6.

The students can write a poem, story or persuasive text on the theme ‘Belonging’.  Entries are due on the morning of Thursday 11 March.  Students please place your entries in your year level box in the library.


Frozen Treats

It’s HOT out there!!

We have icy cold drinks and frozen yoghurt, ice cream, save the planet pops and homemade sugar free choc pops available each day at lunchtime and afterschool on Fridays.

Order via Quickcliq with your lunch orders or the canteen accepts cash orders.

Recipe development is underway on our fresh fruity smoothie pops-pure fresh fruit and yoghurt -that’s all! Coming soon!

New Menu Item

Debuting this week was our Balinese Chicken Satay with Coconut Rice.

A nut free satay recipe developed in our kitchen especially for our WPS students.

It scored a BIG thumbs up from our junior tasting panel!

Loaded with hidden vege, it is nut free, gluten free, dairy free and sesame free so it covers most allergy bases and has a crisp salad garnish.

Available for lunch on Mondays so parents can really enjoy Sunday afternoons without the worry of packing lunches.

Volunteer Roster

Sadly, our roster has many spaces empty this week. We need YOU!

The best way to see exactly what we are serving to our school community, is to spend a few hours in the kitchen with us.

We strive to serve the most exciting variety of fresh, homemade treats to our children.

Please, come in, make a cuppa with your hot muffin, serve the children and help out with a bit of food prep and chat to like minded parents. It really is fun and your kids LOVE seeing you serve them and you might like it so much, you’ll sign up again!

Sign up or pop in to let us know if you only have 30 minutes or an hour spare. We always have something to do!

Sign up to our roster  by clicking here

Year One Frozen Treats

Something new parents to the big school may not be aware of is that we can’t pack frozen treats into our lunch boxes.

If your child has a frozen treat ordered via Quickcliq, they need to bring their lunch bag back to the canteen after they have eaten their lunch. We will keep their treat icy cold until then.

Canteen Days

Remember, canteen is open Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, but closed on Tuesdays.

Competition – Design an Olive Oil Label

Calling all students – Design an Olive Oil label

The P&C, with the kind support of Alexandra Bridge Olives, is releasing limited-edition bottles of gourmet olive oil, but we need labels! Your challenge is to design a label for Wembley Primary School Olive Oil that is bright, bold and exciting. A selection of labels will be chosen by a panel of P&C members and an Alexandra Bridge Olives representative for printing.

Label templates are available from the front office or email Entries must be returned to the box in the office by 9am on Friday, 26 February.

Tiffany Fox


P&C  Association 

Mulberry Tree Kids Club

We would like to advise that Mulberry Tree Kids Club, have decided to discontinue the bus run to Wembley Primary School next term.

Thanks for your help and cooperation over the years.

Kind regards

Sarah Dedman

OSHC Manager

Mulberry Tree Kids Club

Phone: (08) 9383 7145  Mobile: 0429 513 537

On site at Lake Monger School, 26  Dodd St, Wembley WA 6014

YMCC Hockey Club

We really hoped you enjoyed the free hockey skills sessions. Registrations are now open for Minkeys and Year 1 to 6 by visiting

Please contact Edward Hogg on email for further information or any help that you may need!