Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear Parents and Caregivers 

Last week’s French recess was incroyable! Many thanks to Madame Ibbotson, our fabuleuse canteen manager Genna and the merveilleuse parent volunteers for your inspiration and skill. It was the busiest day on record!  

Teaching and Learning: 

Science Week was launched with a bang yesterday – quite literally! Year 5/6 students started the day with a ‘Lava Lamp’ Science show before school by combining oil, water, food colouring and fizzing tablets to demonstrate the properties of oil and water in a very fun way. At lunch time, there was lots of excitement as the first of the water bottle rockets were launched on the oval. The science festivities will continue throughout the week with more beforeschool and lunchtime science demonstrations, in-class activities involving hunting for minibeasts and their life cycles in the school gardens, solving scientific challenges through digital quizzes, Year 11 Churchlands SHS students assisting in the Science room and Dr Asha Bowen visiting with a team from the Telethon Kids Institute for students to see a real life demonstration by scientists. Wembley is powered by STEAM this week!  


Congratulations to our amazing Deputy Principal, Tamara Doig who was selected for the inaugural Aspirant Principal Preparation Program (APPP). This program is a part of a professional learning suite and a cornerstone of the Department’s Leadership Strategy.  

Student leadership – We are at the exciting point of our new faction name process; voting time for our Year 3-6 students! Miss Cox, Ms Chadbourne and Mrs McGovern have lead our student leaders through a rigorous change process. This process was presented to the School Board by Year 6 leaders Charlotte, Henry, Ella and Ben in Week 8. Prior to voting, students will have the final eight nominees; indigenous and non-indigenous Western Australian men and women presented via a video link. The videos introduce the candidates; Barbara Jackson, Dr Glenda Kickett, Dr Fiona Stanley, Edith CowanRic Charlesworth, Tim Winton, Ernie Dingo and Graham (Polly) Farmer. Their significant contributions, decorations, the values they have exhibited throughout their lives and how their work aligns with our School CARES values are highlighted in the videos 

The new Faction names will be announced during the WebEx assembly on Thursday morning, prior to approval from the individuals/families.  

Learning Environment: 

Last Friday we celebrated the completion of the playground improvement – the junior primary playground featuring the climbing frame and boat.  

School Oval 

Over the past two years and nine months, the continuous repair of the oval has been a costly drain on resources and limited the enjoyment of the facility due to its poor condition. The oval issues have been repeatedly communicated through newsletters, Board and P&C reports. However, after many conversations with the Department, the school made the decision to ‘save’ the oval by installing a permanent fence.    

  1. The temporary fence has been repeatedly reported as a safety hazard and the Council have instructed us to remove it.
  2. The oval surface has not been restored to a manageable state even after the P&C, school and Department have spent in excess of $70,000 with number of external experts guiding the ongoing program of repair.
  3. The compact rates remain well above expected levels after nearly two years of keeping the general public off the oval. 

While this may not be a popular decision in the short term, we have 825 students who need a healthy, green oval to play on as it is the only open space we have. 

 It seems that most of the longterm issues with the turf are caused under certain conditions, for example, using the oval immediately following rain causes significant damage. The fence provides an opportunity to better manage the turf and prevent it from degrading again to a point where recovery is timeconsuming and costly. If and when the oval is healthy, the gates will be open to encourage community use. If it is not healthy, the gates will be closed to give the turf time to repair.  

Collaborate, Connect, Communicate. 

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Donna, Alan, Milani, Tamara

Celebrating Success – AMC and ICAS


We are excited to announce that three Wembley students have been awarded a prize in the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC), achieving results in the top 0.03% of the state. Congratulations to Ben T (Year 3), Thomas D (Year 4) and Mason H (Year 5).

We also congratulate the following seven students who were awarded a High Distinction.

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Daniel J Elizabeth S Cassie L Jayden Y
Wenbo L Ben T
Aaliyah B

 A further 38 students were awarded a Distinction in this national problem solving competition. The official certificates will arrive next term and will be awarded at assembly. All students should feel very proud of their achievements and willingness to have a go at this very challenging competition.


A large number of Year 4-6 students also participated in the UNSW ICAS competition in English and Maths. We are also pleased to announce that we have two students who have achieved in the Top 1% in Australia in English and three students who are in the Top 1% in Australia in Maths. What an outstanding achievement. Congratulations to Cassie L (Year 5) and Jayden Y (Year 6) for their results in English and Thomas D (Year 4), Cassie L (Year 5) and Jayden Y (Year 6) for their results in Maths. The official certificates will arrive and be awarded in Term 4.

The following students were awarded a Distinction in English (Top 10% of participants in Australia) 

Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Seb H Aaron C Chloe E
Charlie J Hugo L Zoe H
Denver J Oliver P Chenghan L
Owen L Sasha S Faith L
Jessi L Charlotte M
Ben T Sachi S
Elizabeth S Ella T
Laraine Z

 The following students were awarded a Distinction in Maths (Top 10% of participants in Australia) 

Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Ethan L Jessica T Matthew B
Charlie J Jesse P Billy B
Mitchell P Michael N Chenghan L
Zephyr T Sasha S Faith L
Yixiang Y Zavie C
Ben T Sachi S
Elizabeth S Fintan H
Oscar J
Hayley K
Rhea P
Samson P
Kieran T

 The official certificates will arrive and be awarded in Term 4. Congratulations to all ICAS participants. You should be very proud of your acheivements.


School Photo Update

School photos will be available to view and order early next term.

Notifications will be sent via email or paper notes, depending on your previous order history.

No action is required until you receive these notifications.

Thank you.

Grant Taylor

0487 304 616

Wembley PS Music Showcase

With performances from Junior Choir, Senior Choir, Petite Chorale, Concert Bank, IMSS Students and more.  This performance is not to be missed.

Please click here to view.

Katherine (Kate) Goyder 
Music Specialist 
Wembley PS (Tuesday – Friday)

Library – Book Week Parade

Cookie Dough Fundraiser Finished – Prize Ordering

WEMBLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL, we did it! We sold 1063 tubs of cookie dough and made a profit of $3,720.50!  This money will go a long way to helping the Year 6s attend their camp and graduation. We are very grateful for your support.

Now the Billy G’s Cookie Dough Fundraiser has finished it’s time to order your prizes. If you created a fundraising page then you need to visit your online page at and order your prizes.  You have until this Friday 25 September to order your prizes.

A massive thank you for all of your support throughout the fundraiser. It is greatly appreciated and we couldn’t have done it without you!

The cookie dough will be available for collection on a specific day in Week 1 next term. Please stay tuned for further details.

We hope you all enjoy your delicious cookie dough.

Year 6 Learning Team

French Recess

The students took a little trip to Paris on Wednesday 16 September where they were delighted with the sights, smells and flavours of all things French! Our French themed recess was a huge success with students being treated to a delicious range of French cuisine including croissants, crêpes, mousses au chocolat, limonade, pommes noisettes and the very popular Eiffel Tower cookies. A big MERCI to the amazing Genna, her team of parent helpers and our year 6 student helpers who worked so hard to make the recess a success!

Madame Ibbotson

Thank you to Wembley Supa IGA

The P&C would like to thank Jye, the IGA team and local families for a $5,300 donation from Wembley Supa IGA’s Reward Program.

Did you know that every time you scan your Wembley Supa IGA rewards card, you earn one point for every dollar spent?  You can then donate part or all of your points to a local community organisation of your choice.

We feel extremely grateful to be surrounded by such a supportive community and every dollar donated is fed back into the educational resources, playgrounds and experiences of Wembley Primary School’s students.


President, P&C Association

Floreat Park Tennis Club – Term 4 Program and Holiday Program

Please find attached the program for Term 4 for tennis lessons at WPS on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, along with details regarding the holiday program.  The enrolment form is on the bottom of the program.  There is also a special half price offer for all year 6 students.

News 10 Tennis at WPS Term 4 2020 Form

Please find attached the program for Term 4 for tennis lessons at the Floreat Park Tennis Club.

News 10 Tennis at Club Term 4 2020 Junior Program

For all enquiries, please contact:



Mailing address:  PO Box 46, Scarborough WA 6922

Community Notice

Kids Gardening Club – Term 4

The Perth City Farm in East Perth are a 26 year old Urban Farm focused on providing space and opportunities to build community connections, and educate and enable people to live sustainably.

We have recently acquired funding from the City of Perth to launch a ‘Kids Garden Club’ that will run during term 4. We want to promote connections between our younger generations and the natural environment.

As the City Of Perth has no primary schools within its boundaries, we are reaching out to surrounding schools.
The program will run 4-5pm Wednesdays, after school, from October 21 – December 9. All materials and equipment will be supplied. The kids will have their own vegetable patch to plant, look after and harvest. We will explore seeds, flowers, plants, bugs, compost and soil – everything permaculture & cool in the garden. We’ll even make worm farms and native bee hotels!

The program is open to upper primary kids only (Years 4, 5, and 6) and it is $30 per student for the full program.

Parents can register via which is also the official event page. Places are limited.

Community Notice

Newman Churchlands Swim Club

Our OPEN DAY for NEW MEMBERS to be assessed by our Head Coach is Sunday 11 October from 2pm to 3.30pm.  Committee Members will be on site to assist swimmers and parents with queries about our swim squads.

RLS swimming lessons assessments will also be available on the day to gauge what level your child is at for our lessons program due to run over the December 2020/January 2021 school holidays.

For further information, please visit our website –

Or email us at