Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear Parents and Caregivers 

I trust you all had a wonderful holiday! Our students have returned with a renewed energy, focus and loads of enthusiasm after the extended break.

Thank you for your support and very positive feedback around the Inquiry Showcase. The students were very proud to share their work and achievements, and we were excited to have parents so deeply engaged in the learning process. Term 4s whole school Inquiry is ‘Change’, a flexible topic that gives each Year level an opportunity to dive deeply into their curriculum. As a result, a number of interesting topics have been selected. I’m sure you will soon hear all about it!

Today we hosted the Governor’s School STEM Awards 2020 Judging Panel. Our STEAM leaders met with the panel to discuss WPS’s approach to STEAM and demonstrated the links to specialist programs, Inquiry projects and cross curricular plans. There was a Q&A session with student representatives from Years 1-6, all who spoke with deep understanding and enthusiasm about STEAM design and integration.

The winner will be announced at the Awards Ceremony at Government House on 24 November.

Year 6 Camp

On Wednesday, 21 October, the Year 6s head to Forest Edge Camp School near Waroona. As you are aware, the traditional cake-stall fundraising events were cancelled due to COVID. Alternative activities had to be organised late last term to subsidise the Year 6 expenditure and address the significant, unexpected increase in camp costs. The Wembley parents and Year 6 teachers came to the party with the Cookie Dough drive, plant stall and Bunnings sausage sizzle. As a result of this outstanding support and the funds raised, our students are all able to attend camp at a reduced price.

We wish our graduating class a wonderful experience and look forward to the stories of adventures had on their return.

Term 4 Operations – Phase 4

The Government’s announcement that WA will remain in Phase 4 of the Road Map to Recovery has implications for Term 4. We will continue to:

  • drop off and collect students in the designated pick up zones.
  • respectfully request parents to continue to stay out of classrooms and off verandas.
  • sign in all visitors and volunteers at the front office.
  • email the class teacher and when parents are collecting and/or dropping off students during school hours for appointments. Include details and the time and we will ensure your child is signed in/out and ready to be collected from the Simper St gate.

Unfortunately, this announcement impacts on some of our traditional Term 4 events held indoors and auditoriums. Namely the All Stars concert and the Year 6 Graduation ceremony. We have taken the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 All Stars concert, however, we are currently working hard on alternative venues /plans for the Year 6 graduation ceremony.

2021 Class Requests

Towards the end of this term, staff will begin establishing classes for 2021 following the WPS Class Placement Policy.

As a part of the process students complete socio-grams to include the names of four friends and four peers they work best with. Staff endeavour to ensure at least one friend and one peer is placed in a class with them.

If you have a special request based on academic, social, emotional or behavioural concerns you are invited to write to the Principal, email  by Monday, 23 November 2020.

All requests will be considered, although it is important to note, may not be granted. Please note that specific teacher requests will not be considered.

World Teachers’ Day Friday 30 October

Next Friday is World Teachers’ Day.  2020 has been a different year and we are very proud of our teachers who have continued to embrace change, show resilience and professionalism.

Students are encouraged to show their appreciation to their teacher/s by writing a certificate (this will be coming home in school bags on Monday to be returned next Friday) and/or picking a flower from the garden, drawing a picture or making a gift.

Collaborate, Connect, Communicate. 

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Donna, Alan, Milani, Tamara

Planning for 2021

In order to effectively plan the school structure for the 2021 school year, we request that you notify us, via email: if your child/children will not be returning to WPS in 2021.   Alternatively, please click on below link to print out slip and hand into office.

Student Leaving Return Slip for Emailing

Book Club Issue 7

Book Week Parade Thursday 29 October

P&C Lapathon – Friday 30 October

Click here to download your sponsors form.

Churchlands Senior High School –  Year 7, 2021 ICT Information Night

January VacSwim Programs

Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the summer school holidays.

VacSwim in January offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations during the long break. Not only are they a great school holiday activity, they teach valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.

Your children can start as young as five years old.

Don’t wait! Enrol your children in VacSwim now at


Rotary Cambridge Schools’ Program

Mark Lee Football Coaching – Term 4 Program

We are delighted to return in Term 4!

Please see below all of the information:-

  • Thursday 29 October to Thursday 3 December (6 weeks)
  • 7.30am – 8.30am
  • $119 per child

Children in K, PP, Yr 1 and Yr 2 will be taken to class after the session by my staff and I.

Simply reply to my email if you would you like to register your child.

Many thanks


Mark Lee Football Coaching

0430 788 703

Twitter – @MarkLeeFC

Community Notice – Kids in the Garden