Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear Parents and Caregivers

This week we celebrate community engagement with the Book Week parade, P&C Colour Run lap-a-thon and World Teachers’ Day. The parade and lap-a-thon will be held on the school oval, where parents are able to socially distance.

· Book Week Parade: For Pre-primary to Year 6 on Thursday at 9am

· Due to the weather forecast the Colour Run Lap-a-thon will take place on Friday morning instead of Friday afternoon.

9am – 9:40am Kindy – Year 2

9:40am – 10-20am Years 3-6

Children are to wear their brightest colours and please ensure your child has a hat, sunscreen and a water bottle for this event.

· World Teachers’ Day: All students are encouraged to write a certificate to their teacher/s and hand it to them on Friday. They have been provided with a certificate. If students would like to complete a certificate for their specialist teachers, please follow the link and scroll down to ‘gift tags and thank you cards’.

Year 6 Camp

The Year 6 students experienced a wonderful outdoor adventure camp at Forest Edge Camp School, Waroona, last week. They achieved personal goals, took risks, formed new friendships and bonded as a cohort. Camp staff reported excellent manners, commitment, initiative and teamwork, making us very proud!

Many thanks to our awesome Year 6 teachers, as well as Mrs Pratley and Mr Ramsey who endured long days and sleepless nights to ensure the students’ experience will remain with them for a lifetime.

Senior Choir

Congratulations to the senior choir and Year 6 soloist Felicity who featured on Telethon on Sunday evening performing a rendition of the Foo Fighters ‘Times Like These’. Miss Goyder worked her magic to ensure our students were well prepared and confident during filming. The Massed Choir, led by Mary-Anne Goyder, featuring over 1000 public school students from across Western Australia was spine tingling! If you missed it, it is on the Telethon7 Perth Facebook page.

School Board

The Board meets tonight at 5:45pm. Agenda items include:

· 2021 Planning

· 2020 Business Plan Target Review and future focus

· Attendance report

· School Review planning for March 2021

The Term 4 learning-plan overviews outlining the Inquiry thread for each Year level will be posted on the class blogs on Friday afternoon.

Collaborate, Connect, Communicate. 

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Donna, Alan, Milani, Tamara

Book Week Parade –  Thursday 29 October

P&C Lapathon –   Friday 30 October – Change of Times

Due to weather forecast of 36 degrees, there is a change of time.

Kindy to Year 2  will now be from 9am until 9.40am

Years 3 to 6 will now be from 9.45am until 10.25am

Do not forget to dress in your brightest clothes.

World Teachers’ Day – Friday 30 October

This Friday, October 30, Wembley Primary School is celebrating World Teachers’ Day!

This day represents a significant token of the awareness, understanding and appreciation displayed for the vital contribution teachers make to education and a child’s development.

The P&C are assisting by hosting a morning tea.  We would love your help and support by bringing in a small plate of sweet or savoury baked goods for the celebratory morning tea to be held at the school for the teaching staff this Friday morning. Please keep in mind we have very little refrigerator space, so please bring food that will survive at room temperature!

It would be greatly appreciated if you would please bring in your baking donations, before school, to the staffroom. We also need volunteers to help set up in the morning and to pack away after morning tea.

Please contact Natalie Ramsay if you are able to help:

Canteen News

The Desperately Seeking Domestic Gods and Goddesses!

Of course, we’re joking-no great domestic skills are required but a fun and willing attitude is favourable!

Our canteen volunteer roster still has many vacancies for this term and we need your help! One shift a term is all that is required if many people can commit to just one shift.

Simple sandwich prep, baking and basic food prep are all that we require with the most fun job-serving the at kids recess and lunch.

You will be rewarded with great conversation, homebaked sweet treats, tea and coffee.

The shifts are 9-11am, 10.15am-1.15pm or 10.30am-1.30pm and you can sign up here

If you find yourself with a little bit of spare time but can’t commit to a prep shift, we always need help on the counter to serve the kids over recess 10.30-11am or the lunch break 12.15-1.15

Give us a call on 9253 9424 if you can help out serving.

Trust us when we say you’re kids love to see you in the canteen! It’s like being rocketed to superhero status for the day!

Hot Hot HOT!

With the temperature set to soar to 36 degrees this Friday, like every Friday, our canteen will be open for refreshments from 3.10-3.30pm after school.

Everything from Juice Bombs, fruit juice, chocolate, strawberry or plain milk, ice creams, frozen yoghurt, save the planet pops to our homemade sugar free chocolate pops and some icy cold cups of fresh fruit salad.

All within our traffic light healthy food boundaries and range between $1 & $2.50. Cash sales only.

It’s a great way to treat the kids at the end of a big lap-a-thon and bookweek!

Halloween Recess

We’ve delayed our special recess due to this week’s calendar being so full, so next Wednesday 4 November will be our Halloween themed recess.

More details will follow and posters will be hung around the school.

We will have separate tables for the years 1-3 and years 4-6 classes to ensure everyone gets served.

We will need additional parent help to serve the kids so please give us a call on 9253 9424 if you can spare an hour.

Thanks for supporting our school canteen.

Genna and Julie

School Photos

Photos will be available to view and order this week.

Blue registration notes will be sent home on Thursday/Friday.

Please register promptly to avoid misplacing note/codes.

Free School Delivery will be available for 2 weeks only.

Thank you

Grant Taylor

0487 304 616

Uniform Shop – Bathers Available

The Uniform Shop has bathers for sale, both one piece for girls and trunks for boys. As swimming lessons for Years 1-3 will be commencing this term, it’s a great chance to grab a pair. Both are just $20 and have “Wembley” on the reverse side.

Nat Ramsay and Suse Havlin

Uniform Shop Coordinators

Triple P – Positive Parenting Program

Community Notice

Community Notice

The Floreat Lions club is looking for members to continue its work.  They have been in the community for 40 years, however, without additional members their future looks less certain.

Facebook post is

Website is

If you are interested, they would love to hear from you.