Message from the Principal

Dear parents and caregivers

As term 3 draws to a close I am privileged to continue to see fantastic developments happening in our classrooms and this is due to the hard work of our teachers.

Staff are always looking at ways to improve what they do. They are continually talking to their colleagues about learning and teaching, seeking feedback from others and talking to their students about what interests them. I am sure you will see evidence of this at our Inquiry Showcase on Friday 15 September.

Over time teaching has become more multifaceted, requiring staff to be adaptable, resilient and resourceful in addressing technology integration, diverse student needs, education policy changes and so many more factors. Teaching is a challenging profession that involves building and making relationships with their students and managing the relationships that they have between each other. It is the profession that creates all other professions, and our teachers are doing it really well.

National Literacy and Numeracy Week is observed in August and September in Australia each year. It is an opportunity to encourage the exploration of literacy and numeracy activities and to recognise the work of teachers in this field.

This newsletter highlights the incredible learning happening in Mathematics at Wembley PS. All of our wonderful teachers and educational assistants are making such a positive impact in maths by administering creative and engaging lessons which align to evidence-based, best practice.

As educators, the curriculum addresses academic performance, emotional development and social development, and addressing students’ mental health and well-being is integral to their holistic development. As educators, we have the unique opportunity to create a positive, nurturing educational environment but together we can build positive mental health habits. that we promote in our students/children. In researching ‘Kids and Mental Health’ the following ten points emerged as tips to support good mental health and wellbeing.

  1. Model good mental health habits
  2. Make sure they get enough sleep
  3. Encourage children to exercise
  4. Encourage creative outlets
  5. Provide a space of their own
  6. Talk about their troubles
  7. Have chill out time.
  8. Have two routines – weekday and weekend
  9. Foster volunteering and helpfulness
  10. Bring fun and playfulness into their lives

 Thursday 14 September is our national R U OK? day when we remind everyone that every day is the day to ask R U OK? Students are encouraged to wear yellow on that day.

 At Wembley Primary School we acknowledge and value our collective responsibility where we collaborate, connect and communicate. Our dynamic environment is underpinned by our values – CARES – courtesy, courage, accountability, respect, empathy, equity and service, and we appreciate the support we get from our parent community every day.

I look forward to our Inquiry Showcase and hopefully will get the opportunity to chat to students and parent throughout the evening.

Have a fantastic week.


Julie Woodhouse


Numeracy Week

The Maths Show Incursion PP-6

Last week, students from Pre-Primary to Year 6 participated in The Maths Show Incursion. They were taken on a journey from Babylon to Ancient Greece, and to the present time and met some amazing mathematicians along the way. Our presenter, Dave, showed us many amazing maths puzzles and tricks which really made everyone think – including the teachers! This show highlighted that maths, is truly, all around us.

So you think you know Maths?

What were maths lessons like when you were in primary school? What positive maths experiences did you have?

Students at WPS are exposed to engaging maths lessons that focus on explicit teaching of content and problem solving.

Here are some of our Year 1 students playing Shake N Spill while learning about addition.

Year 4’s are practising their multiplication knowledge while playing a game of Knock ’em out!

Our Year 5 students are completing time investigations whilst also being physically active.

Maths isn’t about sitting down completing lots of questions. During problem solving, students stand at vertical surfaces, work collaboratively and use reasoning to explain the strategies they have used.

And they just love to write on windows!

Warming up our brains for maths – PP1 are trying to find the mystery number by using lots of clues and reasoning on what the number could be.

Our wonderful Kindy kids are focusing on sorting 2D shapes by their attributes (colour, size and shape). They were also exploring 6 with playdough.

Maths Enrichment Years 3-6

Maths Enrichment lessons focus on creative problem solving. Students have been participating in a range of maths competitions throughout the year. Our Year 3-4s have recently completed APSMO Maths Explorer and Years 5-6s have completed APSMO Olympiad. These challenging problem-solving questions really do make the brain ache. Take a look at an example below and find the answer later on in the newsletter.

Earlier this year, Year 5 and 6 students participated in MAWA’s Have Sum Fun Live event. The Have Sum Fun Competition is an exciting mathematics initiative that uses a quiz-night format. Teams of six students race against the clock to solve four intense rounds of eight challenging problems. WPS had 7 teams who participated out of 33 teams overall. We were the only public school to place in the top 10 and had 3 teams that did so. Congratulations to all participants.

Here are the Wembley Whizzes- Daniel J , Leo V, Ben T, John L , Jasper L, Flynn L who placed 4th on the day.

The Bond Block Program

This year, WPS has invested in The Bond Block program for our K-1 whole class teaching and Years 2-6 intervention.

Developed by experienced teacher, Narelle Rice, and renowned Western Australian mathematics education consultant, Dr Paul Swan, Bond Blocks is an evidence-based system made up of ready-to-go, sequenced resources designed to build students’ counting and calculating skills. The Bond Block program, which boasts more than 100 sequenced lessons, activity boards and games supported by teaching videos, was the winner of the 2022 Primary Student Resource Mathematics Numeracy Award.

Narelle has completed two staff meetings this year upskilling staff on how to implement the program. She has trained staff on how to identify students who require support in the classroom, or in before-school programs, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to gain confidence, experience and success in maths.

When teachers become the students

As Maths is a whole school focus, teachers have been continuously upskilled throughout the year in the most up-to-date, evidence-based best practice. Paula McMahon from MAWA (Mathematics Association of WA) has provided professional learning for all staff in differentiation and problem solving.

We are incredibly fortunate to have a dedicated Maths Committee who meet regularly to investigate best practice in maths and to deliver quality staff meetings where they share their knowledge and expertise with colleagues on what effective maths lesson are.

WPS also has a Maths Instructional Coach who supports teachers to make a greater impact in their classrooms to ensure all students achieve success in this area.

When students become the teachers

Numero® Club happens every Wednesday during lunchtime in the library for Years 4-6. Numero® has been designed for players of all ages, to help develop understanding of numeracy concepts and problem-solving skills.

Our fantastic members wanted to ensure that all students in the school have the opportunity to play so they decided that they wanted to teach the teachers how to play Numero®. Teachers came to the lunchtime club and became the students for a change. Numero® Club members loved imparting their knowledge and look forward to seeing this awesome card game played in more classes throughout the school.

Answer to problem from Maths Enrichment 3-6

Year K – 2 Junior Athletics Carnival

Winton is the winning faction – congratulations.

Yrs 3-6 Senior Faction Carnival

Farmer is the winning faction – congratulations.

Year 3:

Champion Girl:  Taylor O

Runner up: Kenzie S and Thea W  (tied position)

Champion Boy:  Raffael V

Runner up:  Johnny U

Year 4:

Champion Girl: Edith B

Runner up: Millia M

Champion Boy: Joel T

Runner up: Miles S

Year 5:

Champion Girl: Lucy G

Runner up: Eliana B

Champion Boy: Leo V

Runner up: Sam W

Year 6:

Champion Girl: Erin C

Runner up: Ella B

Champion Boy: Jacob W

Runner up: Mark T


Mrs Barb Samson Retiring

Mrs Barb Samson is officially retiring from Wembley Primary School on Wednesday 6 September after 18 years teaching at our school and over 40 years in the teaching profession.

If any parents or students would like to wish her well on that day, please come and have a chat to her between 3 and 3.30pm outside the library. If any students, ex-students or parents would like to send in a message, please feel free to drop notes at the Kindy near Jersey Street or email to Jane Galbraith at

Personal letter from Barb Samson

It’s very difficult to say goodbye. Teaching has been very significant a part of my life for so long, for more than 30 years, and I am lucky to have been a teacher at Wembley for 19 of those years

Teaching has been more than just a job to me. It has been a passion and a way of life. I have always believed that education is the key to unlocking the potential of each and every student, and I have been honoured to be a part of that process.

As I look back on my years of teaching, I am filled with a sense of pride and gratitude for the opportunities I have been given to impact the lives of so many young people. I’ve had the pleasure of watching my students grow and develop. I have done my best to empower students with values, knowledge and skills to grow and thrive by providing a nurturing, supportive, fun and engaging environment. What a great joy is it to have had a job where you can to do some singing and dancing every day!

I approached teaching with respect for every student’s unique qualities and with acknowledgement that every individual has a gift to offer. I have been inspired by the guiding principle, ”Every child has the right to reach for a dream”. It has taught me to be patient, to listen, and to guide.

I’ve tried to contribute to students’ learning and development in all areas – social, emotional and academically. I have also tried to help students feel happy, supported and encouraged and so they learn to spread this to those around them with kindness….to approach life with love and compassion in their hearts, and “twinkling in their toenails”.

I am bias but I also think Kindy teachers have the most important job as shown in the poem “Kindergarten Wisdom” …and, as well as our core curriculum, I’ve tried to teach these things.  Everything you need to know about how to live, what to do and how to be is here somewhere –                  

Kindergarten Wisdom

  • Share things
  • Play fair
  • Don’t hit people
  • Put things back where you found them
  • Clean up your own mess
  • Don’t take things that aren’t yours
  • Say sorry when you hurt somebody
  • Wash your hands before you eat
  • Flush
  • Fruit and cold milk are good for you
  • Learn, think, draw, paint, sing, dance, play & work everyday
  • Take a nap every afternoon
  • When you go out into the world, watch for traffic, hold hands and stick together

Most importantly to the students I taught … I hope I taught you some of these things. You were my reason for teaching. I have loved sharing so many fun filled days with you. I have loved being your teacher! I am so grateful for all your kind words, cards, drawings, and spontaneous hugs. I hope I have helped you enjoy learning and made a positive difference in your life.


Thank you so much to the wonderful Wembley parents. You have helped me feel really appreciated and I am so grateful for your friendship, kindness and support.

I feel honoured to have worked alongside the dedicated and highly skilled staff at Wembley. You have all helped to make my years of teaching so special.

Finally, I want to thank everyone in the school community. You all hold a special place in my heart. I leave with cherished memories – of sharing many days of happiness, of learning and laughs, of challenges overcome, and of lives impacted in meaningful ways.

Thank you all so much and goodbye.

Barb Samson x





CSHS Special Swimming Program – Year 7, 2024

CSHS Special AFL Program – Year 7, 2024


E2 Young Engineers – Term 4 After School Program

Young Engineers Club at Wembley Primary in the STEAM Room

  • Thursdays (3:30pm – 4:45pm) – PP to Year 2
  • Thursdays (3:30pm – 4:45pm) –Years 3 to 6

Registration >> / 0406 542 912

Introducing Young Engineers, a Lego engineering program at Wembley Primary School that sparks the minds of primary school children and takes them on an extraordinary journey into the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics!

In our weekly sessions, students become young inventors as they build and program motorised LEGO® machines. These models are not just ordinary toys; they are working prototypes of real-world machines! Through this process, our curious learners get to explore scientific concepts while bringing their creations to life.

So, if you’re ready to unleash your child’s inner genius and set them on a path to future success, don’t miss out on Young Engineers!

Join us today and watch their imaginations soar!

E2 Young Engineers – Holiday Camp

P & C Association News


WPS  Umbrella

Cookbooks , Tea Towels and Olive Oil

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If you need help, please email the P&C Treasurer: