Early Childhood Athletics Carnival (Kindy to Year 2)

Our Early Childhood Athletics Carnival is being held tomorrow, Wednesday 23 August, on our school oval.

Events will begin at approximately 9am and conclude at approximately 11.30am.

Approximate timing for various events is below:

9.00am to 9.30am:   Kindy and Pre-primary – running races

9.30am – 10.30am:   Pre-primary, Year 1 and Year 2 – team games

10.30am – 11.30am:   Year 1 and Year 2 – running races

Jonathon Bowman

Physical Education Specialist

Senior Athletics Carnival

Our Senior Athletics Carnival is being held this Thursday 24 August at the State Athletics Stadium, Perry Lakes.

Events will begin at approximately 9.15am and conclude at approximately 2.30pm.

The kiosk will be open throughout the day, selling food and drinks, students are allowed to purchase from the kiosk. Parents can purchase coffee from there also.

Schedule for various events is below:

Jonathon Bowman

Physical Education Specialist

National Science Week Photography Competition

Congratulations to the winners of the National Science Week Photography Competition:

The theme was: “Where we live and how it works.”

Overall winning photograph:

Daan V  (Year 5)

Years 5 and 6:

1st – Daan V

2nd – Annika K

3rd – Ben T

Years 3 and 4:

1st – Claire M

2nd – Raphael S

3rd – Oliva W

Years 1 and 2:

1st – Ivy M

2nd – Lisa H

3rd – Caelan P

PP and Kindy:

1st – Ally Q

2nd – Orion S

3rd – Samuel O

Sue Webber

Science Specialist Teacher

National Science Week

A huge thank you to Sue Webber for organising all of the national Science Week activities for the students across the school. From the before school experiments, photography competitions and the science talks in the undercover area, thank you so much for providing these opportunities for our students and nurturing and igniting their curiosity in everything Science.

One Big Voice

One Big Voice was on Friday 18 August, at the Perth Arena.  With over 100 students from WPS’ Junior Choir in attendance, this was a joyful performance to connect WPS with the wider community.

Sam E. sang beautiful solos (despite breaking her arm the day before!) and the Wembley PS Junior Choir showed excellent CARES Values – not only being commended for their amazing singing, but also for the excellent behaviour. Well done, Junior Choir!

Mrs Kate Humphreys

Music Specialist

Mrs Barb Samson Retiring

Mrs Barb Samson is officially retiring from Wembley Primary School on Wednesday 6 September after 18 years teaching at our school and over 40 years in the teaching profession.

If any parents or students would like to wish her well on that day, please come and have a chat to her between 3 and 3.30pm outside the library. If any students, ex-students or parents would like to send in a message, please feel free to drop notes at the Kindy near Jersey Street or email to Jane Galbraith at jane.galbraith@education.wa.edu.au.

Rotary Public Speaking Competition 2023

A few weeks ago, two Year 6 Students competed in the Interschool Public Speaking Competition. Tshokiey  and Ayanna were selected to represent Wembley in the annual public speaking competition. This competition is for the best two public speakers from each school in the Cambridge district. The two girls did a fabulous job and we are very proud of the effort they put in. Well done, girls!

Churchlands Senior High School – Year 7  2024 Information Night

P & C Association News


Father’s Day Stall

I just signed up for “Father’s Day Stall 2023” and you should too! Click here now: https://signup.com/go/BpbCydM

SignUp – Everything you need to save time & coordinate people and activities with ease!

WPS  Umbrella

Cookbooks , Tea Towels and Olive Oil

Please download Qkr! on your phone by following this link:


If you need help, please email the P&C Treasurer:   treasurerpandcwembley@gmail.com

Community News


Wembley Netball Club

UWA Magpies Baseball