Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear Parents and Caregivers

The 2020 school year has been extraordinary! A global pandemic, students at school, then not at school, home learning programs and social restrictions impacting on the fabric of what defines a school community. However, under difficult circumstances at times along the journey, we connected, collaborated and communicated and this resulted in high levels of trust, support and engagement.  

There have been many lessons, but ultimately, we have learnt that our students and their teachers are incredibly resilient, and their love for learning and teaching never waned. It has been a pleasure to lead the school community during this time and I thank you all for your support throughout. 


Faction Naming Ceremony  tomorrow morning 9:15am start. 

All parents are welcome to join us for the Faction naming ceremony on the school oval starting at 9:15am sharp. An area zoned for parents will be between the Pre-primary fence and where the Faction tents are situated. We ask that parents and community members attending practice physical distancing. 

Student Dress-Code requirements for tomorrow 

  • ALL students PP-Year 6 are required to wear their Faction shirt and school shorts or skirt (no dresses please).
  • ALL students must wear a brimmed, blue school hat (no caps).
  • ALL students are encouraged to wear sunscreen to school. Parents please apply at home. 
  • PLEASE be at school prior to the 8:45am siren so all students can assemble with their Faction for the march to the oval. 


Quality Learning Environment 

Class lists have been finalised and will be published on Wednesday, 16 December.  

In order to further develop our transition processes at WPS, students will transition to their new, 2021 classroom on Thursday morning, 17 December between 8:45 and 9:30am. This is an opportunity to meet the teacher/s and engage in some team building activities prior to the holidays. At 9:30am students will return to their current, 2020 classroom.  

Students will take their school bag and go straight to their 2021 classroom when the siren sounds.  

Unfortunately, parents cannot enter classrooms or verandahs, however teachers will be waiting in the zones. Students will have dedicated, signed areas to line up and this will be communicated to them. 

For parents of Pre-primary students transitioning to Year 1, there will be further instructions on drop off processes communicated next week. 


Teaching and Learning 

Next Wednesday afternoon you will be emailed a link to your child’s Semester 2 reportThe report, unlike Semester 1, is a full report with grades, effort, ABE, attendance, comments in learning areas and a general comment. Please download, print and store safely within a month of receiving the email. 


School Board 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the School Board for their magnificent work throughout the year. Particularly, I thank them for the outstanding collaboration and input through the difficult weeks when COVID-19 broke and the school’s continuity plan had to be developed and operationalised within two short weeks. The School Engagement and Uniform sub-committees have continued to bring about important change. 


Farewell Staff 

At this time of the year, it is always sad to say goodbye to staff who have made a difference to the academic, social and emotional outcomes of our students. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Lana Darragh Yr 5 and Josie Tomic Yr 1 for their wonderful contributions to Wembley Primary School. We wish them both all the very best in their new roles at Highgate Primary School. 

Mrs Lucinda Foster Yr 4 is taking one year’s leave from WPS to join her husband in the South West. Geographe PS is very lucky!  

Ms Leisel Erskine, PP4 has done a fabulous job and we thank her for stepping in this semester.  

Miss Meg Ritchie Yr 3, Ms Christie Delamotte Yr 2 and Mrs Ceri Carter Yr 5 are expecting their babies in the holidays/New year and will be on maternity leave throughout 2021. We look forward to their return in 2022.  

Miss Jane Sexton, our school Chaplain, leaves us to follow career aspirations after two years.  We wish her all the very best for her future and thank her for the specialised care provided to students at WPS.

Mr Brandon Layne and Ms Tracey Boshart, Special Needs Education Assistants, also leave us at the end of 2020. Their commitment and focused work have been greatly appreciated by students and staff. 


Collaborate, Connect, Communicate. 

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Donna, Alan, Milani, Tamara


The canteen is OPEN THIS WEEK.

Our weekly menu is running and we will have icy cold refreshments available as usual on Friday after school from 3pm-3:30pm.

This is our final week of operation as we prepare to scrub the kitchen clean for closure over the summer holidays. Therefore, the canteen will be CLOSED NEXT WEEK.

Sushi Day – Thursday 10 December

Reminder that Sushi Day is tomorrow.  If have preordered sushi it will be in class lunch baskets tomorrow – Thursday.

Busy Bee – Monday 14 December

Our busy bee is scheduled for Monday morning and we still need to fill our roster.

  • We start at 9am and it usually takes a few hours when everyone gets stuck in.
  • It’s as simple as defrosting freezers, cleaning fridges, wiping down equipment, benches, walls and washing our class baskets.
  • Please sign up here if you can spare a few hours. There may even be treats!

Thank You

I’d like to extend my personal thanks to each and every volunteer who has spent time in the kitchen with Julie and I this year. You all know that we mean it when we say our school canteen cannot operate without you!

Thank you all for helping along the way while I found my feet and implemented change into our canteen menu. Your help is invaluable!

Thank you also to the P&C executive committee for their commitment to keeping our canteen operational. There are plenty of hours of unseen work necessary to keep us open. Thanks team!

We look forward to seeing everyone next year for a new and revised menu with lots of delicious new treats!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Genna and Julie

Chess Club – Term 1, 2021

Community News

North Metropolitan TAFE

Looking for work or a career change? Can you see yourself working in a school? Need help to find work in the coronavirus craziness?

Schools and other organisations are regularly hiring people for the following roles:

  • Gardener, cleaner, administration, management, canteen, education assistants and many other roles.

Starting in February 2021, North Metropolitan TAFE are running a one-semester course on the skills required to be a successful candidate for employment in a school or elsewhere.  The course aids in preparation for entry into gardening, cleaning, administration, management, education assistant and other types of work.

We have had huge success supporting people to find work and the chances of gaining employment are strong.  This course is suitable for existing gardeners, cleaners, administrators etc., and people looking to change career or people looking for a return to work.

The course includes:

  • Training in skills specific to the role you are interested in e.g. IT skills
  • Work experience in a school or other organisation
  • Help and support to find work
  • Help accessing further training as required e.g. Certificate III in Education Support
  • Development of your job application cover letter, resume and help with selection criteria

Entry requirements:

  • 18+
  • Strong work ethic
  • Good oral and written communication
  • Must be able to read procedures, safety sheets and chemical bottles
  • Must be able to send and receive emails
  • Successful completion of an entry interview
  • Working With Children Check and a Department of Education Clearance

Course details:

  • Dates – Starts Wed 3rd of Feb and finishes Fri 25th of Jun 2021 (20 weeks)
  • Days – 3 days per week, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:15 until 2:45
  • Cost – Approximately $170 (subject to change) total course fee for full 20 weeks
  • Location – North Metro TAFE Leederville and on work experience
  • Qualification – GATE (Gaining Access to Training and Employment) Certificate I

If you would be interested in this course then please email:

Chris Hodson

Disclaimer: North Metropolitan TAFE does not guarantee work after completing this course.  This course supports you to find work.  The course is run by North Metropolitan TAFE (RTO code: 52786) and is not endorsed by any authority or government department other than North Metropolitan TAFE.