Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear parents and caregivers

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the P&C Kids Carnival & Christmas Market on the weekend. It was a lovely, relaxed vibe with the animal farm, snow cones, bouncy castle, pony rides and mini train rides being super popular with the kids. What made the day, was the array of musical talent throughout the day and of course the appearance of Santa himself! It was such a great opportunity to connect as a community and meet old friends and hopefully a few new ones. The day would not have been possible without the tireless volunteer work of both Victoria Martelli and Bec Guy. Their aim was to provide an opportunity for community engagement and they certainly achieved their goal in spades. Thank you, Victoria and Bec, your partnership and support of the school community is so appreciated.

There were also many, many other parents who volunteered on the day, giving up a few hours of their time to make it all happen. It was lovely to speak to many of you who, like me, work full time and can only volunteer occasionally. Every little bit of time counts and is very much appreciated, so thank you. I can’t forget our dedicated Year 6 media team too; all our media captains gave up their Saturday to help with the AV and sound. Many thanks to you all and of course Mr Alan Ramsey who gave up his time to assist too. I look forward to many more opportunities over the next few weeks to connect with you as we wind down to the end of the year.

2022 Class Placements: Staff are currently working through class placements for 2022. The opportunity to send in requests to the principal closed on Monday November 22 as per notices in the newsletters. As you can imagine, it is a complex and time-consuming task. We do our very best to place students in learning environments in which they can thrive. The class lists for 2022 will be emailed to parents on Wednesday 15 December at 4pm.

Teaching and Learning

Talent Quests: Last Friday, an exceptionally talented group of Year 5 and 6 students took to the stage in front of hundreds of their peers, parents and staff to perform in our annual Senior Talent Quest. All students have the opportunity to nominate to perform in their musical talent of choice, either singing, or playing instruments, or in some cases both! They absolutely blew us away with their bravery, courage and talent. We went from Beethoven to Rick Astley, Green Day, Blur, Metallica, Coldplay and Elton John. Music specialist Miss Kate Goyder works so hard to encourage this creativity and create a learning environment that promotes The Arts through opportunities to perform on stage. Music education is highly valued at Wembley and the talent quests show the products of this environment. I take my hat off to all the students who performed, who no doubt spent many, many hours practising at home and being committed to private lessons as well. Well done to all the mums and dads for encouraging our students to pursue The Arts, it is certainly paying off! An extra special congratulations to our ‘Highly Commended’ acts – Poppy L (Year 5), Zephyr T (Year 5), Ollie P (Year 6), Isabella J (Year 6) and Olivia J (Year 6). Thank you to Mrs Mary-Anne Goyder and Mrs Nan Sheppard for being our esteemed judges on the day.

Our Year 3 and 4 students take to the stage in the Junior Talent Quest this Friday afternoon at 1:45pm. All are welcome to come along and support our students.


Student Leadership: It’s that time of year when our Year 5s step up and put themselves forward to be student leaders in 2022. If you are a parent of a Year 5 student, you may have been coaching your child through writing their pitch or speech over the past few weeks. Your child may also have opted not to nominate for an official position and that is also completely okay too. As we say to the group, all students are leaders when they enter the senior school. Our younger students look up to our Year 4, 5 and 6 students as role models and want to be just like them. We strive for all our students to demonstrate our CARES values and model our school agreements, in the classroom, playground and community. If you can help us to reinforce this message at home, we would be grateful. Their positive actions and behaviours make a difference to our school culture and student well-being. Being a student leader with a badge does bring extra special recognition and responsibilities and we look forward to seeing who will lead the school next year. In Week 9, we will hold a Leadership Assembly to announce the new student leadership positions.

Community Engagement

Kiss and Drive Safety: Over the next two weeks, we will have buses arriving and departing all day for swimming and surfing. Please remain in your car when dropping off your child in the Kiss and Drive areas rather than getting out to open doors and say goodbye on the street. A quick kiss and hug in the car is the best way to keep traffic flowing and is much safer for all. Your child should also keep their school bag on the seat with them, rather than placing it in the boot, wherever possible to keep cars moving. I thank you for your assistance with keeping our Kiss and Drive areas moving swiftly and safely.

Connect, Collaborate, Communicate

Yours in learning

Tamara, Alan, Rachel and Kerry

Personal Items Lists 2022

Personal Items Lists have been emailed to all parents and caregivers today.

ALL ORDERS MUST BE COMPLETED online at by Friday 17 December 2021 using “R6C2” as your code. Your home delivery order will be dispatched the week ending 21 January 2022 if placed on or before 17 December 2021. All orders returned on or before 17 December 2021 will receive FREE Home Delivery.

Orders can still be placed after the ‘return date’ but will incur a late fee. Any home-delivery orders received after this date will incur a late fee of up to $8.

All 2022 Personal Items Lists are also available on our school website.

Wembley Kids Carnival and Christmas Markets

We are beyond ecstatic at how Saturday’s Wembley Kids Carnival and Christmas Markets went!

Such a magical day filled with Christmas cheer, sunshine and sooo many people.

Forever grateful to all those who assisted on the day, in particular Rebecca Guy and Theresia Tay – you guys are superstars

To all the vendors who attended and all the patrons who came along in support of the community and the school P&C…THANK YOU!

What a wonderful day!

P&C Fundraising Committee

2022 P&C Voluntary Contributions

Do you ever wonder what the $85.00 P&C voluntary contribution requested on the school booklist/Qkr App goes towards?

  • $55.00 from every contribution helps fund iPads, laptops and other information technology resources for the classrooms. ICT funding has long been a priority for the P&C, to remove the need for families to provide their own devices for each child.
  • The remaining $30.00 goes towards other projects designed to improve the school experience for Wembley Primary School students, including on-going oval maintenance, playground upgrades, the use of the State Athletics Stadium for the athletics carnival, the new kindergarten mud kitchen and the relocated long-jump pit.

Not bad value for $85 per student!

The voluntary contributions, combined with the P&C’s fundraising activities, make a huge difference to the school life of all our kids.

A huge thank you to all the families who have contributed throughout the year!


President, P&C Association

Uniform Shop

The Perm-A-Pleat warehouse will be closed from Tuesday the 21 December 2021 and reopen for dispatching orders from Tuesday 11 January 2022.

Consolidated shipments

Last orders for delivery at school is Friday 10 December.

Home deliveries

The last date for shipping to home addresses will be Tuesday 21 December 2021.

Orders placed between the 21 December 2021 and 10 January 2022 will be processed when the warehouse reopens on the 11 January 2022.

Orders should only be placed for  home deliveries if parcels can be accepted during the holidays. Perm-a-Pleat will not be responsible if no one is at home to accept delivery.

Shipping and stock delays

Perm-A-Pleat school-wear, like the majority of businesses, has experienced multiple shipping disruptions and manufacturing delays due to Covid19 affecting supplies worldwide. We are working closely with all our manufacturers to ensure ongoing supplies. However, inevitable delays are still occurring and beyond our control.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during these times.

Nat Ramsay and Susan Havlin

Uniform Shop Coordinators


Year 1 parents and caregivers, this is your allocated week to bring a bunch of friends, catch up and help out in the canteen. Pre-primary and Kindy classes, gather your friends for next week.

Of course, all year groups are most welcome anytime.

Some of you already know that it’s a ton of fun and some of you might be keen to come in to check out exactly what we do and serve each day. There are helpful hints along the way, hot cups of tea, Nespresso coffee and deliciously fresh muffins hot out of the oven.

We have jobs all day long so if you can’t fit in a shift or commit, drop in before or after pick up, or when you have half an hour to kill before an appointment. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Bring your best conversation and  sign up here

Thanks to the Year 2-6 groups who have taken on our year group challenge with great enthusiasm. We are very grateful to all of you and appreciate those who have juggled work and childcare commitments to spend two hours with us.


We have a big clean-up planned to prepare for the canteen closure over the summer holidays.

It’s very relaxed and easy and something delicious is always on offer.

Please sign up here if you can help

Leukaemia Foundation Fundraising

Luke is shaving his head in the WPS Undercover Area on Friday 3 December at 9am, come along and show your support!

Message from Luke:

I’m taking part in the World’s Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation!

I think we should have more good people that donate their hair because it can save lives and it doesn’t hurt. Then all my hair can be turned into a wig so peoples heads don’t get cold! Will you help by sponsoring me?

Please click on the following link to donate:  Luke Bartlett (

Thank you and have a nice day.

Luke Bartlett (Year 5)

Young Engineers Club (YEC) – Term 1, 2022

Young Engineers Club (YEC(after-school from 3:30 pm) – Young Engineers is on again in Term 1, 2022. Students interested in hands-on STEM will now get their chance to build like never before. If you’ve enrolled in Young Engineers before, you will get an email invitation when registration opens. If you’ve never heard of Young Engineers before, you are welcome to place your details on the waitlist. Registration opens this week. Please follow the links below for more info.

Thursday – After-School (3:30 pm-4:45 pm at Science/ STEM Room)

  • Pre-P -Year 2: Lego engineering
  • Year 3-6: Engineering & Robotics

Join the waitlist >>
Enquiries: / 0406 542 912

Mark Lee Pro Football Camps

Dates:  Monday 20 to Friday 24 December (5 Days)

Times: 9am to 4pm


  • International School of WA, Grand Promenade, Doubleview
  • Lords Sport & Recreation Centre, Price Street, Subiaco

Simply email ( if you would like to register your child.

Best Wishes
Mark & The PFT Coaching Team