Message from the Executive Administration Team
Dear parents and caregivers
What a difference the sunshine makes! It’s wonderful for our students to be able to enjoy the outdoors during the school day without rain, wind and storms. It’s also just in time for the Christmas Market and Kids’ Carnival being held on Saturday on the school grounds. I’m really looking forward to seeing our families enjoy a day out together that has been so well planned by the organising committee with something for everyone. This event has been planned by the P&C as an opportunity to connect as a community rather than as a fundraising event. There will be musical performances from current and ex-students, bouncy castle, animal farm, stalls selling gifts, food trucks and much more. A huge thank you to Victoria Martelli and Bec Guy for the huge amount of work they have done up to this point, their team of helpers and all the volunteers who are helping out on the day. We are very lucky to have such dedicated people who are committed to strengthening our school culture by working in partnership with us.
Teaching and Learning
Early Childhood Transitions: Today our current P re-primary students enjoyed their first orientation session and visit to Year 1! There was much excitement among the students as they rotated through the various Year 1 classrooms. Activities included a LEGO STEAM challenge, maths games, a listening and drawing activity and some handwriting. Our Pre-primary teachers and Year 1 teachers work closely on planning these sessions to support our students with the transition to their new learning environment. Our Year 1 students thought it was lots of fun to visit their old stomping ground in Pre-primary too! There will be another opportunity to spend time in the Year 1 classes after swimming and the Pre-primary teachers have also planned some play opportunities in the Year 1 & 2 playgrounds to familiarise the students with the ‘big’ school layout. Next week, our new Kindy students who start in 2022 will also have their orientations. Prior to the end of the school year, current and new students going into Pre-primary will have an opportunity to familiarise themselves with their new classrooms too. I thank all our teachers for their work in ensuring our youngest students feel ready to make their transition into each year level. Parents and caregivers can assist by speaking positively about all the new opportunities they will have, having play-dates to make new friends or strengthen bonds and reading picture books about starting school. We know some students will find change hard but it is hoped that this team approach will make the change a positive experience.
Digital Technology: Over the past few years, students in Years 3-6 have started participating in the Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge, which is an online challenge organised by the CSIRO. It draws on the Critical and Creative Thinking learning continuum to enable students to develop their skills in problem solving, while also reflecting on their learning and thinking.
The Bebras Challenge focuses on developing computational thinking. Computational thinking is a set of skills that underpin learning within the digital technologies classroom. These skills allow students to engage with processes, techniques and digital systems to create solutions to address specific problems, opportunities or needs. Specifically, computational thinking involves integrating strategies such as organising data logically; breaking down problems into parts; interpreting patterns and models; and designing and implementing algorithms.
In Round 2, conducted last term, we had 150 students across Years 3-6 participate. Students work in small teams to solve the timed challenge. Overall, Year 3 & 4 students at Wembley, achieved an average score of 92 (max score 123) compared to a state average of 61 and Year 6 students had an average score of 67 (max score 117) compared to a state average of 44. In this round, due to timetabling clashes, Year 5 students did not participate (participated in Round 1). These results reflect a high level of knowledge in digital technologies and excellent programs in place by our teachers to support this learning.
Congratulations to all students who participated. An extra special mention to the following students who scored a High Distinction.
Year 3/4 Division
David C |
Zuriel L |
Hugh D |
Veer K |
Ilias F |
Sophie J |
Daniel J |
Annika K |
Tom R |
Mungo R |
Ayanna S |
Ruben K |
Fin M |
Brooke D |
Jayden A |
Miles S |
Oscar P |
Tyler S |
Seif M |
Imogen H |
Ben T |
Zoe H |
Lachlan F |
Elena H |
Abi W |
Year 5/6 Division
Beau H |
Oliver P |
Nicholas T |
Connect, Collaborate, Communicate
Yours in learning
Tamara, Alan, Rachel and Kerry
Lost Property
We have a lost property box held in the office of small items that have been found. If you recognise any items, some of which are quite valuable, please contact our office on 9253 9400, to advise of ownership and to arrange collection.
- Prescription glasses
- Purses (some with money)
- Smart watches
- other items as pictured
The final Book Club Catalogue Issue 8 will be given out next Monday. This is the last chance to purchase some fabulous gifts for Christmas. These include the latest 143-Storey Treehouse, Llamas in Pyjamas, Graphic Novels, Minecraft 2022, Baby-Sitter Graphic Novel boxed set, Christmas themed books, novelty items and lots more!
Check out Issue 8 online NOW following the link below. You can start ordering straight away. Orders close Monday 29 November (Week 8)
Book Loans:
Also just a reminder that all books are to be returned by Week 8
Thank you
Jill Jordan
2021 Year 6 Graduation Ceremony
Wednesday 15 December 2021 at 10am
To be held at the Churchlands Concert Hall, Churchlands Senior High School
Tickets for this event will open at 6pm today, Tuesday 16 November.
Please go to to book your seats. This is a free ticketed event.
Students are to arrive by 9.30am at the Concert Hall. Doors will open at 9.45am and the ceremony will commence at 10.00am and finish at approximately 12.00pm.
Seating is limited to three tickets per family.
Bookings close Friday 10 December 2021 at 4pm.
Please note that invitations to the 2021 Year 6 Graduation Ceremony will be posted this week.
Mystery Mondays and More Mysteries
Our weekly surprise lunch box has even surprised us!
Who knew our Chicken Bao Buns would be so popular? Lots of orders and really positive feedback means that they may make a return appearance on our Term 1 menu. It’s a healthy, fresh and delicious lunch for the hot summer days ahead.
Next Monday’s mystery box will be revealed on Friday afternoon and will be posted on the P&C Facebook page and in the Quickcliq notes.
More mysteries lay ahead as we run our stocks down for the long summer break. Some of our regular menu items will disappear as we take on our very own Masterchef challenge and come up with some new and exciting lunch options. We will put out notification as this happens.
Canteen EFTPOS
Our preferred way to order lunches is still online via Quickcliq. Lunch bag orders are still welcome at our canteen counter but as always we need cash payment. This eliminates the time we spend sorting orders which aids in the efficiency of our administration.
Our EFTPOS machine is for use on Friday afternoons and for special promotions.
BIG thanks to our Year 5s for powering the kitchen last week! Some parents really hadn’t seen each other since their Pre-primary days.
Year 6 parents, we encourage you to get together this week to chat and catch up in the canteen, whilst helping out.
If you have leavers this term, this may be the last chance you get to spend time with your kids at school, ever!
Remember, we have live entertainment on Thursdays with Humphrey’s Dance classes. Grease Lightning with 100 kids has never looked better!!
Of course, volunteers from all year groups are welcome to come in anytime, as always.
If you are able to help out and have some guaranteed FUN! please click here
Canteen Manager
2022 P&C Committee Positions – Expressions of Interest
Did you know that all the P&C committee positions are re-elected at the AGM every year? With many of our dedicated executive committee stepping down from their roles next year or looking for support within their roles, we are calling for expressions of interest from parents who may want to take on one of these vital positions!
Committee members who have indicated they will vacate their role next year include President, Vice President, Treasurer, K/PP convenor and communications officer. Many of our subcommittee convenors will also be looking for support within their roles as the P&C looks ahead to some exciting projects.
The AGM is scheduled for February 22, 2022 so you have plenty of time to think about it!
If you are interested in finding out more about a P&C role and what it involves, please email Tiffany at
Kids Carnival and Christmas Markets – P&C Association
The Wembley Kids Carnival and Christmas Markets is happening on Saturday 20 November between 11am and 4pm in support of the Wembley Primary School P&C.
What to expect:
Pony rides
Animal farm
Food and drink vans
Face painting
Bouncy castles
Live music
Market stalls
And more …
ADMISSION IS FREE and includes access to bouncy castles and animal farm.
Located within the Wembley Primary School grounds.
This is the perfect event to get in some early Christmas shopping and other end-of-year gifts, whilst supporting local small businesses and the P&C.
Hope to see you there!
P&C Association
Fundraising Sub-Committee