Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear Parents and Caregivers

We enjoyed beautiful spring weather for the annual Faction Athletics carnival last Thursday at the WA Athletics Stadium. All students participated and strived for personal and team goals with courage and outstanding sportsmanship while revelling in the opportunity to compete at a world class stadium. It was wonderful to see the strong parent and family support throughout the day. Many parents were balancing volunteering and supporting their children. Thank you, it was the best carnival yet!!

Teaching and Learning

This week our Kindy students participated in National Science Week activities with a fun morning of science investigations. Forty students explored eight learning stations with a sense of anticipation, wonderment and awe. We will also continue celebrating Science in Week 10 with our official school Science Week!

Students are continuing to explore the Deep Blue inquiry learning thread in classrooms. Year 2 students have been developing their descriptive writing skills in literacy, using visual stimuli to prompt their imagination.

In Art, Year 4 students have been creating mixed media collages with stunning results. We look forward to inviting families into classrooms for our showcase afternoon in the final week of term to share more of your children’s learning journeys.

Quality Learning Environment

Mental health and wellbeing remains a focus for all students and staff at Wembley Primary School; particularly in the current climate as our community recovers from the significant effects of a global pandemic. A range of embedded practices including; a whole school health operational plan that incorporates values education, mindful programs, cyber safety, Champion Life, physical, social and emotional health, protective behaviours and restorative behaviour management practices supports student wellbeing.

These programs are supported by the Student Services team; Classroom teachers, Deputy Principal Alan Ramsey, School Pyschologist Tracy Klonowski, Mental Health in Schools Officer (Department funded) Hannah Cox and School Chaplain Jane Sexton. If you have concerns around your child’s wellbeing please email the class teacher or relevant team member.

No Hat No Play – September to May

All students need to wear hats during recess, lunch and all outdoor activities from 1 September until 31 May 2021.  Please note, this Thursday 27 August is forecasted for 26 degrees, please ensure your child has a hat in their bag.

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Donna, Alan, Milani, Tamara

PP-Yr 2 Faction Athletics Carnival –  Save the date!

Reminder that the carnival is coming up in week 8, Wednesday 9 September, it will be held in the morning on the school oval.  Please make sure your child has their faction shirt ready to go.

Years 3-6 Faction Athletics Carnival

Our Years 3-6 students participated in their Senior Faction Athletics Carnival last Thursday, 20 August. The State Athletics Stadium played host to some glorious weather as the kids took part in Long Jump, Throwing, Sprints and Middle Distance events throughout the morning, then came together to assemble in their factions and cheer on their peers in various team games, including Leaderball, Chest Pass, Tunnel Ball and Cornerspry. The relays were the final events of the day, with the ‘Super Relay’ acting as the grand finale and seeing the kids comfortably beating the Teacher/Parent team. A big thank you to all the parent helpers who assisted with the running of the day’s events.

Dampier took out the Rod Sutcliffe Spirit Shield while Stirling followed up their Cross Country victory by adding the Athletics Shield to their 2020 winnings. The Champion Boy/Girl results are below:

Canteen Volunteers Needed

Can you please help. This Thursday 27  August, the canteen needs one volunteer for the shift 9am-11am, and one volunteer for the next shift 10.30am-1.30pm.

If you can spare some time please contact Geena Stephenson on 9284 1620 or email:  (please note spelling difference).


Father’s Day Stall Tuesday 1 September

The Father’s Day Stall has returned! The P&C Fundraising Committee invites all students to buy a special gift for their dad, granddad or the special man in their lives, on Tuesday 1 September. Gifts range in price from $1 to $10.

Your child’s teacher will escort each class to the stall. Please ask your child to bring their own bag on the day for their purchase.

Thanks so much.

Nat Ramsay and Teresa Reid

Stall Coordinator

Year 6 Virtual Cake Stall

On Monday this week, the Year 6s kicked off their Virtual Cake Stall. Instead of the usual cake stalls at school this year, which can’t be held due to COVID restrictions, we are holding a Cookie Dough Fundraiser. It’s simple. Go to  and register for a fundraising page to buy and sell your cookie dough. Every tub sold raises $3.50 for our Year 6 camp. All payments can be made online and your cookie dough will be delivered to the school in Week 1 next term. You can even earn prizes! We have already sold over 100 cookie dough tubs! Well done Wembley! Please see the below flyer for more detailed information. The fundraiser will only be open for 3 weeks so be quick! Thank you for supporting our Year 6s!

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

Our amazing Year 6 parents will be hosting the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle this Sunday 30 August at Homebase Bunnings in Subiaco. Please come and show your support by coming on down and buying a sausage in a bun. Hope to see you there!

Book Week Parade

Entertainment Books

If you would like to purchase the Entertainment Book, trial the complimentary 6 week FREE membership, please click on this link.

Kind regards

Ramona Ling

Entertainment Book Coordinator