Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear Parents and Caregivers

We are braving the winter elements to complete the annual school photos, continue athletics training and remain focused on highquality teaching and learning. 

Phase 4 of the WA COVID-19 roadmap extended 

Based on the latest health advice, Phase 4 of the WA COVID-19 roadmap, has been extended until Friday 23 October. The new tentative date for the roll-out of Phase 5 will be Saturday, 24 October. As a result, we will continue all current school operations and practices for the remainder of Term 3. Our focus remains squarely on the health and wellbeing of our students, staff and community. Thank you in advance for your positivity and ongoing support as we journey through these unchartered waters. 


Teaching and Learning:  

We are exploring Stage 3 of the whole school Inquiry ‘Deep Blue’ – the Sorting Out stage. 

What are the students DOING to respond to information they have gathered on their Inquiry question/s?  Comprehending and synthesising… the students are talking, responding, sharing and processing. 

Student questions: 

  • What information is useful? 
  • What patterns and connections am I noticing? 
  • How is my thinking growing and changing? 
  • Are my questions being answered? 
  • Do I have some new questions? 
  • How could I share this with others? 
  • Do I need to go back and find out some new information? 
  • What is confusing? Challenging? 



NSOS survey  the biannual parent survey provides our school with data useful for fostering a positive learning and working environment that promotes success for all students. Thank you to those who have completed the survey (27% to date). I encourage all parents to do so as your feedback is greatly appreciated. The survey closes at midnight Friday.  Please click here to complete survey.

Community Engagement: 

Science Week – As communicated in last week’s newsletter, we made the decision to move this year’s Science Week celebrations to the final week of Term to coincide with our Inquiry Showcase afternoon on Tuesday 22 September. Our STEM Professionals in Schools partner Dr Asha Bowen is joining us during Science Week to facilitate an activity. Thank you, Asha, for your continued support. We would welcome further parent involvement from the community as we know many of you work in STEM fields and have expertise to share. The Science Week theme is the same as our current Inquiry Learning thread – Deep Blue: innovations for the future of our oceans. If you have a special expertise in this area of Science, this would be welcomed e.g marine conservation, marine technology, sustainability, biological sciences etc. However, all scientific inquiry is valued and if you work in other fields of Science and would be interested in working with students to further their engagement in Science and STEAM during that week, please contact Tamara Doig, Deputy Principal at involvement could take the form of an in-class activity, talk, demonstration or field work around the school.  


We very much look forward to seeing parents and family members of Years 3-6 at the State Athletics Centre on Thursday for the House Athletics Carnival. 

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Donna, Alan, Milani, Tamara

Interschool Team Games Training

The before school training for interschool team games, scheduled for tomorrow morning, Wednesday 19 August and Thursday morning 20 August is cancelled.

Mr Jon Bowman

Physical Education Specialist

Senior Athletics Carnival

A reminder our Senior Athletics Carnival will take place this Thursday 20 August . It will be at the State Athletics Stadium in Perry Lakes with all events taking place on the one day to maximise participation and enjoyment.

  • Parent spectators are welcome on Thursday. Please observe 2 square metre social distancing.
  • The kiosk will be selling coffee, drinks and limited food items.  Hand hygiene to be maintained.
  • If you are able to help out with the events throughout the day, please email
  • If you are yet to complete permission and payment on Qkr for your child to attend the carnival, please do so at your earliest convenience. Without permission, your child will not be permitted to attend. If you are having issues with Qkr, please call the office (9253 9400) and staff will assist you.

Poem “Deep Blue Sea” by Sam in Year 2

Deep Blue Sea

When the waves crash I start to splash.

When the tide comes in I go for a swim.

Beautiful fish everywhere always swimming here and there.

Humpback Whales swishing their tails.

Friendly dolphins with smiley grins.

Fishing boats bobbing like floats.

Giant turtles green not purple!

Water glimmering in the sun everyone having fun.

Sun setting on the water making shadows look shorter.

And then there’s me, I love the sea.

Churchlands SHS Enrolment Year 7 2021

CAHDS – Parent Information Sessions

VacSwim in October enrolments close this Sunday

Fun swimming lessons for children aged 5 to 17 years of age in both the October and January school holidays.  Enrolments for October programs close this Sunday.  To enrol, please  click here  

January program enrolments remain open.

VacSwim has helped children across Western Australia to stay safe and confident in the water for over 100 years.

  • vital swimming and water safety skills
  • lessons for beginner, intermediate and advanced swimmers
  • a variety of programs ranging from five to ten days
  • opportunities to progress through stages 1-16 and obtain Bronze Medallion
  • lessons at over 180 pool and beach locations throughout Western Australia
  • friendly, qualified swimming staff