Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear parents and caregivers

We have reached the mid-point of the final term of the year and we are on the home stretch to summer holidays and the culmination of a year of learning. There are many events over the next few weeks including orientations and transitions in our early childhood years, Year 5 astronomy night, surfing in Year 6 and in-term swimming for our Pre-primary – Year 3 students. In addition, we have junior and senior talent quests, excursions, the annual All Stars Concert, 2022 Student Leadership assembly and of course, our Year 6 graduation events. It’s an exciting time of the year and although busy, these are all events we look forward to as staff and of course, our students are also buzzing with the events that are coming up. We look forward to welcoming you to these events and a positive and happy end to the school year.


Teaching and Learning

Data Responsive Teaching:

As described earlier in the term, our teachers have been engaged in professional learning to build capabilities in data literacy to inform teaching and learning programs. Deputy principals Rachel Cusack and Alan Ramsey have been working with teachers to strengthen knowledge in analysing the data sets and platforms available to them and develop plans that target specific student needs. Being data-informed is essential to student progress and achievement.

Through collaboration in Professional Learning Communities at each year level, teachers have analysed the results of student achievement data and identified specific concepts in key learning areas that require further explicit teaching, both at the cohort level and in small groups of students who have similar needs. Teachers are engaging students in daily warm-ups, which are short, sharp sessions focused on helping address gaps in student learning based on the data. All year levels have been highly collaborative throughout this process which is best practice in teaching. Teachers are constantly responding to data throughout the year, however our student development days have assisted us to fine-tune this process and work towards a connected, whole-school approach to data-informed teaching.

In these photos, a Year 1 class is working on a daily warm-up in mathematics with explicit teaching and revision from the teacher and guided practice by the students.


Community Engagement

Sun Smart Policy:

As we approach the summer months and the importance of sun protection moves to the front of our minds, it is timely that we are in the final stages of drafting our first Sun Smart Policy. The policy is a joint project between physical education teacher Kathy Watson and parents Suzie Turner and Lisa Oliver. Suzie initially presented to the School Board on the rationale for developing the policy earlier in the year which was supported by the Board and, following a collaborative process, we are now working through a revised draft version with input from various stakeholders. I wish to thank Suzie, Lisa and Kathy for their work so far. Protecting both students and staff from UV rays is very important and ongoing sun safety education for students, staff and the community will be a focus in the coming months. I personally found the table below, which is included in the policy, really informative. You can now find a UV widget on the home page of the Wembley PS website when you scroll down, should you ever wish to quickly check the UV rating.

The months of the year the UV is likely to reach high (orange), very high (red) or extreme (purple) in the middle of the day.

Connect, Collaborate, Communicate

Yours in learning

Tamara, Alan, Rachel and Kerry

ICAS – Celebrating Student Success

Congratulations to all students who participated in the highly challenging ICAS assessments in English and Mathematics last term. All students who participated should feel proud of themselves for their efforts.

The students below achieved exceptional results in this challenge, being awarded either a Distinction (Top 10% of students in Australia) or a High Distinction (Top 1% of students in Australia). Congratulations to the following students on their achievement. We are beyond proud.


High Distinctions – Top 1% of students in Australia

Year 4 Maths
Year 5 Maths
Year 5 English
Year 6 English
Year 6 Maths
Daniel J
Thomas D
Owen L
Sasha S
Chaitra P
Ben T


Thomas D (Yr 5), Daniel J (Yr 4), Ben T (Yr 4), Owen L (Yr 6)

Absent: Sasha S (Yr 6) and Chaitra P (Yr 6)




Year 4 Distinctions – Top 10% of students in Australia

Elena H
Maggie C
Aryan N
Zuriel L
Zoe H
Miles S
Claire T
Veer K
(Principal’s Award)
Archie W
Erica L

Veer K – Principal’s Award

Year 5 Distinctions – Top 10% of students in Australia

Zac B-W
Jadyn A
Eliza S
Thomas D
Aaliyah B
Ben T
Charlie J
Max C
Lucy W
Ben T
Harry G
Yixiang Y
Lucy W
Seb H
Jamie Y

Year 6 Distinctions – Top 10% of students in Australia

Julia K
Aaron C
Lachlan P
Cassie L
Alyssa D
Jesse P
Oliver P
Mason H
Pepper R
Cassie L

School Dates 2022

P&C General meeting TONIGHT – 7.30pm in School Library

Tonight is the P&C’s final general meeting for the year!

Everyone is welcome to come along and find out more about what the P&C is doing for our school community. On the agenda will be the first round of costings for the proposed canteen refurbishment, welcoming the Dads of Grantham Street to the Wembley community and a look ahead to next year’s fete.

This is also a good chance to see if the P&C is something you may like to be a part of without the risk of being asked to sign up to anything just yet. If you are interested in a committee position, this is an opportunity to learn more about what we do ahead of the AGM in Term one.

The P&C cannot exist without the support of parents. We hope to see you there.

Tiffany Fox

P&C President

Room 21 Maths

Room 21 Maths is focusing on mass this week, focusing on using scaled instruments to measure a range of different objects. Miss Sedon, a ECU pre service teacher, has created a range of engaging and “hands-on” activities where students were challenged to measure awkward objects, create and make objects of similar mass and combine masses of different objects.

Students collaborated and applied their problem solving strategies with reasoning .

Book Club

Book Club (Issue #7) has been distributed.

If you haven’t received your order or back-order note, please come and see me.  We have one final catalogue #8 before the end of the year – perfect for Christmas gifts!

Thank you

Jill Jordan


Morning Running Club

Running Club has commenced on the oval at 7.45am.

It will take place once per week for the remainder of Term 4.   Friday mornings on odd weeks, and Wednesday mornings on even weeks.

It will be run by Mr Bowman and Mrs Watson and is open to all students from Years PP to 6.  In the case of bad weather it will be cancelled.

Jonathon Bowman

Physical Education Specialist

Uniform Shop

Stock update

Perm-A-pleat are currently out of stock of all sizes of hats, they are hoping to be back in stock in the next few weeks.

All sizes of zipper jackets and track pants are now back in stock.

Secondhand Sustainable School Shop

This platform is now set up and ready for use.  A link is on the uniform page of the school website.  This is a great way to trade secondhand uniforms.

Nat Ramsay and Susan Havlin

Uniform Shop Coordinators


Mystery Mondays

Term 4 Mondays are roaring with our new changing lunch boxes.

This term we have had home crumbed real chicken nuggets with hand cut chips, a Mexican fiesta and this week our chicken sliders with hand cut wedges literally flew out the door.

All boxes come with a drink and sweet sneaky treat for $8.50

Check into Quickcliq each Friday evening and on the P&C Facebook page to see what’s coming for the following Monday.


Year 5 parents, this is your time to shine! Grab a bunch of friends and catch up while helping out in the canteen.

Year 6 parents, it’s Week 6 next week so come on in! This may be the last chance you get to spend time with your kids at school-ever!

A special bonus on Thursdays, we’ve got some live entertainment! Sign up to see your child’s smooth moves on the dance floor – Humpfreys Dance classes are incredible!

Of course, volunteers from all year groups are welcome to come in anytime, as always.

If you are able to help out  please click here


Canteen Manager

Kids Carnival and Christmas Markets – P&C Association

The Wembley Kids Carnival and Christmas Markets is happening on Saturday 20 November between 11am and 4pm in support of the Wembley Primary School P&C.

What to expect:

Pony rides

Animal farm

Food and drink vans

Face painting

Bouncy castles

Live music

Market stalls

And more …

ADMISSION IS FREE and includes access to bouncy castles and animal farm.

Located within the Wembley Primary School grounds.

This is the perfect event to get in some early Christmas shopping and other end-of-year gifts, whilst supporting local small businesses and the P&C.

Hope to see you there!

P&C Association

Fundraising Sub-Committee