Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear parents and caregivers

Our students have returned with a positive outlook and are very settled. Thank you for the way in which you are setting the foundations for that at home. For a child to focus and learn, it always needs to be a partnership between home and school. I encourage you to keep routines consistent, prioritise sleep and wellbeing and ensure there is a good balance outside of school with extra-curricular activities and free play. Time outside is so important for our students when they have been working hard to learn and focus throughout the school day. Towards the end of the year, students can tire, so by keeping these strategies in place consistently, we will have a relaxed and enjoyable end to the school year.

Teaching and Learning

Term Overviews: By this Friday afternoon, teachers will post the term overviews to class blogs. In these overviews, we aim to provide you with a snapshot of the concepts to be taught through learning programs across all curriculum areas. You will also see pre-planned important dates relevant to your child’s year level. I encourage you to connect with the overview and refer back to it throughout the term. Again, the home-school partnership is a priority and by being aware of the learning, you will be able to have those discussions with your child and ask them questions. For example, in Year 1 this term our students will be exploring past and present technologies. I’m sure many of you will have some ‘ancient’ technology around the house, probably lying dormant in the bottom of a draw if you are anything like me! I recently found a cassette player from when I was in primary school. To our students, items like these really are ancient artefacts! So, please use the overviews to support your child’s learning and continue the conversations to deepen their knowledge and skills, it really does make all the difference.

Learning Environment

Early Childhood: Our kindergarten students returned to a fantastic improvement to their learning environment this term, with the addition of a custom built mud kitchen in a very underutilised part of the kindy playground. I thank our kindy/PP P&C subcommittee for their tireless fundraising work to support improvements to the early childhood area. The subcommittee has set aside a significant amount of funds towards these improvements which will be matched by the school. The next stage will be the upgrade to the existing Pre-primary jungle gym area. The pandemic is having an impact on shipping, as we are all aware, so this has delayed the commencement. The project is likely to begin late Term 4. It will include additions to the existing jungle gym including a double slide and further climbing nets plus a partial soft fall replacement. In coming years, we will need to replace the rest of the soft fall and that will form part of future commitments. Your support of the P&C is crucial to these types of upgrades so thank you for your ongoing assistance and to our P&C executive. We are very lucky to have a high quality learning environment due to this partnership.




Deputy Principal role/s: I am pleased to announce that Mrs Kerry Skillen has joined the senior leadership team as deputy principal. Following my appointment to principal last term, I advertised for a deputy principal pool. Kerry was successful in being appointed to the Deputy Principal pool, which was competitive and attracted a high standard of applicants. Most recently, Mrs Skillen has been deputy principal at Beaumaris Primary School and comes to us with a wealth of experience and knowledge in student services, curriculum and coaching. Kerry has been appointed for Term 4 and will be supporting our teachers and students in Year 3 and 4 but will have roles and responsibilities across the school. I’m sure you will join me in welcoming Kerry to the school community. Mrs Milani Grace will return to the deputy principal role from maternity leave in Term 1, 2022. I would also like to acknowledge the work of Hannah Cox who stepped into the deputy principal role mid-Term 3. Hannah did a wonderful job supporting the students, teachers and senior leadership team. Hannah has now returned to her regular role as classroom teacher in Room 15, Year 6. She will also continue in her leadership roles across the school including student leadership and community engagement.


Wembley Primary School is committed to developing our aspirant teacher leaders through the WA Future Leaders Framework. Mrs Natalie Mueller who leads our learning support in literacy and is a Level 3 classroom teacher, will be supporting our kindy and pre-primary year levels this term. Natalie is highly respected for her knowledge in early childhood and will be working with the senior leadership team to support upcoming orientations and transitions that will occur as we prepare for 2022.  Mrs Rachel Cusack will have oversight across kindy-Year 2 as deputy principal but specifically to support Years 1 and 2 while Mr Alan Ramsey will be leading Years 5 and 6. The deputy principal role is a complex balance of both strategic and operational duties and with the high number of students requiring a case conference approach, our deputy principals will be sharing this aspect of their role. If your child does require a case conference, the leadership team will communicate with you which deputy principal will be working in partnership with you.


Community Engagement

Assemblies: Starting today we will be returning to face-to-face assemblies for the remainder of the term (scheduled for Weeks 2-7). Our assembly time is 2:40pm every Tuesday afternoon. There is no assembly scheduled in Weeks 8 and 10.  In Week 9 we will hold our annual student leadership assembly when we announce the Year 6 leaders for 2022 and thank our graduating student leaders.

To maintain equity, classroom items will be presented via a video presentation on the big screen as has been the case all year via WebEx. We will be presenting merit certificates in person, Year 6s will present their reports and we can sing together. We invite you to join us for assemblies; there will be some seating at the back of the undercover area. Please be mindful that the seating along the sides are for staff. We look forward to welcoming back the community to assembly.

Connect, Collaborate, Communicate

Yours in learning

Tamara, Alan, Rachel and Kerry

2022 Class Placement Requests for Consideration

Towards the end of this term, staff will begin establishing classes for 2022.

As part of the process, students are asked to complete socio-grams to include the names of four friends, and four peers they work well with.   Staff endeavour to ensure at least one of each is placed in a class with them.

In line with the Class Placement Policy, parents are invited to email the principal, with class placement requests based on educational reasons only.  All parent submissions, received by Monday 22 November, will be given consideration but will not automatically be accommodated.

Please note, specific teacher requests will not be considered.

Enrolment Planning 2022

To assist with enrolment planning for 2022, please advise the office via email:, if your child will not be returning to Wembley PS in 2022, including the name of the school your child will be transferring to.  This request does not include our current Year 6 students moving into high school.

Unavailability of Traffic Warden

The traffic warden who works at the children’s crossing on Herdsman Parade (near Alexander Street), Wembley, is unavailable to work on Thursday 21 October 2021 and Friday 22 October 2021.  Unfortunately we have no relief staff available to cover the position.

Please take appropriate action and inform your students and the school community to be vigilant whilst crossing without a warden present.

Annette Hayden l 88963 l Staff Officer

Children’s Crossings Unit

Western Australia Police Force

T: (08) 6274 8734


Mental Health Starts with our Children

Room 2 (Year 3) created some drawings and messages on how to stay mentally healthy as part of WA Mental Health Week this week. This year’s theme was Mental Health Starts With Our Children. Students discussed what being mentally healthy or unhealthy means and times that they’ve personally had to overcome difficult situations and the strategies they used.

Please click on the link for more information on the activity:


After school treats on Friday

The canteen will be closed after school this Friday.

For anyone wanting cookies, chilli jam, spicy sweet tomato chutney or raspberry jam, please order via Quickcliq or come to the canteen counter in the mornings.

For all of those asking for the return of the orange and whiskey marmalade, it’s in production and smelling fabulous!

Halloween Recess – Friday 29 October

Things are a bit different this year.

Pre-orders will open this week for our special Halloween recess packs!

We’re baking delicious, spooky cupcakes and teaming them up with a carton of Brownes Milk and a special edition Ghastly Ghostly Sippah Straw.

$5 each and orders need to be placed by Wednesday 27 October for recess on Friday 29 October.

We will still serve our normal recess, though on a much smaller scale.


As always we need help and a little bit more next Friday for Halloween.

This week, along with our regular superstar volunteers, we asked the Year 2 families to grab a bunch of friends and jump in to help us out.

We’ve got new families signed up which is exciting. It’s crazy fun in the kitchen!

Next week, we ask Year 3 families to do the same. It’s a great way of catching up with families in the same year and help out at the same time.

Sign up link is here for anyone to come in for a shift.

You’re always welcome and greatly appreciated.


Canteen Manager

Uniform Shop

Stock Update

Perm-A-Pleat now has stock of all sizes of the school shorts as well as cotton polos in sizes 10 and 12.


The P&C has a few items of stock remaining for sale that cannot be sold through Perm-A-Pleat.  This includes some limited stock of larger faction shirts, sizes 14 and 16 long sleeve polos, zip jumpers, senior choir shirts, bathers of all sizes and fruity sacks.  

If you wish to order these, please look at the Uniform Shop menu on Qkr!  Items ordered will be delivered to your child’s classroom on Fridays.

Second-Hand Uniform Trading

The P&C are conscious of the need to provide an efficient process for families to be able to buy/sell or give away their uniforms.

The P&C have subscribed to the Sustainable School Shop website. to provide parents with the ability to trade these second-hand items (no cost to list/purchase items.) Your class rep will be sending out more information in the coming days regarding how to use the Sustainable School Shop.

Nat Ramsay and Susan Havlin

Uniform shop Coordinators


Check out these tea towels with the self-portraits of all our Kindy and Pre-primary students.

Today (19 October) is the last chance to buy one!

If you have a child in these early years, jump on to Qkr! and go to “P&C Fundraising and Events” to get one. Each tea towel costs $19, or $16 each when buying more than one.

Quality is great and they make amazing keepsakes and Christmas presents for the family!

Bogan Bingo – P&C Kindy/PP Subcommittee

Come on everyone and get together and make a night of Bogan Bingo. The P&C Kindy/PP Subcommittee (renowned for their amazing sold out annual quiz nights) is opening this ultimate event to the big school to make it even bigger!! Book tickets now on Qkr! as we need a minimum quota of tickets to make this event more awesome and would be totes devo if you missed out.

Date:  Friday 29 October 2021

Where:  Leederville Function Centre (East Perth FC)

Cost:  $30 pp

Booking:  Book tickets on Qkr

P&C Canteen Services and Volunteer Survey

We are in our final week of our P&C’s survey on volunteering and the canteen services, so we would love everyone to take five minutes to respond if you haven’t already. We will use these responses to help us direct the future of the canteen and P&C services.

All families are encouraged to respond, even if you do not regularly use the canteen!

Please complete the survey here:

The survey will be open until Friday 22 October.

Canteen Prep Chef Job Opportunity

Do you know a prep chef looking for a new opportunity? The P&C is looking for an enthusiastic and experienced prep chef to support Genna in the canteen. The role is currently being advertised on Seek:

Tiffany Fox

President, P&C Association

P&C Association – Auditor Required

The P&C Association is looking for a suitable professional to undertake the annual financial statement review for 2021.  Membership of a recognised accounting body (ie CA, CPA, MIPA) or registered company auditor required. All inquiries please email Helen at

Thank you.


Treasurer, P&C Association

Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance Programs

Current Year 5 students entering Year 7 in 2023, applications for Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance programs are now open.

These unique academic, arts and languages programs are available at select public secondary schools.  They include a fully selective academic school and an arts college.

Students will learn with like-minded peers, following an extended curriculum designed specifically for their needs and delivered by teachers with expert skills and knowledge.

Applications are now open at:

Applications close 11.59pm Sunday 13 February 2022.  Late applications are not accepted.