Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear parents and caregivers

We had a very smooth start this morning as we eased out of lockdown and into the staged restrictions as set out by the State Government. We were all very thankful that schooling could continue this week with no disruption to teaching and learning programs.

Thank you for following the guidelines and avoiding congregating on school grounds. Please continue to physical distance this week and wear masks at all times. A further restriction not included in yesterday’s communications is that parent spectators are not permitted for extra-curricular sports this week. This includes soccer, cross-country training, tennis and basketball. These before and after school sports can still go ahead but parents will need to drop off and collect at the finish times rather than watch.

Hopefully these restrictions will be short-lived and we can continue to enjoy the relative freedom we have here in comparison to the rest of the world. Our thoughts are with those families with relatives in countries who are experiencing surges in COVID-19 infections right now, such as India.


Learning Environment

This term, the whole school inquiry thread is, ‘Where we live and how it works’ which focuses on the Physical World. Classrooms have started diving into this concept for the ‘Tuning In’ stage of the Inquiry process. Inquiry is an approach that includes metacognitive strategies which teach students to think about their own thinking and dive deeper into learning. A recognised high impact strategy, we have invested significant time and resources into this approach to ensure we focus on students’ ability to think critically and creatively.

By this Friday afternoon, a term overview will be posted to classroom blogs. The term overviews give you information about the concepts and topics being explored in all learning areas at school. I encourage you to look at this so you are informed about the learning process this term, allowing you to have conversations at home and continue to strengthen the home-school connection.



On the school website, you will find candidate information for all six parents who have nominated to become a representative on the school board due to vacancies I thank the parents who nominated for their commitment to supporting the school.

An email to the online election survey and your unique voting code was sent to all parent/guardian contacts in our system last week. If you do not have an email address registered with the school, please contact our administration and we can provide you with the survey’s online location and a unique voting code or, alternatively, a paper form.

The election will close this Thursday 29 April at 4pm. You are encouraged to vote. Successful candidates will be notified directly by Monday 3 May once election scrutineering has taken place. The next Board meeting takes place next Tuesday 4 May at 5:45pm.

Community Engagement

Last Friday morning we held the school ANZAC service on the school basketball court. We are so grateful that we were able to commemorate and connect as a school community before the restrictions came into place.

It was a very moving service, starting with a Welcome to Country by Aboriginal Elder and relative of the Jackson family, Ken Hayward. Stories were shared by Mr Alan Downes, sub-warden of the Highgate sub-branch of the RSL WA, Christine Tonkin MLA, Member for Churchlands and Donna Snow as her last community engagement at Wembley PS for Term 2. Our Year 6 students also spoke, sharing creative writing inspired by studying the history of conflicts in the past.

A very special thank you to Billy B, ex-Wembley PS alumni and current Year 7 student at Perth Modern School, for playing The Last Post and Reveille during the service. After the service was cancelled due to COVID-19 last year, I know Billy was very disappointed he didn’t get to play. We were very happy to invite him back to his old school to commemorate with the community.

Performances by the senior choir and soloists were simply beautiful and I know I certainly felt a wave of goosebumps as they sang. A huge congratulations and thank you must go to Ms Kate Goyder who spent weeks preparing students for the performance and teaching the whole school the song, Shackleton. I’m sure you will agree that it was a powerful moment when all students rose to sing the chorus of the song as a school in unison. Well done to Head Girl, Juliet, and Head Boy, Lachlan, for their outstanding job hosting the event, their first major community event at the school in their roles. We thank them for their leadership and poise. What a beautiful way to honour those who have and continue to serve our country.

Collaborate, Connect, Communicate.

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Tamara, Alan, Rachel and Melinda

Cross Country Training

Cross Country training is underway this term and will run every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings at Rutter Park. Students are asked to meet at the entrance to the school oval at 7.45am and we will walk to Rutter Park as a group. Sessions will go until approximately 8.30am.

These sessions are not compulsory to be selected in the Interschool Cross Country squad but act as good training for our Faction Cross Country Carnival (Week 7), as well as the Interschool Cross Country Carnival (Week 10). Students who make the interschool squad will be expected to attend these sessions following our Faction Cross Country.

Also, remember it’s completely fine if you can only make it to part of a session. All students are encouraged to join in whenever they can. We appreciate students have a lot of commitments in the morning before school so understand that not everyone will be able to make it to certain sessions.

BAD WEATHER:  If it is raining there will not be training, so please do not come to school early on a morning when the weather is a bit dicey.

Please come see Mr Bowman if you have any questions;

Jonathon Bowman

Physical Education Specialist

2022 Kindergarten Applications – Closing Date Friday 23 July 2021

Applications for Kindergarten 2022 are now open for all children born between 01 July 2017 and 30 June 2018.

Application forms are available at administration or on our school website by clicking here

Please note that the closing date for lodging your application is Friday 23 July 2021.

Library – Book Club

Catalogues for Issue 3 have been sent home.  ‘Loop’ (online ordering) will be open until Monday 3 May.

We have many fabulous heartfelt Anzac Day resources on display which the children have been reading throughout the week.


Netball season is upon us!


Canteen Menu Feature

Hand rolled gnocchi with chicken meatballs and tomato sugo is on tomorrow’s menu.

We make it all from scratch, right here in our canteen.

Vegetarians can opt for no meatballs and we will top your portion up with extra gnocchi and melted cheese.

Available every Wednesday for $5.80 and can be ordered now on Quickcliq or cash sales at the canteen counter tomorrow morning.

Frozen Treats

I’m sure you can appreciate that we can’t pack frozen treats into the class baskets with the childrens hot food.

If your child has ordered a frozen treat with their lunch, please remind them to come to the canteen with their lunch bag to collect it.

Canteen Opening Hours

We are open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays for recess and lunch.

Online orders are preferred via or cash orders can be placed at the canteen counter between 8 and 9am.

Recess is cash sales only where the children can choose from our daily display of hot and cold food. Prices range from 50c to $2.50. Sign up to the P&C Facebook page for photos of what is on offer.

Volunteer Help

A short shift in the canteen is fun and a great way to meet other families in the WPS community.

No Masterchef skills are required and you wont need to cook!

General tasks are making sandwiches, pikelets and sweet treats, cutting fruit salad, packing class baskets and the really fun part-serving the kids at recess and lunch time.

If you’re new to volunteering, perhaps buddy up with a friend-a great opportunity to chat and help out at the same time.

Coffee, tea and a sweet treat is always available.

Please sign up here or give Genna a call on 9253 9424.

Hope to see you in the kitchen soon!

P&C Kindy/PP Subcommittee – Quiz Night – Postponed

The P&C Kindy/PP Subcommittee would like to confirm the quiz night will not be this Friday (30th April).  We are working hard to find a new date to reschedule and we will let everyone know ASAP.

Thank you for all your support so far, we have some great prizes so looking forward to a fun night in the not so distant future.

Warm regards,

P&C Kindy/PP Subcommittee

CSHS P&C Community Art Exhibition 28-30 May 2021

Wembley Playgroup Open Day