Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear parents and caregivers

Despite the ongoing restrictions, I have been impressed with how resilient and calm students, staff and parents have been this week, adjusting to the changes with relative ease. It’s important we stay vigilant about the risk of COVID-19 in the community and school environment and maintain physical distancing, good hygiene, staying home when unwell and mask wearing to keep everyone safe and healthy.

That said, we can also continue teaching and learning with little disruption and hold events such as the Mother’s Day stall today with COVID safety in mind. I thank the committed group of parents and caregivers led by Victoria Martelli and the P&C executive for adjusting quickly and giving up their time so all the mums, grandmothers and significant women in our students’ lives can be thoroughly spoilt this weekend! Students have been excitedly rotating through the undercover area all day, picking out special treats for you all. Happy Mother’s Day and I hope you have a lovely weekend together as families.

Next week and the following week, our Year 3 and 5 students will participate in NAPLAN testing in Writing, Reading, Numeracy and Language Conventions (Spelling and Grammar). Wembley PS is a NAPLAN Online school, having participated in this format for several years with the only exception being Year 3 writing, which is completed on paper. As we know, NAPLAN assesses what a student can demonstrate on that day in that particular test.

What it doesn’t assess is every talent and exceptional quality that makes your child special. So while we aim for all our students to do their best and the conditions are in place at school to give them every opportunity to do so, the results will not tell you everything there is to know about their abilities. What can you do as parents? Keep normal routines in place, be on time, pack healthy food and snacks and avoid undue attention on the tests. Most importantly, continue to celebrate everything that makes your child unique!

Learning Environment

A School Board sub-committee focused on developing a School Grounds Master Plan is being convened this term. The aim is to develop a strategic long term plan for the enhancement and maintenance of the school grounds and facilities. The plan will be used to map out future planning for projected enrolment numbers, providing an aspirational vision for formal and informal teaching spaces that reflect current and future trends in educational pedagogy.

The idea to pursue a school grounds master plan came about during sub-committee work on planning for the upgrade of the Pre-Primary playground last year.

A number of elements are likely to be considered:

  • Playground additions and improvements
  • Building and infrastructure
  • Sustainability
  • Cultural awareness
  • Landscaping
  • Oval maintenance

The sub-committee is seeking expressions of interest from parents and caregivers with expertise in these areas who would be willing to contribute to the plan.

The sub-committee is likely to meet twice during each term, both face to face and working collaboratively online to achieve our goal of a master plan. If you are interested, please send an email to stating your interest/expertise in the sub-committee’s work.



The School Board election process has now been finalised and the new board members announced. I thank all candidates for putting their names forward for consideration. We welcome Rachel Clay, Sara Tuohy and Chatarina Brady to the board and congratulate them on their appointment on behalf of myself and Board Chair, Prof Tama Leaver.

Community Engagement

At the beginning of Term 2, we opened communal verandahs up to parent access again following the easing of restrictions at that time by the State Government. Unfortunately, it was short-lived due to the community cases detected and subsequent lockdown. Once restrictions ease again and following Department of Education guidelines and health advice, we hope to move back to verandah access once again. I thank you for your patience as we navigate the restrictions.

In the meantime, please continue to communicate with your child’s classroom teacher by email, allowing up to two working days for a response. Teachers will also continue to make themselves available outside twice a week, before or after school for incidental conversations. We value strong relationships with the community and we will continue making this a priority in the future.

Collaborate, Connect, Communicate.

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Tamara, Alan, Rachel and Melinda

P&C Kindy/PP Subcommittee Meeting

The next P&C Kindy/PP Subcommittee meeting will be held this Wednesday 5 May at 8.15pm via Zoom.

To join the meeting please click here  for the link.   You will need the Meeting ID: 755 7021 7105, and Passcode: Ju33Z9

Book Club

Book Club Loop orders for Issue 3 closed yesterday.  Orders should arrive next week.  Thank you for your support.


Thank you to all the wonderful parents who responded to our call out for help via the Junior blogs.  The reading books are now all done and ready for your children to enjoy.

Jill Jordan

Library Officer

Reminder of Unpaid Billing Items

REMINDER OF UNPAID ITEMS – Sent home today (only to those who have outstanding contributions and charges).

Some parents will receive a ‘Reminder of Unpaid Billing Items’ sent home with their child today.

If you could settle these amounts as soon as possible it would be appreciated.

If you do not wish to pay the voluntary contributions, or are unable to, please notify the office staff so that these amounts can be removed from your account – 9253 9400.

Participation in online learning programs and incursions and excursions is dependent upon payment prior to the event.  In the event of financial hardship, please come to the office so that we may assist with a payment program or suchlike.


The amount of school voluntary contributions parents/caregivers are asked to pay is set at $60.00 per student which is in line with the School Education Regulations.

Funds are used to supplement school expenditure in the curriculum areas. While the contributions are voluntary, the quality of our teaching and learning programs is maximised when families make a contribution to supplement the funding received from other sources, including the State and Commonwealth Governments.


The P & C is the fundraising body of the school. P & C contributions help to keep fundraising activities to a minimum.  The P & C donates money to the school, in response to submissions from the school, towards projects and items that directly benefit students.   The P & C voluntary contribution is set at $85.00 per student.

Qkr PAYMENTS/School Payments Tab:  Please select this option to pay for your voluntary contributions (if not previously paid) and online learning programs.

Qkr EXCURSIONS AND INCURSIONS Tab:  Please select this option to pay for and give permission for excursions and incursions.  Notification from the teacher, with details of the event, are sent home before the event is loaded onto Qkr.

Qkr is the school’s preferred payment method.  However, payment by card over the phone or in person is also accepted.



Hey Kids!!

You can serve Mum breakfast in bed this Sunday – the easy way!

The canteen are baking delicious cafe-style tarts for you to warm up and serve to Mum.

Heating instructions are included along with a tub of our world-famous-in-Wembley tomato relish.

Flavours are:

  • Bacon and cheddar tarts
  • Pumpkin and feta tarts
  • Caramelised onion and goats cheese tarts

$8 each and they can be collected from the undercover area after school on Friday.

Numbers are limited and PRE-ORDERS are open now on Quickcliq or cash sales at the canteen.

Orders close at 12 noon on Thursday


We understand the need for a simple cheese toastie.  Find this new addition under our toastie section.


Word has it, these were a hit so we’re doing them again this week!

2 Mini Beef Pies, Tomato Sauce Sachet, Raspberry Muffin and a Juice Bomb or Flavoured Milk

$8 and numbers are limited so get in quick!


Did you know we are open on Mondays?

Relax into your weekend knowing school lunches are covered if you’re having too much of a good time to take the time out to prep.

Lunch and Recess open every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

The canteen is CLOSED on Tuesday.


Keen on a canteen recipe? Want to learn how to make gnocchi?

Come in for a shift and ask us all the foodie questions that you need to and we’ll share our recipes with you.

We would really love your help, so sign up here

Celebrating Success

Congratulations to our Head Boy Lachie P, for being selected to represent Western Australia in the State U12 Hockey Team.  What a fantastic achievement, we are all very proud of you.