Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear parents and caregivers

What a magic afternoon we enjoyed together last Friday for our 2nd annual Inquiry Learning Showcase! The weather was lovely, the school became an art gallery in the undercover area, library, stairwells and through the gardens and the classrooms were buzzing with families connecting with their children. It was wonderful to see our students articulating their learning and sharing their thinking with pride. Thank you to our Year 6 parents, teachers and students for making the cake stall and sausage sizzle a huge success and to the community for their support. It raised a significant amount of funds for the Year 6 graduation events and created a brilliant community atmosphere. We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to visit your child’s classroom. Our staff put in many hours of work to make the afternoon a great success, so please join me in thanking our teachers and EAs for their commitment to your children’s education. We would love to hear your thoughts, please take a moment to share your feedback on the event here:

Inquiry Showcase Parent Feedback

Grassed Quadrangle: We are currently giving the grassed quadrangle near the Year 1-3 classrooms a few weeks rest from foot traffic to help it recover from the long winter of rain and lack of sun. The area has been treated with fertiliser and will be cored tomorrow. The Year 1 students have a flagged off area on the school oval to run and play ball games. This has been working very well and the students have responded to this new arrangement responsibly. Year 2-6 students already have access to the oval at break times and have been very respectful of the designated Year 1 area which is supervised by the oval duty teacher.

Massed Choir Festival: Congratulations to our senior choir who performed in the Massed Choir Festival last Thursday night. If you’re not familiar with the Massed Choir Festival concept, it involves school choirs joining together to form one ‘massed choir’, singing a number of different songs, including commissioned compositions. Wembley PS performed at the Perth Concert Hall alongside several hundred other students from a range of public primary schools across Perth. Year 6 student Adlyne S, excelled in her role as co-compere on the night, and Year 6 student Georgia N was simply outstanding as a soloist. I was lucky enough to be in prime seating alongside Mr Ramsey and Mr Bowman for the event and we were all blow away. Congratulations to Massed Choir Festival Director, our very own Mary-Anne Goyder, on her work leading this impressive festival which spans nine nights and involves thousands of primary school children. To Miss Kate Goyder, thank you again for the preparation and practice that went into this event. I know it was a late night for parents and kids but it isn’t every day you get to sing on the Perth Concert Hall stage. These types of experiences last a lifetime, so thank you parents for driving your kids to choir on all those early mornings and valuing music in your child’s education.

Gary Scott’s Retirement Assembly: This Friday afternoon, we will be holding a farewell assembly for our beloved Mr Gary Scott, who is retiring from teaching after 29 years at Wembley PS and a total of 35 years with the Department of Education. Our Year 3-6 students will be at the assembly as will current and past staff and Mr Scott’s family and friends. We would love for the community to join us at 1:50pm in the undercover area for the event, particularly if your child has been taught by Mr Scott over the years. Gary has made an enormous impact on our school community and will be missed. It would be wonderful for parents and caregivers to come and show their appreciation as we farewell Gary into retirement.

Community Engagement

Tuning into Kids: Our first group of parents graduated from their five-week program last week! Congratulations to our first participants. The program, facilitated by Penrhos College school psychologist Tracy Hart, gave parents the language and knowledge to navigate tantrums, common worries, friendship issues, upsets and big emotions by strengthening connections and helping to build their child’s ability to self-soothe and independently solve problems. All parents I spoke to were overwhelming in their praise of the program and talked about the positive impact it was having with family dynamics.

The first workshop series was for parents of 5-8 years old and our next workshop series will be for 9-12 year-olds or ‘pre-teens’ in Term 4. This workshop series is now fully subscribed but we will collate a waiting list for future workshop series due to demand. Please register your interest for future Tuning into Kids workshops here. Tracy will be in contact with those who have registered to attend the Term 4 series. Tracy is a trained Tuning into Kids facilitator through the University of Melbourne.

Lighthouse Maths Family Afternoon: Yesterday afternoon, we invited families from Year 2 and Year 5 to engage in a family afternoon of mathematical thinking problem solving. Miss Ryan in Room 5, Year 2, and Miss McClean in Room 25, Year 5 have been engaging in a year-long coaching program with Sci-tech called Lighthouse Maths. The professional learning supports teachers to develop powerful strategies to promote a deeper understanding of maths through discussion, problem-solving and reasoning. By participating in programs such as these, our teachers are exposed to new ways of approaching traditional subject areas for the benefit of our students. Miss Ryan and Miss McClean will then be able to upskill their colleagues and lead professional learning for staff with their new skills and knowledge. We hope the families who attended had a great afternoon testing their brainpower together!  Try solving the most challenging puzzle presented at the event. Answers (with your name and room number) are due to Mrs Cusack by Friday 24 September 2021.

Collaborate, Connect, Communicate.

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Tamara, Alan, Rachel and Hannah

Important Dates and Information

TERM 3 – LAST DAY FOR STUDENTS – Friday 24 September 2021

TERM 4 – FIRST DAY FOR STUDENTS – Wednesday 13 October 2021


CANTEEN REOPENS – Wednesday 13 October 2021

SCHOOL OFFICE REOPENS TERM 4 – Monday 11 October 2021

SCHOOL GROUNDS SECURITY – Department of Education Security – 9264 4771 or 24 hour contact 9264 4632

It is Official!

Wembley Primary School is the TOP FUNDRAISER IN THE WHOLE OF AUSTRALIA,  having raised over $14000 this year!

Since taking up the challenge two years ago, the Wembley PS community has raised over $25000 for this worthy cause.  We should all be enormously proud.

A HUGE thank you to everyone who contributed.  We had some huge fundraisers but the many small donations were all part of the $14000.

Wembley you are AWESOME!!!


Sushi Thursday

Pre-orders close at noon TOMORROW, Wednesday for deliciously fresh sushi.

  • Five piece packs of Teriyaki chicken, tuna or vegetarian for $6.
  • Gluten free Teriyaki chicken is available to order, otherwise all are dairy, sesame and gluten free.

Order on QuickCliq or at the canteen counter.

Footy Fever Friday!!

With a one-off West Australian AFL Grand Final, how could we not serve traditional footy food in our lunch boxes?!

  • Hot dog
  • Chips
  • Tomato sauce sachet
  • Super footy treat
  • Juice bomb

Orders are open on Quickcliq now.

Additional tomato sauce, mustard and cheese will be available in the undercover area and help will be available for the smaller kids.

Drinks can be swapped at the canteen for flavoured milk if preferred.

Handmade Preserves & Cookie Bags

The freshest and most delicious treats will be ready in time for the school holidays. Find us outside the undercover area from 3-3:30pm on Friday

We expect to have fresh Anzacs, Afghan cookies, chilli Jam, raspberry jam and our Wembley famous tomato relish-you know you need this for your grand final footy feast!


If you can spare ANY time this week to help out, please email us on or  sign up here

We have plenty of baking to do each afternoon, so there is something for everyone to do-big or small.


Big thanks to all of our volunteers this term. We hope you know how much value you bring to our canteen and how truly appreciated you are!


Canteen Manager

Year 6 Cake Stall and Sausage Sizzle

A massive thank you to all the Year 6s (and their parents) who contributed to the cake stall and sausage sizzle at Friday’s Showcase afternoon. The Year 6s raised around $4,000 towards the cost of their camp and graduation activities. Well done!

Their enthusiastic selling techniques and delicious goodies helped create a really lively and enjoyable atmosphere, and it was wonderful that they could carry on the cake stall tradition!

P&C Canteen and Volunteering Survey

As part of our ongoing efforts to meet the needs of Wembley parents, children and the school community, the P&C is asking families to take part in short survey about volunteering and the canteen services. It should take less than five minutes to complete. Your responses will help us improve and direct the future of the Hungry Lion Canteen, and we strongly encourage all families, whether they are regular users of the canteen or not, to take part.

Please complete the survey here:

Thank you!
Tiffany Fox
P&C President

Fathering Project

P&C Cookbook

Dear Parents

The P&C fundraising sub-committee is organising a school cookbook to be published, featuring YOUR family/favourite recipes!

This will be published to coincide with the 85th anniversary of Wembley Primary School and will be available just in time for Christmas. This year’s gifts are sorted!

We would love for all families from within the school to submit a recipe for consideration in this cookbook. Please note that we will be editing the recipes and deleting any double ups.

The submission process is SUPER simple – just head to, click on the ‘Submit Your Receipt Here’ button, then choose ‘Wembley Primary School’ from the drop down menu. Complete the form, attach your recipe and submit. That’s it!

We cannot wait to see all the amazing recipes that come through and remember, this will be a keepsake of not only the school but also your child’s time there, for many years to come.

We know how crazy Term 3 is, so we have extended the time for submissions. Please don’t delay though, as ALL recipes MUST be submitted by 9PM on FRIDAY 25 SEPTEMBER (no further extension possible).

Pre-orders for the cookbook will open via Qkr! on Monday 27 September, so stay tuned!

If you are a local business and would also like to purchase advertising space in the cookbook, please do not hesitate to contact me to enquire.

Kind regards

Victoria Martelli

Fundraising Convenor

School Dental Mobile and Dental Screening

During the school holidays the Dental Mobile will be closed.

Emergency cover :   Tuesday 28 September to Friday 8 October, at Attadale Dental Therapy Centre – Ph: 9330 5876.

The Dental Mobile re-opens Monday 11 October 2021 and is located at Subiaco Primary School.

Dental screening will take place in Term 4.

Subiaco Mobile I Dental Health Services

North Metropolitan Health Service
Mental Health, Public Health and Dental Services

Subiaco Primary School

Bagot Road

Subiaco 6008
Your Address
T: 0417 180 553
W: |
Our Vision: Excellence in health care for our community.

Redhage Basketball – Term 4

Tennis Academy – Holiday Clinic and Term 4 Programs

Andy Mackechnie is running a Spring Holiday Clinic during the September / October holidays.  Please click on following link for further information:

Floreat Tennis Holiday Clinic

If you would like to enrol your child in the tennis program held at Wembley Primary School in the mornings before school commencing in Term 4, please click on following link for further information:

Tennis Program at Wembley PS Term 4

If you would like to enrol your child in the junior coaching program held at the Floreat Tennis Club, please click on the following link for further information:

Term 4 2021 Junior Program at Floreat Club

Community News – Wembley District Junior Cricket – Integrated Cricket for Children with ASD or Disability Diagnosis