World Environment Day – School Clean Up

On Tuesday 7 June, students from Kindergarten to Year 6 donned gloves and took part in a school clean up to do our part for World Environment Day. The clean up was organised by our Eco Captains and Warriors, who are student leaders ranging from Years 3-6, and teachers Miss Jessica Stacey and Miss Kate McWilliams.

Classes were designated areas of the school to clean up and collected a whopping 10.1 kg of rubbish, with much of this being soft plastics. The Eco Warriors did a waste audit following the collection, weighing the rubbish and sorting it. An important reminder for students to dispose of rubbish correctly and for all families to consider how much soft plastic is sent to school in lunchboxes and to ‘go nude with your food’ wherever possible. Did you know that every Coles and Woolies have a Redcyle Bin to recycle soft plastics?  If every family took part in ‘nude food’ lunchboxes and recycled soft plastics at home through Redcycle, we would be helping the environment every day. Collective action can make a significant impact.

Our student leaders are now considering different ways to re-purpose the recyclable rubbish. Thank you to Miss Stacey and Miss McWilliams for their work in helping guide our Eco Warriors.


Chaplain Appointment – Alessia Princi

It is my pleasure to announce that Alessia Princi has been appointed as our new part-time School Chaplain. Miss Princi has a Bachelor’s Degree in Youth Work, with experience as a Residential Youth Worker and almost a decade in schools as a Special Needs Education Assistant, including at Wembley PS.

Alessia believes building relationships with young people is key, strengthening their confidence, wellbeing, resilience, and sense of self. She hopes to further empower and guide our students to strive, achieve and pave the journey in which they choose.

Our chaplain is employed by OnPsych which is a national non-profit organisation supporting the wellbeing of children through pastoral care. Our chaplaincy program is a non-denominational service.

Alessia fulfils her chaplaincy role at Wembley Primary School 1.5 days per week, on Monday 8-4pm and on a Friday between 12-4pm. Our students have access to this support through funding provided by the Department of Education WA.

There are a number of reasons that your child may need individual support or have someone to talk to.

  • Friendship issues
  • Anxiety
  • Grief/loss
  • Social skills
  • Trauma
  • Family relationships

Alessia will also be running lunchtime clubs and generally connecting with the school community in her role to support our students and staff.

If you would like to make a referral to the School Chaplain, you can find the referral form here on the school website. Please email Alessia directly to send in your referral form.

We look forward to strengthening our student services team and providing pastoral care with Alessia commencing this role.

Interschool Cross Country

Interschool Cross country is tomorrow and is an all weather event, held at City Beach Oval, Fred Burton Way, City Beach.

Those selected students will leave from the school at 11am and will return to school at 2.45pm.

Parents are welcome to attend.

First event should start at 11.50am with Year 3 boys.

12pm Year 3 girls

12.10pm Year 4 boys

12.25pm Year 4 girls

12.40pm Year 5 boys

1.00pm Year 5 girls

1.20pm Year 6 boys

1.40pm Year 6 girls

2.10pm Presentations.


The canteen is always in need of help, if you could spare the gift of your time,  please sign up here

Churchlands SHS School Tour

Please see the information below regarding the up coming tour.


Come along for an evening of Paint & Pinot on Friday 17 June in the Undercover Area. We will be painting the Blue Boathouse.

All art tools supplied. Just BYO nibbles & drinks.

Strictly limited tickets available now on Qkr!

The Wembley Family Fun Day Needs YOU!

The WFFD Sub-Comittee is on the hunt for some additional members to take on just ONE task each.

We also need a few people to play Santa across the event (Working With Children Certificate required).

If you can spare a little time and would like to be involved, please contact Victoria at

Kindy and Pre-primary Quiz Night

A huge thank you to the Kindy and Pre-primary parents for making our Quiz night this past Friday a huge success. The theme was “What Did You Want To Be When You Grew Up” and the 90’s were coming in strong! Spice Girls and Top Gun fighter pilots were some of the highlights, as well as a table of firefighters! We loved seeing everyone dressed up and enjoying the night.

For parents new to the school, we know Covid restrictions the last 2 years have made it hard to have social catch-ups and meet other parents, so it was great to see so many made it out. Over 130 tickets were sold!

An extra thanks to the Kindy and Pre-primary reps for their work putting together prizes and also hampers for the silent auction. All up we raised close to $5000 for the Kindy and Pre-primary  Subcommittee for allocating resources for our kids, including this year a shade sail for over the Kindy mud kitchen.

*pending P&C member approval


Tim Winton Award for Young Writers 2022

Entry is open to Western Australian school students in years one to twelve. Submit an original piece of prose writing, no more than 2000 words in length.
Entries open at 9.30am on Monday 18 July.
Register your entry online and upload your story electronically
by 5.30pm on Friday 12 August.

Eczema Support Australia – New Family Resources

Eczema Support Australia has recently released a new video series with Dr Justin Coulson on Practical Parenting for Eczema Families. The video resource provides an insight into the daily challenges faced by families with eczema. It also provides strategies to help develop positive coping mechanisms and reduce feelings of isolation for the family unit.

Please click on the link to view the video series.

Additionally, Eczema Support Australia have developed new Eczema Information Sheets on caring for Eczema. These resources can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the link.