Message from Principal

Dear Parents and Carers

As we are heading towards the end of the year, Wembley Primary School continues to be a busy vibrant place. We have many planned events so please make sure you check the school’s calendar on a regular basis. It would be disappointing if anyone missed out on sharing celebration moments.

The staff continue to work tirelessly to ensure that our students have had every opportunity to learn new things, participate in in-school events, and connect to global and virtual activities. They continue to work collaboratively planning activities, checking that their assessment of student work is fair and consistent, developing an in-depth shared understanding of the WA Curriculum and they are constantly watching over our students to make sure they are growing and developing into happy well-adjusted individuals.

At this time of the year the importance of sleep can be over looked for both children and adults. Sleep quality and quantity is an important consideration for all our students.  The amount of quality sleep influences a learner’s readiness and good humour to embrace all that the school day has to offer.  It was interesting to read John Ross’s article Regular Hours Enhance Results confirming the contention that regular sleep hours enhance students’ health and well-being and academic results.  Recent research from Harvard University suggests that regulated bedtimes and wake times equates with better achievement in comparison with students whose sleep patterns are irregular.  Arianna Huffington (How to succeed- Get more Sleep. Ted Talk) also advocates the importance of sleep and screen free time.


  • Restricting use of electronic devices in the hour before bed. The blue light emitted by some electronic devices stops the production of melatonin (the hormone associated with sleepiness). The stimulation of using   electronic devices for games etc may also make it harder for children to ‘switch off’.
  • Consistency in daily bedtime routines will help associate set behaviours with sleep.
  • Consistency in times for going to bed and getting up – including on weekends as well as on week days – will help regulate body clocks.


Julie Woodhouse


Charges and Voluntary Contributions 2024 – Years K-6

The Department of Education mandates that parents must be notified of any contributions, charges and fees expected of them, at least two months before the start of the school year.   Please click on the link below to read the schedule of charges and voluntary contributions for 2024.

Wembley PS Contributions & Charges 2024

Dates to Remember 2024

TERM 1 Wednesday 31 January 2024 to Thursday 28 March 2024 (9 weeks)
TERM 2 Tuesday 16 April 2024 to Friday 28 June 2024 (11 weeks)
TERM 3 Monday 15 July 2024 to Friday 20 September 2024 (10 weeks)
TERM 4 Tuesday 8 October 2024 to Thursday 12 December 2024 (10 weeks)

TERM 1 Monday 29 January 2024
TERM 1 Tuesday 30 January 2024
TERM 2 Monday 15 April 2024
TERM 3 Friday 16 August 2024
TERM 4 Monday 7 October 2024

AUSTRALIA DAY Friday 26 January 2024
LABOUR DAY Monday 4 March 2024
GOOD FRIDAY Friday 29 March 2024
EASTER MONDAY Monday 1 April 2024
ANZAC DAY Thursday 25 April 2024
KING’S BIRTHDAY Monday 23 September 2024

Year 6 Science Fair

Today we had our first Science Fair, and it was a fantastic success. A huge thank you to Sue Webber and the Year 6 teachers for supporting our year 6 students to engage in hands- on exploration and critical thinking. Working collaboratively, the students had the opportunity to further develop their skills in questioning, observation, hypothesis, experimentation, data collection, analysis, drawing conclusions, communication and refining team- based learning. We also had the opportunity to connect with the Galup Network and had a group of Year 9 Science students, from Bob Hawke College, use their scientific knowledge to critique the work of our students and award First, Second and Third place winners.

Gold medals– Room 15 – Symbiosis (How is the growing rate of cress plants affected by the type of light that is shone on it?)

By Tyler S, Zuriel L, Adeline F and Michael F.

Silver medals – Room 17 – How does the amount of calcium lactate affect the skin of an Ohoo water orb?

By Elena H, Annika K and Jennie T

Bronze medals – Room 14- Which sport drink replaces your sweat the most?

By Danial J, Ben T and Ollie T


The final Book Club catalogue for the year, Issue 8 has been sent home today.  This is the most popular issue as it’s a great way to do some Christmas shopping and help your school at the same time.   Orders are open till next Monday 20 November.

Thank you for your support in 2023.

Jill Jordan

Library Officer

Outdoor Classroom Day

The PP and Y3 Rm 27 buddy classes did shadow drawings and tallying traffic that was driving on Grantham Street.

Perth Running Club

Sarah Jamieson coaches the Perth Running Club and has hired our oval to commence running sessions.

If you are interested for your child to attend please refer to the details below.

P & C Association News

WPS Fundraising Committee


Cookbooks, Fruity Sacks, Shopping Bags, Tea Towels, Olive Oil, Umbrella’s


The P&C Fundraising and Events Committee would like to thank all the parents and community who volunteered their time to make the disco a success.

We hope the children enjoyed themselves, we certainly had fun organising it!

As we haven’t had a disco for several years, we would appreciate any feedback on what we can do to improve any future disco. If you haven’t already provided feedback and wish to do so please email the team at: