Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear parents and caregivers

It was fantastic to see the Year 6 students and families working together in the sunshine on Saturday while the school was a polling booth to fundraise for their camp and graduation activities. I came along with my daughter to support their efforts and indulge in some baked goodies and a democracy sausage. Delicious! Thank you to Cassie and the Year 6 P&C fundraising sub-committee for all their efforts in preparing for the day and to all the volunteers. It was a great success.


This week we welcomed Mrs Shona Gilfillan to the Wembley PS community. Mrs Gilfillan will be working alongside Mrs Thompson in Room 10, Year 1, working Monday-Wednesday. Mrs Jessica Ralph has commenced maternity leave a little earlier than planned. Her little one can’t wait to meet her it seems! Mrs Gilfillan is an experienced early childhood teacher and has achieved Level 3 Classroom Teacher status with the Department of Education, which recognises exemplary teachers through a rigorous assessment process.  Please make Mrs Gilfillan feel welcome as she settles into her new role.

The school continues to experience ongoing challenges in relation to staffing with many staff being impacted by COVID themselves or their own children becoming unwell. It’s a very difficult period of time for all sectors, including the school system, as COVID cases remain high in the community. We continue to do our best to meet these challenges and keep teaching and learning programs progressing with the least disruption as possible.

In light of the ongoing challenges, I will be moving this principal message to fortnightly from this week. The newsletter post will still go out weekly on Tuesdays with other messages, reminders and updates from the school, P&C and community. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Teaching and Learning

Year 1 Wildlife Incursion:

Last week, our Year 1 classes were lucky enough to have some furry, slimy and scaly visitors during their West Oz Wildlife incursion. The Year 1s are learning all about living things and their different habitats as part of Biological Science term. This close up encounter certainly brought the learning to life for our Year 1s!

Following the incursion, our Year 1s were able to use their experiences during creative writing and art, creating some wonderful poems and drawings. Well done to these clever students from Room 9 and 11.


Community Engagement

National Reconciliation Week and Sorry Day:

National Sorry Day is held on 26 May each year and is a day to acknowledge the strength of Stolen Generation Survivors and reflect on how we can all play a part in the healing process for our people and nation. National Reconciliation Week (NRW), held between 27 May and 3 June each year is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. As a school we do so through the goals in our developing Reconciliation Action Plan, Student Representative Council, School Board and Business Plan strategy for improvement of creating a ‘culturally responsive school, embedding the Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework into teaching and learning programs’.

Our teachers will be exploring Reconciliation Week through developmentally appropriate ways during the week, sharing First Nations culture and histories through picture books, writing, science and more. We look forward to sharing some of these teaching and learning experiences with you in the next newsletter.


As indicated earlier in the term, we begin resuming face-to-face assemblies today although in a modified format. Prior to the pandemic, we have always run whole school assemblies, with Year 1-6 students in attendance. Our new format will see Year 1-3 (Junior) and Year 4-6 (Senior) students rotating fortnightly. The Year 6 leaders will still run the assemblies on a rotation basis. Class items will be performed live as opposed to the video format we have been using in 2021 and last term.

Students will utilise the whole area and side doors will be lifted for ventilation. Students will be awarded merit certificates and any other special awards during the assembly. Parents are welcome to spectate at the rear of the undercover area, masks are encouraged. Today’s assembly is presented by Year 5/6, Room 14 and next week, Room 7 takes the stage. Please see the school calendar for when each classroom has their turn. Some classes have already presented prior to now, in the online format. We look forward to welcoming the community to assemblies again.

‘Collaborate, Connect, Communicate and Care’.

Yours in learning

The Senior Leadership Team

Tamara, Milani, Rachel, Stacey and Natalie

School Development Day and Public Holiday

Friday 3 June is a school development day, students DO NOT ATTEND school on this day.

Monday 6 June is Western Australia Day, this is a public holiday, students DO NOT ATTEND school on this day.

Enjoy your long weekend.

Busy Bee – Kindy

When:   Saturday 28 May 2022

Time:   10am 

Where:   Kindy Buildings, Jersey Street 

Please come along to help refresh the Kindy and Pre-primary play areas for our children. There will be mulch and sand to move, please bring wheelbarrows, shovels and rakes if you have them.

Any time you can spare is much appreciated, hope to see you there!

Cross Country

Our Faction Cross Country Carnival will take place on the school oval in Week 6 on Wednesday 1 June.

There has been a slight change in the schedule,  Years 1, 2 and 3 students will now take place from approximately 9am to 10.30am.

The Years 4, 5 and 6 races will now take place after recess from approximately 11.15am until 12.30pm.

Parents and spectators are welcome.  Any parents that can help on the day, please contact Roula Felekis on

Interschool Cross Country will take place in Week 8 on Wednesday 15 June at City Beach Oval.

Starting at approximately 11.30am, bus will depart school at approximately 11am.

Parents and spectators are also welcome at this event.

Training will continue this week.  It runs Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings starting at 7.45am.

Please meet at the gate of the oval. Training is open to PP to Year 6 students and will run until Week 8.

Choir members are encouraged to attend choir on their respective morning and come to cross country training on the other mornings.

If it is raining, training will not take place.

Jonathon Bowman

Physical Education Specialist

Canteen News

We continue to run a restricted menu this week, although we have added a warm option on each day.

Volunteers, thanks a bunch for jumping in to assist us last week, you made the load much lighter.

Once again, we would love your help getting through the next three days. Having a full roster relieves a great deal of daily pressure.

If you could spare the gift of your time,  please sign up here

Thanks so much!


Canteen Manager

School Student Photos – Week 8

Kapture Photography will be taking class, individual and family photos in Week 8 this term on Tuesday 14, Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 June.

Last week all students were given an individual order form from their classroom teacher with instructions on how to order your child/children’s photos.

Ordering can be done online at

Stacey Hunter

Deputy Principal

Crazy Hair Day – Friday 27 May

This Friday (27th) the Year 6s are holding a Crazy Hair Day fundraiser. All the money raised will go towards our Year 6 camp in Term 4.

Come to school with your craziest, whackiest hairdo and don’t forget to bring your gold coin donation.

The Year 6s will come around to your classroom in the morning to judge your top three hair designs. We can’t wait to see what crazy designs you come up with this year!

Thank you for supporting the Year 6s!

Year 6 Fundraiser on Election Day

A big thank you to all of the Year 6 parents and students who volunteered their time on election day to flip sausages, spin fairy floss, bake cakes and contribute so many tasty sweet treats.  Everything sold out by about 1pm.

Thank you to Cassie Singam for organising such a fantastic fundraiser.  All money raised goes towards the Year 6 camp and graduation activities.

The day was a huge success.  There was over $7,000 profit raised – congratulations and well done!


Last year the P&C Fundraising Sub-Committee started organising a school cookbook to be published, featuring YOUR family/favourite recipes! We had lots of recipes submitted but not as many as we wanted, plus due to time restraints, we were unable to have the cookbook published in time for the Christmas Carnival.

We are now re-launching the cookbooks with recipe submissions open again, and with plenty of time to have the books printed for Term 4 and the Wembley Family Fun Day!

We would love for more families from within the school to submit a recipe for consideration in this cookbook. Please note that we will be editing the recipes and deleting any double ups, so please feel free to submit more than one. Previously submitted recipes will all still be included.

The submission process is SUPER simple – just head to, click on the ‘Submit Your Receipt Here’ button, then choose ‘Wembley Primary School’ from the drop down menu. Complete the form, fill in your recipe details and submit. That’s it!

We cannot wait to see all the amazing recipes that come through. This will be a keepsake of not only the school but also your child’s time there, for many years to come.

Pre-orders for the cookbook will be available via Qkr! in Term 4.

If you are a local business and would also like to purchase advertising space in the cookbook, please contact Victoria Martelli at to enquire.

Recipe submissions are open until 5pm Friday 1 July.

The Wembley Family Fun Day needs YOU!

The WFFD Sub-Comittee is on the hunt for some additional members to take on just ONE task each.

We also need a few people to play Santa across the event (Working With Children Certificate required).

If you can spare a little time and would like to be involved, please contact Victoria at