Message from Administration

Dear parents and caregivers

We are halfway through the term already and off to a flying start. Next Wednesday, we have our faction swimming carnival at HBF Stadium for our Year 4-6 students. Parents, carers and grandparents are all most welcome to attend and cheer on our students. We have had incredible participation for before school swimming training, with 85 students on one day alone last week. Thank you to Mr Bowman, Mrs Watson and parent Jayne Malone for their support.


I would really appreciate the support of the community on keeping a close eye and ear out for our school grounds on evenings and weekends. The level of vandalism is increasing and causing disruption for learning programs and our neighbours at times. The Kindy and Pre-primary areas in particular have seen increased vandalism and the basketball court area is also an issue with late night use, damage to the drinking fountain and parties. We have over 800 students at Wembley and the school grounds do need to be protected for their use. The school and P&C have collaborated to ensure we have amazing school grounds and facilities and together we can make sure we keep the grounds in excellent condition. Please alert School Security if you notice anyone other than staff on school grounds after hours. Thank you.

2023-2025 Business Plan

Over several months, the school leadership team has been consulting with staff, the School Board and the community to reflect on our previous business plan and develop our new strategic direction. A school business plan is a document that outlines the priority areas for school improvement for the next 3 years. Specific targets have been developed to monitor the impact on student, staff and community outcomes.

Our new business plan builds on the momentum of the previous plan, particularly in relation to embedding explicit, evidence-based teaching strategies aligned with the current research and cognitive science principles around how students acquire and retain learning. Wembley PS staff are highly committed and dedicated to professional growth and embrace change to be the best educators they can be. We will be focusing on fine tuning our teaching practice and embedding a common language and approach for high impact learning design over the next 3 years. Our newly developed whole school instructional model is based on research and includes the elements that need to be included in a sequence of learning to have the highest impact on student learning. We will begin to share our model with you through examples in future school newsletters.

We will also continue to strengthen our whole school approach to inquiry learning, Visible Thinking and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) to develop critical and creative thinking skills. Our success in this aspect of our practice to date has been recognised with an invitation to join the New Metrics for Success project as a Melbourne Assessment community school, the only public school in Western Australia taking part in this forward-thinking model.

New Metrics for Success is a collaborative research venture, from the University of Melbourne Graduate School of Education, exploring how we can assess and recognise a broader set of competencies than what we currently do. We will always need to explicitly teach and assess core curriculum areas such as literacy and numeracy to ensure we are equipping students with the foundational skills needed to thrive at and beyond school. This project aims to expand how we define ‘success’ for a learner and recognise student progress in new ways. Your children have an array of talents and unique qualities, which we are focused on nurturing and extending. Being able to empower our students to see the growth in their thinking is an exciting feature of New Metrics. Our staff will begin to engage with this work in 2023 and I look forward to sharing updates with you in the future.

I have touched on just two elements of our strategic direction above which form part of the ‘High Impact Teaching, Learning and Leadership’ pillar. An ‘Inclusive and Supportive School Culture’ and ‘Positive Community Partnerships’ are also integral to our vision. I encourage you to read our Business Plan and engage with what will drive the school forward.

A huge thank you must go to parent Trisha Davies who generously donates her time to the school to produce the highly professional graphic design for our Business Plan and school policies. We are so very grateful for your support and endless patience on all the revisions as we drafted this plan.

You can read the Wembley Primary School Business Plan 2023-2025 on the school website here.

You can also find our updated Behaviour Management Policy here which has a simplified matrix for understanding how challenging student behaviours are managed at the school level. This policy has been endorsed by the School Board.

Digital Home Learning Tools

In previous years, the school has included digital home learning subscriptions on the annual contributions and charges. These tools such as Reading Eggs, Nessy, Mathseeds and Mathletics were intended to provide the different year levels with access to a developmentally appropriate tool to reinforce learning at home through game-based and engaging digital apps.

As our teaching practice has shifted to align with the evidence-base, we have also made intentional decisions about which online tools we use. In addition, data has shown that home usage of these programs decreased and many parents opted not to pay the cost associated with the subscription. When purchasing subscriptions at a whole school level, the school is required to purchase a subscription for every student and if a parent opts not to pay, the school is still required to pay the provider. Last year, this amounted to several thousand dollars in unexpected cost to the school. This year, we have reduced the list to just one tool – Mathletics for Year 1-6 students. This aligns with a whole school focus on numeracy and it is hoped that the one program and cost will prove more manageable for families.

For those families that wish to continue using evidence-based apps to reinforce learning at home, particularly in the Early Years, you may wish to consider apps such as ‘Initial Code Full Version’ by Sounds Write or ‘Teach Your Monster to Read’ by Teach Your Monster. These are one-off low-cost apps that will still enable your child to practice segmenting and blending and progress through levels to build on their acquisition of sounds and support phonics and spelling.

School Board Parent Representatives

At the end of March, the terms of three (3) current School Board parent representatives are expiring; Scott Crawley, Paul Wallman and Evita Soldo.

These parent representatives have all been exceptional contributors to our school community and have the option to re-nominate for their positions. However, all vacancies are advertised to give the parent community the opportunity to consider nominating. You can see our current School Board Members on the school website here.

The WPS School Board is an unincorporated Board. Board members participate in school governance by supporting the principal and school staff to implement the strategic directions outlined in the Department’s 2020-24 strategic directions ‘Building on Strength’ and the WPS Business Plan 2023-25 to achieve year-on-year school improvement. Some of the responsibilities of the Board are listed below.

  • Endorsing and reviewing the Business Plan and noting the school budget
  • Annually approving charges and contributions to the community
  • Positively promoting the school in the community
  • Evaluating the school’s performance in achieving strategic directions and priorities
  • Input into policy development
  • Communicating with the broader community the functions of the Board

The Board is seeking parents with diverse skill sets and life experiences. In particular, the Board is keen to improve the cultural diversity to reflect the multicultural profile of our community. Did you know 35% of WPS families have a language background other than English? Ensuring diversity on boards contributes to effective school governance, and leads to better informed decision-making, new ideas, opinions, solutions and stronger connections with the school community.

The School Board meets twice per term (Tuesday evenings at 5:45pm in week 3 and 8 of each term) in the School Library. Each representative will be committing to a term of 3 years if successful (Term 1 2023 – Term 1 2026).  An election will be held if more than 3 nominations are received.

Nomination: Please consider nominating using the online form here.

You can contact the principal, Tamara Doig at the school (08) 9253 9400 or by email for further information. The Board Chair for 2023 is Professor Tama Leaver and he can also be contacted in relation to the nomination process – should you have any questions.

Nominations close on Friday 10 March at 4pm.


New Drinking Fountain

We have a brand new refrigerated and filtered drinking station being installed on the side wall of the sports shed at the moment. Thanks to Mrs Kathy Watson, one of our amazing Phys Ed teachers, we were the successful recipients of a grant for the drinking station. The school paid for the installation, upgrading to a refrigerated unit and the addition of our commissioned indigenous design by Rosie Paine. This will be a welcome addition to our facilities and ensures we have access to cold drinking water near the oval and junior playground. The installation is being finalised over the next few days and we hope to have it operational next week.


Important Dates

Year 4-6 Faction Swimming Carnival: Wednesday 8 March (HBF Stadium – Outdoor Pool)

Parent/carers – please use Compass to give consent and pay for this excursion by Tuesday 7 March at the latest so your child can attend. A reminder will show on your Compass homepage for those who have not paid and given permission.

ANZAC Day Service: Thursday 6 April at 9am

A reminder that our half day school closure to facilitate parent-teacher meetings will take place on Wednesday 3 May (Week 2, Term 2).

Parent-Teacher Interviews ½ day school closure: Wednesday 3 May 12pm

Connect, Collaborate, Communicate, Care

Yours in learning

Tamara, Milani, Scott, Stacey and Natalie

Chaplains Corner

We are mid-way through Term 1 and an exciting year it will be. I am fortunate to be part of the Wembley community as a Chaplain on Mondays from 8am to 4pm and Fridays 12pm to 4pm. I look forward to meeting more members of the community and being involved in community events held.

A snapshot of who I am as a Chaplain, I enjoy working alongside our students, supporting them to reach their full potential. Supporting students and their families in a number of areas such as; emotional regulation, confidence and self esteem building, and developing a toolkit of strategies. Referral forms can be found via the website if you feel your child would like an additional person to speak with at school.

The Lego Club has been a hit so far. The students have brought their imagination and more. Their creations are amazing, well done.

If you would like to attend Lego Club, it is held from 8:10am to 8:40am Monday mornings located in front of Student Services. Look forward to seeing you there.

Warm regards, 

Alessia Princi 


P&C Annual General Meeting and Elections – TONIGHT in the Library and on Zoom

The P&C AGM is being held on tonight, 28 February at 7:30pm. We are hosting a hybrid meeting so you can join online in the comfort of your home or come down to the library and meet with us face to face.

Everyone is welcome to attend, especially if you are new to the school or have never attended a P&C meeting before. To join the P&C and be eligible to nominate for a position or vote on items, please complete the membership form on Qkr and pay the $1 membership fee before the meeting. You are also able to join tonight in person at the library!

ZOOM details are below and have also been emailed out to all current and 2022 members along with the agenda.

The AGM is our most important meeting of the year, and it is where we vote on the office bearers, sub-committee convenors and members and executive committee members.

We have several subcommittees of the P&C, and we are looking for people to fill roles in leadership and as members. We’d love to see some new ideas and energy this year, so please consider putting your hand up.  The subcommittees include – Kindy/PP, Fundraising & Events, Uniforms, Canteen, Community Engagement and DoGS (Dads of Grantham St)… so you can take your pick!

If you’re keen to get more involved please email Lauren Barendrecht at:-, and she will send you everything you need to know.

You don’t need experience to join, all you need is enthusiasm! There will be plenty of support and it’s a great way to meet other parents, as attested to by our outgoing Kindy/PP convener. “The best part about being the Kindy/PP Convener last year was getting to meet the wonderful parents on our P&C and the subcommittee that truly made me feel a part of the community.” Lauren Riley

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting!

Kind regards

Danielle Clyne

P&C President

On behalf of the Wembley Primary School P&C

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 2729 2714

Passcode: 117728

Numero Club

Wembley’s first ever Numero Club has begun on Tuesday lunchtimes with Mrs Evans.

Numero® is a mental maths resource suitable for all years of primary education. It can significantly aid development of fluency, problem solving and reasoning. Numero® is ideal for introducing and reinforcing both simple and complex maths concepts within a game situation. And it’s also lots of fun!

Lisa Evans

Maths Instructional Coach (Mon-Wed)

Room 26 Teacher (Thurs)

Canteen News

Sushi – Thursday 2 March

Final call for Sushi Orders for this Thursday. Pre-orders close at 1pm, tomorrow, Wednesday.

Open to all year groups, pre-primary to year six. Order via or at the canteen counter.

Swimming Carnival Lunch Boxes – Wednesday 8 March

Our year senior school swimming carnival is next Wednesday and our Carnival Boxes will be the ONLY option to all students on this day.

Our normal Wednesday menu will not be available and we will not be open for recess service.

The boxes contain enough for lunch and recess and all year groups PP-Y6 are welcome to order. Parents, staff and volunteers are also welcome to order their own Carnival Box.

A choice of roll- ham & cheese, cheese and tomato or a chicken mayo & rocket roll

Fresh Fruit Salad

A freshly baked go-fast Chocolate Muffin and a have-fun sneaky treat.

Boxes will be available for collection from the undercover area before the children board the buses.

Pre-Primary and Years 1-3 class baskets will be packed and delivered to their classrooms in the morning.

All children are asked to pack an ice pack to keep their food cool until lunch time.

Order at the canteen counter or via Quickcliq after 9am on Wednesday 1 March.

Harmony Day – Wednesday 15 March 

A special recess and lunch menu to celebrate our diversity and different cultural backgrounds will be held in the undercover area.

More details will follow closer to the event.

Can you Help?

Our canteen needs volunteer help on a daily basis.

We especially need additional help from 6.30-8.30 next Wednesday to help pack our Carnival Boxes and during our Harmony Day recess.

Please  sign up here  if you are able to help.


Canteen Manager