Message from Administration
Dear parents and caregivers
I would like to extend a warm welcome back to our families as we commence Term 2, 2023. I have certainly been made to feel welcome and I look forward to my time at Wembley Primary School.
It has been a smooth first week, with students returning to school with a positive attitude and demonstrating our school expectations. In the very short time, I have been here I have seen students thoroughly engaged in their learning and eager to give their best to whatever task they were undertaking.
This week we have parent teacher interviews. There is an abundance of research concerning the importance of schools providing the opportunity for parents and teachers to have these interactions in order to provide the optimum learning environment for individual students. While parent teacher interviews are not the only forum for two-way communication, they do allow teachers to gain a greater insight into their students beyond the classroom and to build positive connections with parents and carers. I hope that through this opportunity you learn a little more about your child’s academic, social and emotional development.
Connect, Collaborate, Communicate, Care
Yours in learning
Julie Woodhouse
Early Closure for Parent/Teacher Interviews
A reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday 3 May, WPS will close at 12pm for parent/teacher interviews. If you have arranged for alternative pick up or travel for your child, please email the classroom teacher to notify them.
Cross Country
Cross Country training will begin this week, with first session taking place tomorrow (Wednesday 3 May).
It will run every Wednesday and Friday morning until Week 9. It runs from 7.45am until 8.30am on the school oval. No need to sign up, just come to whatever session you can make it to.
In the case of bad weather there will be no session.
Our Faction Cross Country carnival will take place in Week 6 on Wednesday 31 May on the school oval. Interschool Cross Country is in Week 9, on Wednesday 21 June at City Beach Oval.
Jonathon Bowman
Physical Education Specialist
ANZAC Service
Wembley PS held its ANZAC service on Thursday 6 April. We were thrilled to have Dr Ken Hayward as well as Tony Mackay and MLA Christine Tonkin give stories of their connection with ANZAC. The senior choir sang beautifully and we were thrilled with the whole school performance. A massive thank you to Mrs Kate Humphreys for her musicianship as well as our Media Captain Adeline for her dedication to a great assembly performance. We would also like to thank the poetry writers of Year 6 and Ethan Turnbull for his subdued rendition of The Last Post and Reveille.
Tyler and Ben represented the school at the Town of Cambridge ANZAC Day service.
In last term’s newsletter, the following question was posed to highlight the difficulty of questions during the Have Sum Fun competition for Years 5 and 6. As promised, here is the answer:
The mean of four positive integers is 5. The median of the four integers is 6. What is the mean of the largest and smallest of the integers?
Answer: 4
Lisa Evans
Maths Instructional Coach (Mon-Wed)
Room 26 Teacher (Thurs)
Kindy/Pre-primary Busy Bee! – Saturday 6 May – 9.30 a.m.
Please come and help with a general tidy up, gardening and refreshing. Bring your gardening gloves!
If anyone is able to bring a wheelbarrow, shovel and basic gardening tools it will be very helpful.
Children welcome!
We will have some morning tea available.
Any time you have to spare will be much appreciated.
School Dress Code
In Term 1, the School Board reviewed the school Dress Code as per the policy review cycle in place. Please find the updated policy on the school website here.
A new inclusion in the policy is, ‘Plain socks are to be worn (no fluorescent or multi-coloured styles)’. There has been an increase in recent months of a range of multi-coloured and fluorescent knee-high types of socks being worn, which often creates competition between students and can be a distraction.
Please also note that the dress code also states that hair should be tied back at all times if past the shoulders, for both boys and girls.
As the weather cools down, please ensure your child has a school zip jacket or rain jacket to keep warm as other types of jumpers and jackets are not part of the school dress code.
The school uniform is an important symbol of pride and inclusion for the school community, we appreciate the support of the community in the adoption of the school dress code.
Canteen News
Canteen Closure -Wednesday 3 May
Our canteen will be open for recess tomorrow but closed for lunch due to a half day for Parent Teacher interviews.
The Hungry Lion Canteen Face Book Page!
We have our very own Facebook page.
Follow us to see exactly what goes on in the kitchen, what goes into your child’s lunch – besides a whole lot of love, lunch specials, product information and launches and a load more.
Mother’s Day Thermomix Raffle
Make Mum’s day really special with a brand new Thermomix!
Or perhaps it’s the perfect opportunity to upgrade an old model.
This incredible package is valued at $2815 and contains
*A brand new Thermomix TM6
*The long awaited Thermomix cutter to grate and slice as a food processor
*A Thermoserver double insulated bowl to keep food hot or cold
*A peeler
*A cookbook
*A cleaning brush
*A demonstration to ensure confidence with the new machine.
Tickets are limited and we’re off to a flying start with 1/3 already sold.
This raffle will be drawn on Friday 12th May, just in time for Mother’s Day.
Get your ticket via the QR code or link below.
Mother’s Day Breakfast Tarts
They’re back! We prepare Mothers Day Breakfast and send a note home with instructions for the kids to carefully heat & serve Mum breakfast in bed on her special day.
Numbers are limited and we will open sales on Quickcliq next week for pre-orders. Keep an eye out for a few more treats for Mum too.
We always need you!
Please sign up here for a whole lot of fun in a quick two hour shift where you can help us with a few simple jobs, serve the kids and see your child in the playground.
Canteen Manager
Library News
‘When Things Aren’t Going Right, …..Go Left’
Anxiety, courage, resilience, this fabulous book deals with it all and is beautifully illustrated by one of my favourite illustrators. This book can be adapted to suit any age and has real life lessons in it for us all. We have a copy in the library, but it is also available on Book Club – Issue 3 which was sent home this week. You won’t be disappointed.
Author Incursion
We are excited to announce that we have Mark Greenwood – an amazing local author, visiting our school in Week 5, Friday 26 May for Years 1-6. Mark is passionate about history and has written many fabulous books. He often pairs up with his equally talented wife, Frane Lessac who has illustrated many of his books.
Premier’s Reading Challenge 2023
8 May – 8 September 2023
Don’t forget to register for this years Premier’s Reading Challenge which starts in under a week! Follow the link for details. There are amazing prizes to be won for students and our school! Plus a fun way to take up a reading challenge! Login or ask your parent/caregiver to login in for you. The challenge is to log 12 or more books in the 4 months and is open to students from Kindy.
Home – Premier’s Reading Challenge (
Lost Property
In the office we keep any small items that have been handed in. If any of these look like your child’s please contact the office. We are sure someone is missing some very precious items including a Footy Stars album full of footy cards.
For lost uniform items please check the large lost property box outside Room 1.