Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear parents and caregivers

Summer is well and truly here! It is hot, hot, hot this week and in line with our draft Sun Smart Policy we are reminding students to apply sunscreen, and highlighting the strength of the UV daily. We have lots of wonderful events to round off this year including the All Stars Concert this Thursday night and the Year 6 graduation events next week.

An important part of shifting our focus into 2022 is the transitions and orientations for students and parents. Over the past few weeks we have welcomed our new Kindy cohort into the Wembley community and introduced the current Kindy and Pre-primary students to their new learning environments.

It’s not just students in the early years who benefit from transition experiences, and on the final day of school, for the first 45 minutes, all students will have the opportunity to spend a session with their new class, and as much as possible, their new teacher for 2022. We do have some teachers away on leave or working at different schools, so not all teachers will be present for the session. However, they will be in their new classroom with their new classmates. We trialled this last year and found it very effective for limiting new school-year anxieties. More information on how this will work will be provided next week, prior to the day.

Class lists have been finalised and handover processes will commence in the next few days. It is important to note that the lists have been compiled through a comprehensive and rigorous process, and once published are final and no changes will be made. The 2022 class lists will be emailed to parents on Wednesday 15 December.


Student Leadership: Last week we announced the complete list of student leaders for 2022 and thanked our outgoing student leadership team. Lachie P and Juliet K gave excellent speeches at the leadership handover assembly, reminding all incoming Year 6 students of the need to take every opportunity and be strong role-models for their peers. I look forward to working with our new student group next year.


Community Engagement

World’s Greatest Shave: Well done to Luke B in Year 5 who parted with his beautiful long hair for a great cause last Friday. Luke raised money for leukaemia and blood cancer by shaving off his hair in front of the whole school, raising $1200 in the process. We are so proud of his compassion and empathy, displaying our CARES values by making this sacrifice.

Farewell Assembly: Next Tuesday afternoon at 2:40pm, we will be holding the final assembly for the year to farewell staff and students who are leaving Wembley PS. As always, we welcome parents. We will be saying goodbye to two well loved and respected members of staff in Miss Hannah Cox and Mrs Lee Geelhoed. Both Hannah and Lee have given so much to the school over many, many years. As sad as we are to see both Hannah and Lee go, we are excited for the opportunities and growth that comes with change.

Connect, Collaborate, Communicate

Yours in learning

Tamara, Alan, Rachel and Kerry

Important Dates and Information

STUDENT REPORTS – Will be emailed to parents on Wednesday 15 December.  All parents are reminded that their child’s school report link is only available for one month. It is imperative that you save/print a copy for your own use at other times.  

CLASS ALLOCATIONS – Students 2022 classrooms will be emailed to parents on Wednesday 15 December.

TERM 1 FIRST DAY FOR STUDENTS – Monday 31 January 2022.

CANTEEN REOPENS – Wednesday 2 February 2022.

THE SCHOOL OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED – from Friday 17 December 2021 and will reopen on Monday 24 January 2022 (please note Wednesday 26 January is a public holiday).

WEBSITE SUBSCRIPTION – Please take the time over the holidays to subscribe on the home page of our website.

CLASS WEBSITE SUBSCRIPTION – Please note your current class website subscriptions will no longer be valid. You will need to subscribe to your new class from 31 January 2022 onwards.

Qkr – You will be required to update your child’s profile, year and class on Qkr.

Students Term 1, 2022

Students return to school on Monday 31 January 2022.

If your child will still be away on holidays and not returning on the first day, please email the office at:, advising date of return and the reason for absence.

Library News 

ALL books should now be returned to the Library. We will be stocktaking this week (Week 9), after which If any students are keen to borrow over the long summer holidays – please come to the Library in Week 10.  Parents you are most welcome to borrow for your children also.  It’s always good to keep up the reading over the long break.

A huge thank you to my parent helper- the lovely Ann-Marie Cooper who has been here for every Book Club delivery. We chat and sort, chat and sort!! It’s been a lot of fun!  A huge thank you also to Roselyn Layt who has been coming in every week and assisting with general activities in the library which has been a huge help and greatly appreciated.

Jill Jordan

Library Officer

Running Club

Our last running club for the year will be tomorrow morning at 7.45am on the oval. All welcome!

Jump Rope for Heart

Our Jump Rope for Heart Jump-off will be this Friday at lunch time on the basketball court.  All students welcome to join in.

Congratulations on all the students who have taken part in the Jump Rope for Heart fundraising program. We have managed to raise an amazing $1,912 for the Heart Foundation! What an effort. Our top fundraisers were:

Arianna – Room 26

Rose – Room 4

Thomas – Room 4

Lars – Room 2

Vanessa – PP2

Rose – Room 28

Milla – Room 28

Blair from Room 4 was our best fundraiser with an incredible $788. Great job, Blair.

Well done to all students who participated in skipping this term. Wembley has some great skippers!

Jonathon Bowman

Physical Education Specialist


It’s our last week!

This Friday is our last day of operations as we take the time next week to prepare to close the canteen for the summer holidays, though there is a rumor of a last hurrah next Thursday!

We are running stocks down, so please understand that we don’t have all of our regular choices but do enjoy the new additions and lunch boxes that we are adding daily.

Clean Up Week

Next Monday and Tuesday are our designated clean up days.

It’s the most relaxing shift in the canteen, where a group of us pick a job from the list, pull on the rubber gloves and chat the day away.

We start at 9am and will happily find a job for anyone who turns up, at any hour. No-one likes to clean an oven so, rest assured, its Genna’s task and there’s always something delicious on offer.

Please sign up here  if you can, or just drop in.

Thank you!

Heartfelt thanks to all of our students, school staff, canteen staff, our volunteers and the WPS community for making this such a fabulous year for our canteen. Your support, help, enthusiasm and enjoyment for the product we provide, has made this the most enjoyable year.

Whilst you see our faces each day, behind the scenes, we are operated by a team of professionals who donate copious amounts of their time whilst juggling their careers and families.

Our Canteen Sub-committee deserves a huge round of applause as does our P&C Executive Committee.

Our greatest thanks especially to Vanessa Saunders, for making the big decisions within this small business and for tirelessly working on and driving our canteen renovations. To Delvene Mercer for keeping our finances in order and to Tiffany Fox for her major efforts in promotions and social media, no matter the time of day or night.

We wish a warm farewell to our Year 6 leavers-we miss you already!

Enjoy your summer holidays everyone.

We will be back with a new menu and some great ideas in February.

Merry Christmas!

The Canteen Staff

P&C Association

P&C Auditor Required

The P&C is looking for a suitable professional to undertake the annual financial statement review for 2021. Membership of a recognised accounting body (ie CA, CPA, MIPA) or registered company auditor required. All inquiries please email Helen at

2022 P&C committee positions – expressions of interest

The P&C is looking for enthusiastic and committed parents to take on committee positions at the AGM next year. While every position is up for re-election, several of our long-standing committee members are intending to retire and it is vital that other superstar parents step up to take on their roles.

Committee members who have indicated they will vacate their role next year include President, Vice President, Treasurer, K/PP convenor and communications officer. Many of our subcommittee convenors will also be looking for support within their roles as the P&C looks ahead to some exciting projects.

The AGM is scheduled for 22 February, 2022 so you have plenty of time to think about it!

If you are interested in finding out more about a P&C role and what it involves, please email Tiffany at

Tiffany Fox

President, P&C Association Inc

Thank you from the P&C Association

As the school year draws to a close I take this opportunity to thank all our Wembley families for their support of the P&C and our community and fundraising events. We are very fortunate to have enthusiastic and involved parents who help out in a range of roles, from being on the P&C committee or subcommittees to volunteering at events and in the canteen, or even just buying a sausage at one of our sausage sizzles – we couldn’t do it without you.

One of the P&C’s main roles is supporting the learning environment of Wembley students. The P&C has an ongoing commitment to supporting the school’s lease of iPads and laptops, so parents are not required to supply their children with a personal iPad or laptop for school use. The P&C also contributes around $13,000 per year to the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the school oval and supports other school activities including contributing to the hire of the State Athletics Stadium and playground upgrades. This year, we also contributed to the installation of new long jump pits, purchase of netball poles and a new mud kitchen for the Kindy. 

In response to the challenges presented by Covid-19 and restrictions last year, this year we had a renewed focus on community engagement starting with the Welcome to Wembley picnic in Term 1, the Mothers Day paint and sip evening, the Christmas Markets and Kids Carnival and the inaugural Dads of Grantham Street planes and pizza night. It was lovely to see so many families attend each event to connect with friends new and old and we hope to carry those community connections into next year. 

2022 will also see the return of the ever-popular fete! While the fete is a regular feature of the Wembley calendar, every fete is unique and reflects the interests and needs of the school community. If you would like to play a role in the formation of the 2022 fete, or have ideas about stalls or activities, please feel welcome to join the fete subcommittee. Email for more information on how you can get involved, or keep an eye on P&C news in the newsletter and Facebook page next year.

We had a big change this year with the closure of the P&C uniform shop and moving the processes to Perm-a-Pleat. This was a big job that took the best part of a year, and we appreciate parents’ patience while the transition was happening. The P&C are conscious of the need to provide an efficient process for families to be able to buy/sell or give away their uniforms, so we have also subscribed to the Sustainable School Shop website ( to provide parents with the ability to trade second-hand items. 

Plans for the proposed canteen renovation are progressing and we hope to be able to share more news on that next year. It is a testament to the special place the canteen holds in the hearts of Wembley families that we are considering embarking on what could be our biggest project ever.

We can’t mention the canteen without acknowledging the transformation in the canteen led by canteen supervisor Genna Stephenson. Genna’s unflagging innovation and dedication to providing fresh, healthy, homemade food for our students has been well-supported by parents and students alike. On a busy day, the canteen can serve more than 500 lunches! And yet, Genna still manages to ensure the volunteers are welcomed with the offer of a cuppa (and possibly a biscuit fresh from the oven).

A big thank you also needs to go to the school, who are so supportive of P&C activities, and the executive committee who are busy behind the scenes making sure the P&C runs smoothly. Please know that you do not have to hold a position to be a part of the P&C and everyone is welcome to come to meetings and find out more about what is happening at the school.

We have some big plans for 2022 and look forward to seeing you all next year!

Have a safe and happy summer break.

Tiffany Fox

President, P&C Association Inc

Lost Property – Bike and Helmet

There has been a little bike and helmet resting against the wall near Kindy for quite awhile now.  If not collected, we will need to notify local police.