Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear parents and caregivers

What a cold and wet start to the week! With the onset of Winter, there is a lot of sickness in the school. I thank you for continuing to reinforce hand washing and good hygiene such as coughing into elbows as we continue to do at school. Should your child be unwell, please keep them home until symptoms pass. In confined indoor environments, sickness spreads quickly from unwell children to staff and students. Thank you for your support as we aim to keep everyone healthy and happy for the last few weeks of this 11 week term.

Teaching and Learning

Creative Schools

Over the past couple of weeks, Room 22 has been working on applying their biological science knowledge in a hands on task to create Australian animals during Creative Schools sessions with artist and creative practitioner, Jodie Davidson. Using the ‘Austin’s Butterfly: Building Excellence in Student Work’ approach, Jodie has been guiding the Year 4s through a process which reinforces that being good at something takes practice, perseverance and the ability to take on feedback and instructions. By receiving the frequent opportunity to be critiqued to improve their work, the focus is on the ability to keep revising drafts or models to produce a high level of quality rather being happy with the first attempt. This approach can be applied to any learning task, not just hands on design work.

We are very grateful to be involved with the Creative Schools project again in 2021, with the focus being on scaling this approach across the school in our second year. Wembley is one of just 10 schools selected across the Department of Education, which receives funding from the State Government to develop an approach in schools to develop critical and creative thinking. Wembley’s developing reputation as a leading school in critical and creative thinking was instrumental in being the only school selected to be involved for a second year in a row. This year, Room 15 (Year 6) and Room 22 (Year 4) are hosting a creative practitioner every week in Term 2 and 3 to work alongside the teacher and students on strategies that value teaching for creativity and the development of creative habits of learning. If you would like to know more about Creative Schools, you can view a video produced earlier this year here.

Community Engagement

Long Jump Pits

You may have noticed our old long jump pit is no longer operational due to the new transportable on the oval. The long term plan had always been to move the pits and expand to two pits to accommodate our large cohorts and hosting interschool events. While the transportable has made this more urgent, it is an unexpected cost that the school needs to absorb. The cost is quite considerable due to the need to excavate the area and properly reinforce the pits with limestone and soft fall for longevity and safety.

Following a discussion at the last School Board meeting, parent Don Frost proposed a plan to reduce the costs significantly through a community busy bee. Thanks to Don for his support coordinating this. Once the plan has been finalised, we will be asking for parent volunteers to assist with the project. It will be a great way for the community to work together to support our kids. We will advertise widely once dates are ready. Mr Bowman and Mrs Watson will be very grateful to have these in place ready for athletics training in Term 3 ahead of our Faction Athletics Carnival on Thursday 19 August and the Interschool events in September.

Collaborate, Connect, Communicate.

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Tamara, Alan, Rachel and Melinda

Student Reports Semester 1, 2021

Student Reports will be emailed to parents on Wednesday 30 June 2021 at 3.15pm.

It is very important that you either save or print the Reports, as the link is available for 4 weeks only, then it automatically closes.

Alan Ramsey

Deputy Principal

Crazy Hair Day – Friday 18 June

On this Friday 18 June, we are holding a fundraiser for the cost of buses for the Year 6 camp.

For a GOLD COIN donation, you can DRESS YOUR HAIR as wildly, craziest and as colourfully as you want, or if you wish, wear a wig!

Make sure you do your hair at home as no aerosol spray cans are allowed on school premises. Your donation will help a lot. Remember that this is not a free dress event so come to school in your school uniform.

Thank you from the Year 6’s !

Kindy Enrolment 2022 is Open Now

If your child is born between 01 July 2017 and 30 June 2018 they are eligible to enrol in kindergarten for 2022.   Places are limited so you must have your application lodged at our office before the closing date of 23 July 2021.

Students Leaving WPS 2022

If your child is changing schools for 2022, please notify our school by emailing the office on, as soon as possible.  We need to know this information for planning purposes.


Please sign up to any of our shifts if you are able to spare two or three hours. The kids will be thrilled to see you at school!

Also, we have a busy bee on Tuesday 29 June for our end of Term clean down of the kitchen.  Come in, have a chat and some lunch.

Please sign up here


Canteen Manager

Homeless Connect Perth – Donations Needed

Dear Wembley Community,

We are all so fortunate to sleep in a warm bed every night . Unfortunately there over 116,000 Australians who are not and are living on the streets.

We are appealing for NEW socks, blankets and toiletries (soap, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste and brushes , deodorant and brushes/combs) to donate to the homeless through Homeless Connect Perth.


Please place your donation in the tubs outside the library

 Thank you for your kindness.

Mrs Jordan and Miss Smith

Redhage Basketball –  Term 3 Program

Young Engineers Club – Term 3

Young Engineers Club (YEC) (Thursdays after-school from 3:30pm) – Young Engineers is on again in Term 3, 2021. Students interested in hands-on STEM will now get their chance to build like never before. If you have enrolled in Young Engineers before, you should have already received your email invitation to enrol. If you have never heard of Young Engineers before, please follow the links below for more info.

Build, build & more building… learning engineering by building Lego prototypes of historical, modern and functional motorised machines. STEM can’t be any more real and fun. Starts week 2 of term 3.

Pre-Primary – Yr 1 students:

Yr 2 – 6 students:

Enquiries:  or phone: 0406 542 912

Tennis – Term 3 Program

Term 3 program for Years Preprimary through to Year 6.  We are also offering a special rate of half price for Preprimary and Year 1 Students.  Lessons are held at Wembley Primary School before school.  Please click on the below link:

Tennis at WPS Before School – Term 3, 2021 Form

Junior coaching program – held at Floreat Park Tennis Club after school and weekends. Please click on the below link:

Tennis Junior Program held at Floreat Park Tennis Club

Holiday Clinics – week 1: 5-9 July,  week 2: 12-16 July.  Please click on the below link:

Tennis Winter Holiday Clinic July 2021

Thank you.

Andy Mackechnie

Floreat Park Tennis

Wembley Magpies Teeball

The new baseball season for Wembley Magpies is coming up and this year, our club is launching Teeball.    Please contact our club for more details.


180 Selby Street, Jolimont 6014. Mob: 0403 798 394