Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear parents and caregivers

As we approach the mid-point of the term and the weather cools down, it’s inevitable that the health and wellbeing of students, parents and staff can start to be affected. For our staff, there are a number of wellbeing measures in place this term to ensure we can be our best selves for our students, community and our own families. Throughout the term, I have implemented a few designated ‘no meetings’ weeks to give our staff permission to slow down and take a breather in a busy reporting term. This week is one of those weeks for our staff. How is your family going? I encourage all families to think about ways you can support your little people and yourselves as parents and caregivers to be the best version of yourselves. It will likely look different for everyone but when we start to get a little tired, reducing extra-curricular activities after school and more family time/play time at home can be just what the doctor ordered to reset and give everyone that extra energy for the weeks ahead. As a parent of an almost 4 year old little girl in Kindy, I know a weekend of quiet time, and skipping one swimming lesson has helped enormously to tackle the week ahead!

Grantham St Underpass  – A number of local residents have contacted the school expressing their concern about the number of parents crossing Grantham St at drop off or pick up time. As we know, it’s a very busy road and can be dangerous to cross, particularly with young children. Please use the underpass at every opportunity so we can keep everyone safe. Thank you for your continued support.

Teaching and Learning

Last week, classrooms across the school took part in National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS). NSS is held annually across the country, with a featured picture book being read in schools, libraries, childcare centres, bookshops and many more at the same time. This year, the featured book was, ‘Give me some Space!’ by Philip Bunting. Excitingly, the book was read by NASA astronaut Shannon Walker from the International Space Station!

The topic prompted lots of curiosity and excitement, especially with our Year 1 students who all joined together as Mrs Thompson read the book to the whole year level. In Room 10, students were very interested in the topic, leading to a mini-inquiry into all things space-related by connecting the storybook to a range of learning experiences and learning areas. The results were amazing! Lots of rich thinking through connections to prior knowledge, explicit references to being creative learners, high level writing and imaginative designs. Room 10 even developed their own sustainable mission in response to the book, which references looking after planet Earth. You can see a sneak peek in the photos below.

Learning Environment

Thursday marks the start of National Reconciliation Week, a time for us all to learn about shared histories, cultures and achievements and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Reconciliation needs to be more than a word, it needs to live in our hearts, minds and actions as we collectively build communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures and futures.

We will be launching the week by joining the National Acknowledgement of Country at 9am on Thursday with a student–led assembly on WebEx. Our student leaders, Juliet and Lachlan, Head Boy and Girl, and Angel, our Cultural Ambassador worked with Jasmine this week, Barbara Jackson’s great-granddaughter to learn the Acknowledgement to Country in Noongar. We have formed a very special connection with the Jackson family following our student-led change project in 2020 to re-name our factions. Jasmine is a final year pre-service teacher at ECU and proud Noongar woman who will be spending some time with us at the school this year and sharing her culture. We are so very thrilled to be continuing to develop this relationship with the Jackson family and work towards positive and meaningful connections and reconciliation.

Community Engagement

Don’t forget to reserve your place at our free cyber safety education session for parents on Tuesday 1 June at 6:30pm. The team from ySafe are facilitating this session, who are a leading education provider working to assist schools and parents ensure the safety of children in this digital world. Registrations are essential, please refer to the link further along in this newsletter to book. Following the session, attendees will have access to the ySafe Cyber Safety Parent Hub with further resources and help to assist parents.

Collaborate, Connect, Communicate.

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Tamara, Alan, Rachel and Melinda

School Development Day – Friday 4 June 2021

Students DO NOT attend School on this day.

Please remember there is a Term 2 School Development Day next Friday and students do not attend school on that day.

An Introduction to the Science  of Reading – Free Parent Session

At Wembley PS, our K-2 teachers have been engaging in professional learning and collaborative planning to shift practice in literacy instruction to align with current best practice and research around how students learn to read and spell. You may have noticed that the strategies being implemented might be different to how phonics and reading has been taught at Wembley in the past.

The school has invested significant resources into decodables books, targeted support for teachers and EAs and intervention programs in the past year to ensure the best possible outcomes in literacy for our students. We are in the process of organising some parent information sessions about how literacy is taught at WPS in the Early Years for early Term 3, facilitated by our teachers, Deputy Principal and the Speech Pathologist Outreach officer at West Coast Language Development Centre, who has been working closely with the school. In the meantime, DSF Literacy services are running a free parent session called, ‘An Introduction to the Science of Reading’ tomorrow morning at their offices in South Perth. You can register here.

Kind Regards,

Tamara Doig


Free bread is coming!

Bakers Delight Wembley and the P&C are teaming up to support Wembley PS families with a free bread offer!

Starting with Year 6 families and continuing through the school for the next year, each family will receive a card entitling them to a free loaf of bread every day for a month from Bakers Delight Wembley.  Due to the size of the school and number of families, the program will be rolled out in stages over the next 12 months, starting with the older year groups.  Volunteers from the P&C will deliver the cards to students at the end of the month for use in the next month – if your child is in a younger year group, please be patient! Your turn will come.  Cards are unable to be replaced if lost or damaged and are subject to conditions set by Bakers Delight.

The P&C would like to thank the team at Bakers Delight Wembley for supporting our local families.

Shenton College – High Performance Learning

The HPL information for the 2022 Entry is now on the Shenton College website.  This includes the online link to register for the 90 minute HPL Selection Test which is on Saturday 7 August  [AM session OR PM session].

This new info can be found at:

and at:

Library News

Years 4 and 6 students are very excited to be attending the Scribblers Festival next Monday 31 May, at the Regal Theatre, Subiaco.  The two authors we will be meeting are:

Jessica Townsend

Author of NEVERMOOR Series:

Nevermoor / Wundersmith / Hollypox


Amie Kaufman

Author of The World Between Blinks


The Elementals Trilogy

Ice Wolves / Scorch Dragons / Battle Born

In 2022 we hope to have other classes attend also.  Remember to ask your child all about it if they are one of the fortunate classes to be participating!  We are all very excited.

Book Club catalogues for Issue #4 were sent home yesterday.  Online ordering via LOOP is open for one week – closing next Monday.  There are some fabulous resources available at great prices.  Please support your school by ordering, as we then get to choose some great books for the library using our reward points!

Jill Jordan



YEAR 6 Sports Excursion this Friday 28 May

Please note that due to an early departure from school, our year six students need to eat earlier than our allocated lunch service.

In order to have their meals ready ahead of time and with volunteer support, we will need to restrict their menu.

This week we will be serving our Mini Pie Snack Box, Macaroni Cheese and FRESH Sandwiches with drinks available. Please note, no toasted sandwiches will be available and frozen treats can be collected after they return from the excursion when the bell goes.

Please look out for what is available on the Quickcliq introduction page and on the P&C Facebook Page.

If you have any concerns in relation to dietary requirements, please come in to chat with Genna or send an email to

Gosh, It’s Cold Outside

We’ve developed some traffic light friendly winter warmers to keep our kids warm and motivated.

Some happy kids gave today’s hot chocolate samples a big thumbs up.

Rich, thick and creamy and available at every recess for $2 cup.

Cool early mornings call for hot brown sugar porridge topped with toasted coconut and banana or simply with a light sprinkle of brown sugar and milk. Dairy Free available. Launching next week and available at 8.30am from the canteen counter to warm up after early morning sport or choir.

Soups are coming for recess. Let us know your favourite flavours and we will keep you warm from the inside out.


Huge thanks to all the people who jump in to help out with the little bits of time that they have spare.

Pictured is superstar Chatarina Brady in full corporate wear, who stopped in for an hour of power after dropping her child at early morning cross country to make our pikelets and vanilla custard and to put labels onto bags. Thanks, Chatarina!

We’re always happy to have any bit of time you can spare-and it’s not always messy jobs!

We need shifts covered this Thursday and Friday so please  sign up here   for some fun!


Canteen Manager 

Canteen Superstar