Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear Parents and Caregivers

This week we celebrate NAIDOC week. This year’s theme Always Was, Always Will Be recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.  

NAIDOC 2020 invites all Australians to embrace the true history. That involves our students seeing, hearing and learning the First Nations’ 65,000+ year history of this country – which is Australian history. Mrs Jordan has set up a wonderful display in the library for students to readily access quality reading material. 


Teaching and Learning

Wembley celebrated Outdoor Classroom Day on 5 November 2020. The theme was Love the Outdoors! Children are spending less time outdoors than ever before and this is affecting their health, wellbeing and love of the natural world. Time outdoors – on Outdoor Classroom Day and every day – makes children happier and healthier, as well as helping them form habits that will stay with them for life. They will have a love of the natural world and will take action to protect it. 

This afternoon, our Pre-primary students had their first transition afternoon for Year 1 in 2021There was lots of excitement as they made their way up to the ‘big’ school to see the Year 1 classrooms and meet the teachers. The Pre-primary students will have another session in the classrooms next week and also spend some time in the junior play areas to help ease the transition into their new learning environment.  It’s also lots of fun for our current Year 1 students who get to play in their old stomping ground in the PP and Kindy playgrounds! 


 WINNER of Library and Information Focused Training (LIFT) Library Officer Excellence Award – Mrs Jill Jordan.  

Wembley is blessed to have Mrs Jordan as our library officer. Her outstanding commitment to every student and their reading journey has been recognised by her work colleagues, peers and the LIFT panel. Not only has Mrs Jordan recently lead Wembley to be the top WA school and in the top ten Australian schools in the MS Read-a-thon, she creates innovative reading spaces, magical themes and displays for Book Week and specific events and celebrations throughout the year. Calm, kind, professional, energetic, passionate and talented describes our Mrs Jordan perfectly! Congratulations on the well deserved award Jill. 


Congratulations to Mrs Tammy Misson who completed her Key Language Leadership course yesterday. The focus of the professional learning is to build capacity of lead teachers to improve the language/literacy outcomes of students in the early years with a focus on students at language risk. The service integrates current language development theory and research with the principles of best practice teaching.   



Engagement and Relationships 

Tomorrow, on Remembrance Day we will observe a minute’s silence at 11am to honour all soldiers who fought and died for their country in years gone by. 

For a gold coin donation, you can purchase a red poppy from our student leaders before school and at recess time. All proceeds will go to the RSLWA. 



Collaborate, Connect, Communicate. 

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Donna, Alan, Milani, Tamara

Year 1 St Johns Incursion

Last Wednesday the all Year 1 classes and some of their buddy classes learnt about the role of paramedics in our community, features of an ambulance and strategies they can use when they need to call for help.  A big thank you to Jack (Year 6 student) and his family for volunteering their time to help deepen the Year 1 cohorts learning.

2021 Charges and Voluntary Contributions Schedule

The Department of Education mandates that parents must be notified of any contributions, charges and fees expected of them, at least two months before the start of the school year.  The Wembley Primary School Board has endorsed the schedule of Charges and Voluntary Contributions for 2021.

Please click here to view the schedule.

2021 Personal Items Lists

The 2021 Personal Items Lists have been emailed today to all parents and caregivers.  All lists are also available on our school website.  Click here to view.

To ensure free delivery by the week ending 22 January 2021, all orders must be completed online at by Friday 18 December 2020.  Use “UHSR” as your code.

P&C General Meeting

The P&C is holding its next general meeting on Monday 16 November, commencing at 7.15pm in the library.

Everyone is welcome to attend!  Come along and her about some of the big plans we have for the next year.

kind regards

Tiffany Fox

President, P&C Association

P&C Kindy/PP Subcommittee Meeting

The final P&C Kindy/PP Subcommittee meeting of the year will be held tonight, Tuesday 10 November 2020, commencing at 7.30pm at The Stanley.

We hope to see you there.

Kind regards
Laura Campbell
Secretary, P&C K/PP Subcommittee 


Once again, we need to stress how important our volunteers are in making our canteen operate. We have been desperately short on many occasions over the past few weeks.

We realise everyone’s time is limited as we slip into the end of the term and prepare for Christmas and the school holidays.

Our roster for the coming week has plenty of vacant spots and the roster for the remaining weeks of term remains empty.

We desperately need two lunch shifts filled tomorrow, Wednesday and one lunch shift on both Thursday and Friday this week.

If you could please look ahead into your calendar, we need to get positions filled for the remainder of the term also.

In order to operate and serve our Wembley kids healthy, innovative and delicious meals, snacks and treats, we need YOU!

PLEASE, if you can find the time to spend a fun 2 or 2.5 hour shift in the kitchen, kindly sign up here.

Thanks Everyone!

Genna and Julie

Containers for Change

Wembley Primary will soon have some fancy new purple bins around the school for drink container collection and return. For each container returned, the school will earn 10c which will be used to support sustainable packaging and waste reduction in the canteen. You can help by volunteering to return the collected containers to the Shenton Park collection point. You can sign up on the canteen app here.

Together we can make a difference. Let’s help the environment and raise money for sustainability at our school one container at a time.

Churchlands SHS Year 7 in 2021 Orientation Day