Faction Cross Country – POSTPONED
Due to the forecast of bad weather the Faction Cross Country scheduled for tomorrow, has now been postponed to Wednesday 7 June.
Student Update Form 2023
Student Update Forms for 2023 are being sent home over the next few days with your child.
Please check details and amend if required and sign the form, then return form to the office.
Please note the Medicare, Health Care Card and Immunisation details ARE NOT REQUIRED. Unfortunately we are unable to delete that section from the template.
If there are no changes, there is NO NEED TO RETURN the form.
Kindy Applications for 2024
Children born between 01 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 are eligible to apply for Kindergarten commencing in 2024. Applications are available on the website or collection at the school office. Applications close on 21 July 2023. Only the one page application form is required at this stage.
Existing Kindy Students going into Pre-primary 2024
For existing Kindy students already enrolled at Wembley, we will post applications to parents in Term 3 to apply to enrol their children into Pre-primary for 2024. Subject to the receipt and approval of relevant enrolment documentation.
Music Assembly
The Music Assembly will take place on Friday Week 8 Term 2 on the 16 June at 9am.
This event will feature the Junior Choir, Senior Choir and Concert Band in the undercover area.
All parents welcome to watch. For more information, please send an email to katherine.humphreys@education.wa.edu.au
Book Week Parade – CHANGE OF DATE!
Book Week Parade will be held in Week 3 of Term 3 on Friday 4 August (NOT in Week 6)
Premier’s Reading Challenge 2023
8 May – 8 September 2023
Don’t forget to register for this year’s Premier’s Reading Challenge which is well under way. Follow the link for details. There are amazing prizes to be won for students and our school! Plus a fun way to take up a reading challenge! Login or ask your parent/caregiver to login in for you. The challenge is to log 12 or more books in the 4 months and is open to students from Kindy.
Home – Premier’s Reading Challenge (premiersreadingchallenge.wa.edu.au)
Author Incursion with Mark Greenwood
Last Friday was a huge day in our Library with Mark Greenwood sharing his amazing tales of adventure which led him to writing so many fabulous books. Mark is passionate about history and had staff and students totally engaged from start to finish. What an amazing life he has led. When researching his books, he has travelled to many remote locations including Jandamarra’s Cave, Anzac Cove – he has searched the desert for Lasseter’s Reef, visited volcanoes and much, much, more. What a treat! Thank you, Mark.
Reconciliation Week
It’s Reconciliation Week and we are fortunate to have some amazing resources on display in the library for Staff and students to borrow.
School visit by Narrator of Andy Griffiths books and Cambridge Library membership!
We are so fortunate to have Stig Wemyss – Narrator of Andy Griffiths Treehouse Books, visit us in Week 9. We are so grateful to Cambridge Library who have initiated this.
If you or your family are not yet emembers, this is your opportunity to sign up using the easy link below:
Join Cambridge Library and get the coolest ticket in town. Your Library card will take you to
places you never dreamed of!
Your new Library card will give you access to a huge variety of e-resources including e-books, e-audiobooks, e-magazines, e-movies plus educational resources.
You can upgrade your membership to borrow books, DVD’s and jigsaws
when you visit the library with your photo ID.
Student School Photo Day
Student school photos will be held on Tuesday 13, Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 June.
Full school uniform to be worn.
Closer to date, we will notify parents of class schedules.
Sibling photos will be:
Tuesday 13 June – family names A – E (8am), F – J (8.30am)
Wednesday 14 June – family names K – M (8am), N – O (8.30am)
Thursday 15 June – family names P – S (8am), T – Z (8.30am)
Kindy/Pre-primary Busy Bee! 
Thank you so much to the parents and students that attended the Kindy Playground Busy Bee. It was a huge community effort with the playground being topped up with sand and mulch. The PP sandpits were also refilled. The children have loved the fresh sand to play with. We really appreciate all your efforts.
Long Weekend Packs
Autumn is a beautiful season in terms of food.
Chestnuts are ripe for picking, the apples are crisp, persimmons are a delightful glossy orange and pears are sweet, green and golden. Better still, on old fashioned favourite is in season for a short time, Quinces.
Our WPS canteen kitchen has been taking advantage of a seasonal forage at the orchard. For the upcoming long weekend, we’ve made quince paste, shiraz & brown sugar poached pears, dried persimmon wafers and pink peppercorn & maple lavosh for our cheese hampers.
Brownes Vintage Cheddar is a highlight in our Relax Packs along with our homemade goodies.
Maple Nut Granola, Brownes Greek Honey Yoghurt and raspberry compote fill our Breakfast Pack.
These Long Weekend Packs, along with our fresh cookie bags, jams and relishes are available to pre-order now on Quickcliq under the Special Promotion tab or at the canteen counter.
Packs can be collected by children or adults at 3-3:30pm on Friday.
Pre-Primary Bluey Boxes are Coming!
Fabulous Florina, our resident artist, is in the kitchen making up samples of a very special Bluey Cookie. They look incredible!
We’ll let you know when they are ready to launch.
Volunteer Help Needed
We really need volunteers to help assist us to get the kids served at recess and lunch time.
If you can help, please even if it is just for 45 minutes to an hour in the mornings to flip pikelets, we’d be most grateful.
Please sign up here or email wemblypscanteen@gmail if you can spare a small amount of your time.
Canteen Manager
Picture Plates 2023
Please download Qkr! on your phone by following this link:
If you need help, please email the P&C Treasurer: treasurerpandcwembley@gmail.com
P&C Family Bush Dance
The P&C is holding a Family Bush Dance at with The Mucky Duck Bush Band on Saturday 24 June from 5-9pm at the Cambridge Bowling Club.
These guys are local legends, and plenty of parents will remember them playing at their own primary schools! For those who aren’t familiar with the idea of a bush dance, the music is lively and the dances are fun, easy to learn and tailored to suit different age groups, from little kids to grandparents. The band members explain the steps beforehand as well as during the dances. We’re very excited to get to experience this Australian tradition with our kids! Please note, this is a family event. Parents need to stay at the venue with their children. We hope to see plenty of parents on the dance floor too!
Tickets are $15 each via Qkr.
We will be serving dinner– pulled pork buns with slaw, delicious veggie burgers and of course it wouldn’t be a bush dance without a sausage sizzle!
Please order your food in advance on Qkr.
The club bar will be open for parents.
No BYO food or drinks please. This is a school community event to support Year 6 camp.
There will be raffles and games, so bring your coins! (EFTPOS will also be available)
We look forward to seeing you there.
Please download Qkr! on your phone by following this link:
If you need help, please email the P&C Treasurer: treasurerpandcwembley@gmail.com
P&C – Cookbooks , Tea Towels and Olive Oil
Please download Qkr! on your phone by following this link:
If you need help, please email the P&C Treasurer: treasurerpandcwembley@gmail.com
Triple P – Prositive Parenting Program
Please follow the link for courses