Message from Principal
Dear parents and caregivers
In the short time I have been at Wembley Primary School I have been extremely lucky to have shared some wonderful interactions with staff and students. Going into classrooms I have been fortunate to have enjoyed some sensational moments and it makes me stop and think that I have the best job in the world.
Expectation of students who arrive at school prior to 8.30am
Student safety is important to us and our classroom doors open for students at 8.35am each morning.
Students who arrive at school before 8.30am must go directly to the verandah adjacent to the undercover area and sit quietly. An exception to this is when children are attending a school organised activity (e.g. choir, sports).
For safety reasons, students are not permitted to play sport or go on the playground equipment before or after school. Arrival and dismissal times at Wembley Primary School are busy times. These procedures are in place to ensure the safety of all students at our school.
Bringing personal property to school
Children have a natural desire to bring their own toys to school. However, doing so often causes conflict between peers that they are unable to cope with or resolve amicably. Children can have difficulty sharing a special toy but they have an equally difficult time choosing to put away instead. We therefore request that children do not bring toys to school, but rather wait for the opportunity for sharing their things when friends visit their home.
Friday 19 May is National Walk Safely to School Day
We have many students who regularly walk or ride a bike or scooter to school, but would like to encourage those who live close enough to walk, but usually travel by car to give walking a go. By walking to school our students have the opportunity to develop vital road crossing skills and they will be increasing their health and fitness. Research tells us that Australian children are becoming less active so let’s get moving.
In encouraging our students to walk or ride a bike or scooter to school, our students who ride bikes or scooters know that the expectation is that once they are inside the school yard they must walk not ride.
To our wonderful parents/carers – your patience, courtesy and willingness to work with us is greatly appreciated and valued. Thank you.
Connect, Collaborate, Communicate, Care
Yours in learning
Julie Woodhouse
We have given out 200+ calico library bags so far this year to students who didn’t have bags, rather than not let them borrow. We ask that these please be returned. As a sustainable school, we no longer cover books, so therefore we ask that each student bring their own library bag – of any description!
Thank you.
Jill Jordan
Library Officer
Year 6 Cake Stall – Tuesday 23 May at Recess
Finally after 4 long years, the famous Year 6 Cake Stall is back !
We will be raising money to help reduce the substantial cost of the 2023 Year 6 Forest Edge Camp.
There will be the usual plethora of savoury and slightly sweet goodies to devour. Extra kilojoules students can convert to muscle when you burn them off charging around the oval!
P&C General Meeting Tonight – Tuesday 16 May – 7.30pm in Library
Please join us tonight for our P&C General Meeting in the school library at 7:30pm. It’s a great opportunity to meet our new principal!
All are welcome- you don’t need to be a paid P&C member to come along, and there may even be yummy snacks on offer.
If you are unable to join us in person you can join via ZOOM with the details below
Topic: P&C General Meeting
Time: May 16, 2023 07:30 PM Perth
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 848 3639 0444
Passcode: 535900
Cross Country
Cross Country training has commenced and runs every Wednesday and Friday morning until Week 9. Starting at 7.45am until 8.30am on the school oval. No need to sign up, just come to whatever session you can make it to.
In the case of bad weather there will be no session.
Our Faction Cross Country carnival will take place in Week 6 on Wednesday 31 May on the school oval.
Program order will be Years 4, 5, 6 in the morning from 9am to 10.30am. Year 4 will commence first followed by Year 5, then Year 6.
After Recess, Years 1, 2, 3, will be from approximately 11.15am to 12.30pm. Year 1 will commence first followed by Year 2, then Year 3.
Interschool Cross Country is in Week 9, on Wednesday 21 June at City Beach Oval.
Jonathon Bowman
Physical Education Specialist
Raphael S
Andrew Y
Levi W
Ari T
Karma D
Evan T
Samantha E
Lyla G
Isaac T
Ujjaini S
Maya S
Joel T
Will T
Aaron Y
Amy Z
Patrick I
Tiam T
Ilya W
Austin D
Jake L
Harry B
Agatha C S
Eashan S
Timothy J
Nirav K
Wesley T
Raffael V
Martin H
Kenzie S
Elijah T
Millie D
Samuel W
Quintin F
Chimi N
Matheson H
Zuriel L
Hannah Y
Asher N
Jasmin S
National Volunteers Week
We’d like to extend our biggest thanks to all of our volunteers, past and present for every minute that you have given to help us out in the canteen. We appreciate your time greatly. Thanks everyone!
Winner Winner!
Our $2,815 Thermomix Package Raffle was drawn on Friday afternoon.
Congratulations to our Year 4 Mum, Sashie Poynton!
Sashie has told us she has gifted her prize to her Mum for Mother’s Day so it is heading to the country for a relaxing farmlife. We hope your Mum loves using this machine, Sashie.
BIG thanks to all of those who purchased a ticket, we are extremely grateful for your support.
Thanks also to all who purchased our breakfast tarts, crumpets & honey, cookies, pickles and preserves.
We hope Mother’s Day was made easy and everyone had a fabulous day!
Coming Up
Sushi Day is next Thursday 25 May. Pre-orders open on Quickcliq this Thursday afternoon and will close on Wednesday 24 May at 1pm. Orders can also be placed at the canteen counter with cash or EFTPOS.
WA Day Long Weekend
The long weekend is only three weeks away.
Relax into your weekend with our Cheese, Lavosh and quince packs, cookies and crumpets. Orders will be on Quickcliq the week before and available outside the canteen at school pick up.
We would love your help as always.
Please sign up here if you can help out this week, next week or even next term.
Canteen Manager