Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear parents and caregivers

We have had two wonderful school events in the past week; Harmony Day and the Year 4-6 swimming carnival at HBF Stadium.

Harmony Day is about celebrating the cultural diversity within our community. Harmony comes from sharing in empathy, helping different cultures to feel more connected. An amazing part of the day is the incredible offerings from the WPS canteen. Genna and her dedicated team of volunteers did it again with some amazing food on offer at both recess and lunch. Thank you Genna!


Our Harmony Day writing competition was also a wonderful way to provide our students with a creative outlet to share their thoughts on what Harmony Day means to them, with the winners announced in last week’s newsletter. They were presented with their prizes and a certificate in our online assembly. A display of all their work has been in the front office, well done to all our students who submitted an entry.

Mrs Hawkes’ Retirement:

I would like to formally acknowledge Mrs Patricia Hawkes who has coordinated Harmony Week celebrations for many years at Wembley PS as our English as an Additional Language (EAL) specialist teacher. Mrs Hawkes is retiring at the end of Term 1 after 46 years in public education and 32 years at Wembley Primary School, commencing at the school in 1990. Mrs Hawkes is a Level 3 teacher and has worked in a variety of roles in her time at the school, as a classroom teacher, mathematics specialist and for the past 10 years working with students from a range of non-English speaking backgrounds.

While we would normally hold a very special assembly to farewell Mrs Hawkes, current restrictions mean we will need to invite Mrs Hawkes back for this at a later date. However, next Monday on her very last day we will be sending off Mrs Hawkes in a COVID-safe but special way at the end of the school day on the basketball courts. Those who would like to acknowledge Mrs Hawkes are welcome to be there just before pick up time. Thank you Mrs Hawkes for your amazing contribution to public education, we will certainly miss you and can’t wait to be able to hold your special event later this year.

Swimming Carnival:

Congratulations to our Year 4-6 students who competed in the Faction Swimming Carnival at HBF Stadium on Friday. On a very hot day, we had students competing in individual and novelty races throughout the day with their peers. There was some excellent sportsmanship and comradery on display. We also had some outstanding individual and team relay performances with two Wembley PS records broken!

Thank you to the huge number of parent volunteers who made the day possible, in particular to Roula Felekis who coordinated our parents on the day and leading up to the event. We couldn’t have done it without you and sincerely thank you. Congratulations to Mr Jon Bowman and Mrs Kathy Watson, your organisation and planning ensured the day went smoothly and calmly. Well done to the parents and teachers for taking out the race at the end too!

Faction Point Totals

1st – Farmer 361 points

2nd – Stanley 273 points

3rd – Winton 239 points

4th – Jackson 205 points

Champion Boys and Girls

Year Champion Girl Runner-up Champion Boy Runner-up
4 Mia L Claire D Sam W Blake T
5 Erin C Stella M and Elise M John L Hugh D
6 Sansa T Luella P Seb H Charlie J



Positive cases:

Community transmission is now nearing its peak and we are seeing corresponding high numbers in our school population. Thank you for continuing to keep your children home when symptoms develop. As a community, we have been resilient and compassionate. Let’s continue to work together to keep our community safe in the coming weeks.

If any member of your household tests positive, including parents/carers, your WPS child/ren or their siblings, please continue to notify the school as soon as possible. The preferred communication is to or the SMS attendance system.

The school email address and text message system are monitored over the weekend to ensure we can remain responsive to any cases that require close contacts to be identified.

Please note that the school only conducts contact tracing for the school environment. If you or your child tests positive, please inform those who would be deemed as close contacts according to the WA Health definition. This would include after school play dates, community sport and birthday parties. You can find all the Frequently Asked Questions about close contacts and isolation here.

I would encourage all community members to use official Government guidelines and school information as their source of truth in relation to testing and isolation. The rules shift quickly and while I know the community is doing their best to support each other through the shifting landscape of rules, please encourage each other to go straight to the current guidelines rather rely on advice through online forums and social media. What was current in terms of isolation for positive cases a month ago, has changed and will continue to change in line with the caseload settings. You can find the link here.

While some restrictions are easing in the community this week, for schools there will be a few changes that will come in next term. The Department of Education is releasing Term 2 Operating Guidelines for schools in the coming days. It has been confirmed that the mask wearing mandate will continue in Term 2 for students in Year 3 and above at this stage. However, we will be able to resume in-person parent meetings for case conferences and pre-booked meetings and hold year level gatherings if required. We also look forward to receiving further details about a relaxation on restrictions for choirs and bands. Once the guidelines have been received, the information relevant for Wembley PS will be communicated in next week’s newsletter.

Teaching and Learning

Design Technologies:

The Year 3s in Room 26 have been working on their design skills, learning how to create cardboard joins without using entire rolls of sticky tape. These skills will be applied to their upcoming project, designing and creating severe weather shelters which is part of their Term 2 inquiry.

The class have even created videos explaining how to make each join, linking these videos by QR code to create an interactive display. Amazing work by Miss McWilliams and her class.


Engagement and Relationships

Parent-Teacher Interviews:

Most classes will have the opportunity to speak with their child’s teacher either this afternoon or tomorrow for our Term 1 parent-teacher meeting. These meetings are being held by telephone this year due to the current restrictions.

Teachers have a list of telephone numbers from our school database, they will be calling the Parent Guardian 1 contact number on the list, or both parents if previously booked. If this is not the telephone number you wish to be called, please email your teacher the preferred phone number.

We have our only whole school early close of the school year tomorrow. Please collect your child at 12pm tomorrow. If your child is in upper primary and rides, walks or scoots independently to school please send an email to your child’s teacher by tomorrow morning giving explicit permission for this.

School Board:

Nominations have now closed and an election will be held prior to the end of term for the three expiring positions. Each nominee has provided a short bio which will be provided with a unique election link for voting. I thank each nominee for their interest in contributing to school governance.  


Next Friday 8 April at 9am, the last day of Term 1, we will be holding a COVID safe ANZAC Day event to pay our respects to those who have protected our country’s way of life in years gone by. Students will be in their classrooms watching the live event, with Year 6s reading poems and The Year 6 Petite Chorale singing. Former WPS student Ethan Turnbull will also be returning to play The Last Post and Reveille.

While we can’t have parents and special guests attend this event, we want to ensure that we pay our respects ahead of the official day on the 25 April.

Two students from each year level in Year 1-6 will lay a posy of flowers at the base of the flag pole during the service. Thank you to the P&C who is going to help coordinate two posies of flower for each year level for the service. If any parents are able to help with creating one wreath for the Head Boy and Girl to lay at the flag pole, please email

Yours in learning

The Senior Leadership Team

Tamara, Milani, Alan, Rachel and Natalie

A Message From The School Board

This term has presented a number of challenges arising from the peak of COVID-19 transmission in Western Australia. Understandably, there has been some anxiety and fatigue amongst the community, and some occasional confusion as the rules for managing COVID-19 have shifted as caseloads have increased. As with all public schools, the rules for managing COVID-19 at Wembley Primary have been determined by the WA Department of Health and, in the K-12 context, by the Department of Education.

However, the hard work and significant labour of communicating these rules to the community, managing them on the ground, and supporting every student and family where COVID-19 has led to isolation or illness, has fallen squarely on the school’s senior leadership and administrative teams as well as the teaching staff. This is no small task and comes on top of the normal activity of learning and teaching at the school. As many families will be aware, when students are in isolation but otherwise well, teachers have both been checking in frequently and have been providing learning tasks to ensure our children remain connected and learning despite isolation requirements. This activity has been managed and guided by the school’s exceptional leadership team, with Tamara Doig at the helm, and Alan Ramsey and Rachel Cusack in particular, all going above and beyond their normal duties and normal working hours.

The peak of the pandemic has necessitated other changes, such as this week’s parent-teacher interviews shifting to telephone calls rather than face-to-face meetings. While these changes are not ideal, all changes have been made following the current COVID-19 rules and with the overall health and safety of our children and the larger community in mind.

Equally, where students have had to isolate either due to catching COVID-19 or due to being a household close contact, it has been deeply heartening to see the formal support from the school and also from fellow parents banding together to support each other whether that’s phone calls and messages to keep each other sane, or dropping off supplies and groceries to get the families in isolation through their time at home.

Wembley Primary School’s Vision is helping our children become “caring, courageous members of our community” and during this Term, they’ve seen that caring and courage modelled by each other, their fellow students, parents, teachers, the school administrative staff, and the school leadership team. In a challenging term, the school has weathered the challenges by supporting each other, which is one of the most powerful lessons we can teach our kids.

Tama Leaver
School Board Chair, on behalf of the School Board.

Non-School Provided Mobile Device Policy

Parents and carers are reminded that students are not permitted to communicate using smart watches, mobile phones and/or personal devices such as iPads during the school day. The school has a policy developed in partnership with the School Board to govern the use of these devices by students. You can find the policy here which is currently under review by staff and the School Board. Further changes are being considered.

Under the current policy, it is important to note that smart phone/watch communication and notification alerts must be turned off (set to airplane mode or similar) and must not be used to communicate with anyone during school hours. If there is an urgent need for a student to contact their parents/carers during the school day, students need to let their teacher know and the office can contact you. If these devices are used for this purpose, the smartwatch or phone will be kept securely by the teacher and you will be contacted by the teacher in relation to the misuse of the device during the school day. This is a Department of Education aligned policy, which is called a gate-to-gate policy. Devices must be turned off or in school bags until students leave the school gates. If a student is highly distracted by their smart watch, the teacher may also ask the student to hand it in for the day and will also inform the parents/carers about their inability to focus due to the device.

If your student has recently been given a smart watch or mobile phone, a student agreement must be signed in order to have the device at school. The agreement ensures parents and students are aware of the rules which apply. Please send back the signed copy of the agreement (within policy link above) to school once signed. Thank you for your support.


Tamara Doig


Uniforms on Qkr!

The WPS P&C has some items of uniform available on Qkr!  This is stock that we have not been able to sell through Permapleat as it is either excess to their needs or is a discontinued item.  Proceeds of all sales go straight to the P&C.  Purchases are delivered to classrooms on Thursdays.  Currently we have the following stock available:-

Stanley (blue) faction polo: size 14 – $18

Long sleeve everyday polo (discontinued): size 14 and 16 – $31

Microfibre school shorts: size 20 – $25

Zip jumper: size 6, 10,16 – $44

Senior choir shirts (discontinued): size 8, 12, 14 – $20

Fruity sacks (pack of 3) – $5

Boys bathers (discontinued): size 12, 14, 16 – $10

Girls bathers (discontinued): size 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 – $10 (note: small sizing so choose a larger size than normal)

Nat Ramsay

Uniform Subcommittee Convener

Harmony Day Celebrations

It was wonderful to see so many of our children and staff wearing their national costumes or the colour, orange. (Orange is the Harmony Week colour as it is associated with communication).

A HUGE thank you to Mrs Stephenson, our canteen manager and her many wonderful volunteers for the special orange themed morning tea and the special burrito lunch. The food was magnificent.

Many special activities were completed throughout the school.  Some of the activities were: the making Harmony Day hats in kindergarten, our Pre-primary children studied different houses around the world and made models of mud huts and our year ones made worry dolls that originate from Guatemala. The Year 2s did some collaborative art work and our Years 3-6 students did creative writing on the theme of harmony.

We had a delightful assembly presented by our Year 2s in Room 3. The children sang, We Are the Children of the World, and then gave us examples of random acts of kindness. If we all carried out their suggestions every day we would have a wonderful world full of harmony. Thank you Room 3.

We held a writing competition throughout the school. Our junior school winner was Myra C. and in second place was Estelle O.  The middle school winner was Flynn L. and in second place was Olivia R. Our senior winner was Max C. and in second place was Savannah D. Congratulations to our winners.

Patricia Hawkes 

EAL/D Specialist Teacher

Canteen News

Harmony Day

BIG thanks to all of our volunteers and to Mrs Hawkes for making our Harmony Day such a fabulous event for our kids.

Much gratitude to Florina for painlessly piping the world on 500 cookies and to Lauren for topping our cupcakes with her perfect piping.

Thanks Ladies! It just wouldn’t be Harmony Day without you.

Footy Fever

It’s a Western Derby weekend ahead so we have Footy Fever Boxes this Friday.

Traditional footy food includes,

A Hot Dog, Chips, Lemonade Juice Bomb or Chocolate Milk, and a Derby Sneaky Treat.

Orders open on Quickcliq now or at the canteen counter.


Sushi Day is next Thursday 7 April.

Pre-Orders open this Thursday morning and all orders must be placed before noon on Wednesday 6 April.

Teriyaki Chicken, Tuna or Vegetarian

5 piece packs for $6.50

All Sushi is dairy free with gluten free and sesame free available upon request.

Order via Quickcliq or at the canteen Counter


There may not be an Edudance Concert this year but you can still see your child’s smooth moves from an A-Reserve spot by filling a valuable canteen shift next Wednesday and Thursday. See the P&C Facebook page for your class timetable.

End of Term Clean Up

Next Tuesday, we scrub the kitchen back to sparkling clean. They are easy jobs, the conversation is fun and we will fill your belly with delicious treats.

Please sign up to our Volunteer Roster if you can help out, please sign up here


Canteen Manager

Community News – Wembley JFC Auskick Program

Community News – YMCC Hocky Club

YEAR 1-4 :

YEAR 5-10 :

Mark Lee Football Coaching – Term 2 Program

Mark Lee’s Before School Soccer is back in Term 2 on Thursday’s 7.30am-8.30am

Mark and his team are delighted to be back and children from Pre-primary to Year 6 are welcome to attend.

Children will be grouped in their age groups and develop their skills in a sun and interactive coaching environment.

  • Thursday’s 12 May to 16 June (6 weeks)
  • 7.30am-8.30am
  • $119.00 per child

To register or if you have any questions get in touch with Mark on 0430 788 703 or email