Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear parents and caregivers

I thank you for your continued support and understanding as we shift and pivot our school operations due to the presence of COVID-19 in the community. Our students continue to be very settled at school and we have the calm approach of our staff and community to thank for this.

As communicated in an email last week, the Department of Education released new operating guidelines for schools to suit the new ‘high caseload setting’. We are currently at Level 1 of these settings. A shift to ‘very high caseload setting’ will likely come into effect in the future based on the Chief Health Officer’s advice. Right now, we have made all adjustments necessary to keep the school open for learning and mitigate risk.

The difference between the settings in the general community and schools are in place to limit transmission as much as possible. In a large school such as Wembley, we already had play zones for phases of learning in place to best utilise our outdoor footprint and keep similar ages together. We have asked students to play with students in their own year level in these play zones, in line with the Department direction of ‘cohorting’ as much as possible. Siblings can still connect to say hello in the playground, this presents no further risk. We know that sibling support can be very important for our junior students in particular.

Teachers will also teach their own regular class for maths this term. Streaming has been put on hold for this term. It would not normally have commenced until after swimming lessons finished in Week 5. However, the intermingling of students between classes (indoor setting) does have the potential to increase the number of students being impacted by a positive case in a year level. Teachers are skilled at differentiating their practice in all learning areas and will continue to do so in maths while we navigate the presence of COVID.

We know there are many questions when it comes to COVID-19 and your children. I’ve had many of the same questions in relation to my own daughter, who is in Pre-primary this year. The Telethon Kids Institute has many resources online to help you navigate these new circumstances we find ourselves in. Wembley PS parent, Infectious Diseases specialist and our STEM Professionals in Schools partner, Associate Professor Asha Bowen features in a video alongside Professor Peter Richmond on the website. There are also many other resources to access. Telethon Kids Institute –

Teaching and Learning

Home Learning: The Senior Leadership Team have reviewed our School Continuity Plan again since the move to a ‘high caseload setting’ last week. The focus of the plan is to ensure school operations continue effectively and the learning needs of our students are catered for.

By the end of this week, a Seesaw Home Learning Code will have come home for safe keeping. These codes are to be used in the event of your child being required to isolate and learn from home. These codes are to be used in conjunction with the Seesaw Class app on a mobile device or via on a computer by selecting ‘I’m a Student’. This is a separate app to the one families currently use to engage with their child’s learning. Seesaw Class app is what students use when at school to upload and share their work with you.

Teachers have been creating Seesaw ‘Activities’ based on Term 1 learning which can be assigned to students learning from home when necessary. Learning from home activities will only be assigned should your child be directed to isolate by WA Health. If your child is unwell, we would not expect your child to be engaging in home learning as the focus would be on them getting better.

Seesaw Activity Example – Junior Primary

In Years 4-6, if an entire class was directed to isolate, the Office 365 application Microsoft Teams would be an additional tool used to support learning at home. For individual students required to isolate, from Kindergarten to Year 6, Seesaw will continue to be our school platform for delivering learning activities.

It is also important to note that activities will be delivered online, however the majority of the work assigned can be completed in a regular exercise book or on paper. Seesaw is just the delivery platform and will also allow teachers and EAs to post additional work, feedback or messages in a safe and closed online environment. Students can submit their work through Seesaw but will not be required to be online for extended lengths of time. Clear instructions will be provided to families in the event of your child being required to isolate.

The home learning plans are designed to be flexible and easy to follow for families. I don’t think there is a parent or caregiver out there who wishes to be placed in the situation of home learning, so should this occur, we want it to be manageable and focused on everybody involved looking after their health and wellbeing as the priority but also for learning to continue for every child.

Learning Environment

PP Playground Upgrade: As mentioned in the newsletter last week, the long planned upgrade to the Jungle Gym commenced today. It will be inconvenient for a few days but the additions are sure to be popular with our Pre-primary students once the area re-opens next Monday. Thank you to the community and the P&C for your support in this enhancement to our learning environment.

Engagement and Relationships

Parent Information Sessions: Teachers have been working collaboratively in year level teams over the past week to update parent information books, create short introductory videos so you can ‘meet’ the teacher/s and ensure any year level specific information is communicated. While we had wanted to do this face-to-face, unfortunately health advice provided to the Department of Education understandably means this format is the safest at this time.

Videos and booklets will be communicated via Seesaw by the end of the week. Seesaw is a closed online environment which is not accessible by the public, which is why this format is the best digital tool to deliver this information to you. It’s important to note that you can view Seesaw on a computer or laptop, not just via the Seesaw Family app on your phone. On a computer, use this link: and select ‘I’m a Parent’ to login. You can use the same email and password as you do on your phone.

Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you are experiencing any difficulties with connecting to Seesaw.

Yours in learning

The Senior Leadership Team

Tamara, Milani, Alan, Rachel and Natalie

Excursion Medical Forms

In the next day or so, your child will bring home an “Excursion Medical Form”.  This information assists the teachers and school on excursions in the event of an emergency.

Please fill this form out and return it to your classroom teacher as soon as possible.

P & C Annual General Meeting and Elections

P&C Annual General Meeting and elections

Due to the current COVID-19 guidelines, the P&C’s annual general meeting will be held online via Zoom on Tuesday, Feb 22 at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend, especially if you are new to the school or have never attended a P&C meeting before!

To join the P&C and be eligible to nominate for a position or vote on items, please complete the membership form on Qkr and pay the $1 membership fee before the meeting. To join the meeting, use the Zoom link

The AGM is our most important meeting of the year and it is where we vote on the office bearers, sub-committee convenors and members and executive committee members.

Currently, we have no nominations for the vital roles of President, Vice President and Treasurer. 

If one of these positions remains unfilled at the AGM, the P&C may be able to continue to operate for up to three months, so long as it is actively trying to fill the positions.

If two or more of these positions remain unfilled (especially President and Treasurer), the P&C may be required to stop services until the positions are filled.

In the short term, this will mean the canteen may be required to close. If the roles remain unfilled, the remaining committee members will be asked to vote on disbanding the P&C.

We have around 790 children at the school, and roughly 1000+ parents. All we need is at least three to put their hands up for these vital roles to ensure the P&C can continue to function.

We also need volunteers for many of the other roles, positions and sub-committees. Keep an eye on emails from your class reps and the P&C Facebook page over the next few days for important information about how to join the P&C and log into the meeting, as well as info sheets on the various roles and responsibilities. Or email me on and I will send you everything you need to know.

You don’t need experience to join, all you need is enthusiasm! There will be plenty of support for our new office bearers from former and current P&C members, and the outgoing members will provide handovers and mentoring as required.

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.


Tiffany Fox

P&C President (retiring)

Kindy and Pre Primary P & C Subcommittee AGM


MEETING ID 2246183764



The Subcommittee works throughout the year to raise funds which directly benefit your children in Kindy and Pre Primary. We organise fundraising events, social gatherings and busy bees.  If you are interested in getting involved or just want to know more about the P&C Subcommittee please join our meeting on Tuesday.

Any questions? Please email Laura Campbell (secretary) or call 0448 562347


Thank you so much for supporting your school by ordering Book Club from Issue #1.  Ordering has now closed and delivery should arrive next week – hopefully there won’t be any delays!


New Menu Item

Miso Chicken Rice Bowl is now on our Thursday menu.
Passing with a great big green traffic light, this nutritious, summery bowl is filled with brown rice, miso and ginger marinated chicken, carrot, cucumber, sugar snap peas, edamame beans and a delicious sesame dressing. It is delicious!

We’ve got a few ‘lovely’ recess items flowing through Valentine’s week.
Sweetheart cookies and chocolate cupcakes are a few, along with our regular favourites and who can pass by a crunchy, icy cold milo on these piping hot days?
Recess prices range from 50c to $3


Can you HELP?

Volunteers are still allowed in the canteen.!
Our roster has only two spots filled for this week. Our shifts are suited to all levels of culinary skills and we would LOVE to have your help flipping pikelets and serving our kids.
Please take a look at our shifts HERE and sign up if you are able to come in.
All help is greatly needed and appreciated.


In the event of Covid impact to the canteen, we will default to a simple sandwich and toastie menu to enable us to fulfil orders and keep our canteen open.
We understand this won’t suit every child but please understand that we will be running on a casual team of staff so will do our very best to keep our kids fed.

Did you know?
If you plant the bottom 5-6cm of your spring onions after you’ve chopped and used the good stuff, you will have an endless supply of spring onions growing. You can then just snip off what you need for your recipe. Check out our little crop in our kitchen garden that we use weekly. Thanks to Granny Tan for that hot tip!


Before Swimming Training

Before school swimming training has started and will run until Week 9.

When:  Wednesday and Friday mornings

Time:  Wednesday 7.20am – 8.15am,  Friday 7.30am to 8.15am

Where:  Bold Park Aquatic Centre,  215 The Boulevard, City Beach

Cost:  Students will be required to pay pool entry each time they attend.   The lane hire will be divided equally between the number of students who participate at the end of term.

Parents wanting to spectate will have to also pay pool entry.

These sessions will act as good practice for our Faction swimming carnival in Week 6 and Interschool carnival in Week 10.

Swimming Carnival

Our Faction swimming carnival for our Year 4-6 students is scheduled for Week 6 on Wednesday 9 March, and at this stage will still go ahead. Parents will be notified of any changes.

It will take place in the outdoor 10 lane pool at HBF Stadium.  Events will begin at approximately 9.30am and conclude at approximately 2.30pm.

We will require parent helpers on the day to assist with running the events.

If you are able to help please contact Roula Felekis on email:, or her mobile: 0417 950 613.

Parents are also welcome to come and spectate on the day, but please adhere to physical distancing where possible and please wear a mask.

Jonathon Bowman

Physical Education Specialist


The Traffic Warden who works at the Children’s Crossing on Jersey Street (near street – Ruislip Street), Wembley is unable to work from Monday, 14 February 2022 for the remainder of the term.  Unfortunately, due to the huge Traffic Warden shortage this year, we have no relief staff available to cover the position.  We will be in contact if a Traffic Warden becomes available.
Please be vigilant whilst crossing without a warden present.