Message from Principal
Dear parents and caregivers
It was very pleasing to see our students looking bright eyed and enthusiastic on the first day back this Term.
At the end of last Term, we farewelled our Deputy Principal, Mrs Stacey Hunter and as of the first day of Term 3 we are delighted to welcome Ms Jemma Bryan to our Administration Team in the role of Deputy Principal. Jemma brings a wealth of knowledge and has had many years of experience in this role.
At the heart of our drive for continuous improvement is the development of a ‘high performance – high care culture”.
In building on and strengthening such a culture in our school we will continue to embed our core values of courtesy, courage, accountability, respect, empathy, equity and service (CARES) in everything we do. Taking this approach means every teacher-student interaction becomes an opportunity to promote our values and to develop a shared understanding of what each value means. Wembley Primary School teachers are aware of the potential their interactions and behaviour have to influence the mental health and resiliency of our students.
Continually the Staff at Wembley Primary School try to impress upon the students the importance of courtesy, respect and the notion of emotional intelligence. We do this because we strongly believe that one of the most important things we can teach our students is respect and managing their emotions.
“Values such as respect are the seeds from which all behaviour grows.”
This quote drives our agenda to ensure Wembley Primary School is ‘value-centred’ and respect is threefold – respect for self; respect for others; and respect for our place / our school community.
Research clearly shows that students who demonstrate compassion, respect, responsibility, perseverance, initiative, and integrity have parents/mentors who demonstrate these qualities on a regular basis.
The best way for us to teach respect to our students is to show respect. When a student experiences respect, they know what it feels like and begin to understand how important it is.
Respect is a valued attitude. Being respectful helps a student succeed in life. If students don’t have respect for peers, authority, or themselves, it can be difficult for them to succeed.
How can we show respect?
- Be honest – If you do something wrong, admit it and apologise.
- Be positive – Don’t embarrass, insult or make fun of others. Compliment them.
- Be trusting – Make choices and take responsibility.
- Be fair – Listen to others before reaching a conclusion.
- Be polite – Use “please” and “thank you”.
- Be reliable – Keep promises. Show that you mean what you say.
- Be a good listener – Give others your full attention.
- Follow the rules.
- Be caring – Show concern for people, animals and the environment.
- Avoid poor role models – When you see examples of disrespect, discuss them.
- Respect yourself. Self-respect is one of the essential forms of respect. Once we appreciate ourselves, it is easier to respect others.
Every member of staff has a contribution to make to this culture and we will be seeking feedback on how we are going. We will be utilising the Community Culture Survey and will seek feedback from staff and parents. The survey will be available for completion on Monday 31 July and will close on Monday 14 August. Access information will be provided by the 28 July.
Our Term 3 calendar is full of exciting teaching and learning opportunities for our students. Every week has some activities and events scheduled. Pre-primary students have engaged in a Sea Shepherd incursion today and throughout the Term we will have the Book Week Parade, Interschool Sports, Science Week, One Big Voice, Literacy and Numeracy Week, Senior Choir Concert, Art Showcase, RUOK Day and our much loved Inquiry Showcase. The Inquiry Showcase is an event that is valued by the school community, so please make sure you save the date – Friday 15 September 3.30pm to 6.30pm.
Yours in learning
Julie Woodhouse
Existing Kindy Students going into Pre-primary 2024
For existing Kindy Students already enrolled at Wembley PS, we will post applications to parents closer to mid/end of Term 3 to apply to enrol their children into Pre-primary for 2024.
Please wait until you receive the application in the mail.
All children enrolling in Pre-primary to Year 6 are guaranteed places, with the strict regulation of our school that you must be residing within our school catchment area.
Book Week Parade – Friday 4 August
Please note that Book Week Parade is NOT during Book Week, but in Week 3, Friday 4 August at 9am.
This is such a fun event the children look forward to all year. Feel free to come into the library for inspiration for some creative costumes.
Jill Jordan
Library Officer
Senior Faction Athletics Carnival
Our Senior Faction Athletics Carnival will take place on Thursday 24 August, at the State Athletics Stadium in Perry Lakes. It will involve all Year 3 to 6 Students with events beginning at 9.15am to 2.30pm (approximately). The event is currently live on Compass so please complete permission and payment for your child/children to attend as soon as possible. If you are having problems with Compass please contact our front office.
Parent helpers:- We will require numerous parent helpers on the day of the carnival for assistance in running the events. If you are able to help on the day please contact Roula Felekis on
Early Childhoold Athletics Carnival
Our Early Childhood Athletics Carnival will take place on our school oval on Wednesday 23 August. Due to a busy event schedule this Term, this was the only date that we could run the event on. The carnival will involve our Pre-primary, Year 1 and Year 2 Students.
Events will run from 9am to 12pm (approximately).
Jonathon Bowman
Physical Education Specialist
Children’s Crossings
WPS has been identified as having a school crossing that is not permanently staffed by a WA Police Traffic Warden.
It is a paid casual position, the current rate being $29.68 per hour. There was a good response to the media campaign earlier in the year however there has been a number of resignations this year. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Young Children Thriving in a Digital World
On Monday 31 July, 6.30-7.30pm, the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child will be hosting a free, public event at the State Library of Western Australia on the topic Young Children Thriving in a digital World – Navigating a sea of conflicting opinions. It will be hosted by Professor Leon Straker and panellists will include ABC Early Childhood Education Producer Laura Stone, Fiona Beermier the former CEO of Ngala, and Professor Tama Leaver. The event is specifically aimed at parents, caregivers and community members who are in roles supporting young children.
The is a free event, but registration is required. For further details, and to register, please visit:
P&C – Cookbooks , Tea Towels and Olive Oil
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