Message from Administration
Dear parents and caregivers
We have enjoyed a wonderful start to the school year at Wembley albeit a little warmer than expected. The buzz of the new school year is in the air. I have enjoyed greeting returning families and helping our new families to feel welcome at our school. We start the year with 784 students in Kindergarten to Year 6.
To our new families joining us at Wembley, welcome. We are thrilled to have you join our school. We have a beautiful school community and I encourage you to embrace the opportunity to be part of it. There are many ways you can connect, including joining the P&C, signing up for parent help in the classroom or volunteering for a shift or two in the canteen.
Our staff completed two jammed packed days of professional learning last week and have been focused on preparing learning environments and ensuring a successful start to the year for each of their students. Our Year 4-6 students started their first day of school with swimming lessons and these will continue until the end of this week. I have been around to most classrooms and have seen lots of smiling faces with a high level of engagement already.
We have several new and returning staff joining us this year. I know you will join me in making everyone feel welcome at the school. Each new member brings their own unique passions and expertise that will enrich our school community.
New staff
Mrs Michelle Dempster – Year 5/6 teacher
Mrs Debbie Humphry – Manager of Corporate Services (MCS)
Miss Casandra Knights – Special Needs Education Assistant
Miss Tulley Brennan – Special Needs Education Assistant
Returning staff
Mrs Ceri Carter – Year 5 teacher
Mrs Julie Guhl – Mainstream Education Assistant
Leadership Position/s:
You would have also received some communication via Compass, that our substantive principal Ms Donna Snow will be returning to Wembley Primary school at the beginning of Term 2. We are thrilled to have her returning and we were very pleased to be able to share this news early to provide clarity on the position. In the meantime, I am delighted to be leading the school throughout Term 1.
This also provides me with the opportunity to introduce the Deputy Principal team for Term 1. We have Mrs Natalie Mueller, Miss Jemma Bryan and Mrs Lisa Evans. Natalie will look after the Kindergarten – Year 2 students, Lisa the Year 3’s and 4’s and Jemma will be overseeing the Year 5 and 6 students.
Left: Lisa Evans, Natalie Mueller, Milani Grace and Jemma Bryan.
Taylor the Wembley Wellbeing Dog
This year we have welcomed an occupational therapist and wellbeing dog to work alongside our school psychologist and chaplain. This will expand our existing student services team. Our OT will not be involved in traditional areas such as fine motor difficulties or sensory issues. Instead, the focus will be on improving student wellbeing, supporting anxious children with school attendance and exploring social and emotional learning concepts in the early years. Taylor is a 3 year old Golden Retriever who has previously been part of the Story Dogs literacy program at Wembley Primary. Considerations will continue to be made for those with allergies or who may be fearful. There is no requirement for students to interact with the dog. Taylor’s handler, Nat, the OT will remain with Taylor at all times.
Parent information sessions
We are finalising a timetable for face-to-face parent information sessions which will take place in Week 3 and 4. These sessions will give you the opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher and receive information about class programs, procedures and expectations for the year ahead. We will advise parents and caregivers of the relevant times shortly.
Letter of Commendation
Late last year we received a certificate of commendation from the Director General, Lisa Rodgers for our school’s performance in the 2023 NAPLAN reading, writing and numeracy assessments. In determining the schools that performed particularly well in 2023 consideration was given to our school’s absolute performance, including mean scores and the percentages of students achieving the Exceeding or Strong proficiency levels, and relative achievement taking into account Wembley’s index of community socio-educational advantage (ICSEA). A tremendous team effort from all of our teaching staff who are committed to every student achieving growth in their learning.
Our regular newsletter will remain being issued fortnightly, every Tuesday via Compass. The next newsletter will be in Week 4 on Tuesday 20 February. In between these newsletters, you will likely receive updates from your child’s teachers via the newsfeed, also on Compass. If there are any messages specific to your child’s class or year level, we will send these direct to the relevant groups through Compass.
A reminder that Term 1 is only 9 weeks long, with two public holidays (Labour Day 4 March and
Good Friday 29 March) so it will be sure to go by very quickly.
We look forward to a fantastic term ahead.
Yours in learning,
The Senior Leadership Team
Milani, Natalie, Jemma and Lisa.
Dates to Remember 2024
TERM 1 Wednesday 31 January 2024 to Thursday 28 March 2024 (9 weeks)
TERM 2 Tuesday 16 April 2024 to Friday 28 June 2024 (11 weeks)
TERM 3 Monday 15 July 2024 to Friday 20 September 2024 (10 weeks)
TERM 4 Tuesday 8 October 2024 to Thursday 12 December 2024 (10 weeks)
TERM 1 Monday 29 January 2024
TERM 1 Tuesday 30 January 2024
TERM 2 Monday 15 April 2024
TERM 3 Friday 16 August 2024
TERM 4 Monday 7 October 2024
AUSTRALIA DAY Friday 26 January 2024
LABOUR DAY Monday 4 March 2024
GOOD FRIDAY Friday 29 March 2024
EASTER MONDAY Monday 1 April 2024
ANZAC DAY Thursday 25 April 2024
KING’S BIRTHDAY Monday 23 September 2024
P&C Class Representatives Needed for 2024
Thank you to all the parents who have put their hand up to be class reps so far. Before we get further into the year it would be great to fill the remaining spots. Please email Ashe Seaton at if you are able to assist any of these classes still without a rep.
Kindy A, Kindy B,
Year 1 Room 8
Year 2 Room 4
Year 3 Room 1, Room 2, Room 26, Room 27
Year 4 Room 21, Room 22
Year 5 Room 23, Room 24, Room 25
P&C Annual General Meeting Tuesday 27 February at 7:30pm –
In the school library and on ZOOM
Please join us for our Annual General Meeting in a few week’s time. It’s a great opportunity to hear what your P&C has planned for 2024. We would love to see you in person, but if ZOOM makes it easier to join us then you have that option as well. You don’t need to be a paid P&C member to attend.
All are welcome, and there is no pressure to commit to anything! Come along to listen to discussions, bring forth any ideas and voice an opinion on motions on the agenda.
Location: WPS Library, or by zoom:
Meeting ID: 879 4618 9482
Passcode: 591256
Children’s Crossings Unattended
We have been advised that the Children’s Crossings on Herdsman Parade will be unattended until further notice. Unfortunately there is no relief staff available to cover the positions.
Please explain to your children to be extra vigilant whilst crossing the roads without a warden present.
WA Police Force Children’s Crossings Unit – VACANCIES – TRAFFIC WARDENS
The Children’s Crossing Unit is currently seeking people to work. We encourage our community to share this position description below to ensure the safety of our school community.
The WA Police Force are looking to establish a pool of applicants to fill current and future vacancies in the Wembley area and surrounding suburbs.
The position of Traffic Warden is to ensure safe pedestrian access of essentially primary age children across carriageways at children’s crossings.
Working Conditions:
- School Days, Monday to Friday.
- Contract: casual contract opportunities are available. (Terms and conditions of employment are those provided by the Western Australia Police School Traffic Wardens Agreement 2011).
- Standard Children’s Crossing Hours: 1 hour in morning and 1 hour in afternoon.
- Hourly Rate: $29.68 per hour, which includes 20% loading in lieu of payment for public holidays, annual leave and sick leave.
- Laundry Allowance: $0.76 per week.
- Motor Vehicle Allowance payable under certain conditions.
- Full training and uniform provided.
For Further Information and an Application Package:
Telephone: (08) 6274 8731 or email
PLEASE NOTE: It is highly desirable for applicants to have a current WA driver’s licence and use of a motorised vehicle. Applicants will be required to complete a health assessment, integrity and criminal check, training and if successful, will also be required to apply for a ‘Working with Children’ card.
The cost of the Working with Children Card and up to $70 towards a health assessment will be reimbursed once training is successfully completed.
Music News
All Ensembles and all Instrumental IMSS Lessons will begin in Term 1 Week 3 of this Term.
Instrumental Lesson information will be provided in the meeting after school on the 6 February 3:30pm (in the Library). This will also be emailed home and placed outside the music room door for students and parents to check.
Monday at 2:10pm – All Year 6 Instrumental Students involved (excluding IMSS students). Students who learn an instrument outside of school are welcome – but needs to be discussed with Katherine Humphreys.
Students to arrive with instruments outside of class, get chairs from the undercover area and set up band in the Music Room. Involvement in this ensemble means playing at the ABODA Junior Band Festival in Term 3.
SENIOR CHOIR (Year 5 & Year 6 students)
Tuesday at 8am (Students to arrive at 7:50am) Involvement in this festival means singing at the HBF Stadium in the Massed Choir Festival in Term 4 and Year 6 Graduation.
JUNIOR CHOIR (Year 3 & Year 4 students)
Thursday at 8am (Students to arrive at 7:50am) Involvement in this festival means singing at the Music Assembly in Term 1 and TBC.
In order to sign up to choirs, students just need to rock up to the appropriate rehearsal day and give it a go! Everyone in the year group is welcome to join!
If you have any questions, please contact
Kate Humphreys
Full Time Music Specialist
Library – Scholastic Book Club
Keep an eye out for the first Book Club catalogue for 2024. Issue #1 went home yesterday. You can order online using LOOP (see details on the back of the catalogue – no cash) and orders will close next Monday 12 February.
If you have any queries, feel free to call me direct in the library on 9253 9411.
Jill Jordan – Library
Parents Parking
This is friendly reminder regarding parking on the surrounding streets of our school. We understand that at drop-off and pick-up times the parking on streets is very limited, but we ask that you are respectful to our neighbouring residents by not parking across their driveways. Although you may be parking there for only a few minutes, you are restricting residents from entering or leaving their own driveways, and sometimes having to wait for parents to return to their cars.
Thank you.
Churchlands Senior High School Academic Extension Program
Attention of Year 6 Parents and Caregivers
If you would like your child to sit the HAST test for our Academic Extension Program, application forms can be downloaded from:
Please do not hesitate to contact the school on 9441 1719 if you have any queries.
Wembley District Netball Club
Invites netball players Years 2-6 to register your expressions of interest for Winter 2024 by 12 February to Bianca (Club Co-ordinator):
You may register as a player individually or alternatively put a team together and register. Teams fill fast so I encourage you to register your interest ASAP to avoid disappointment.
Games Yr 2/3 Thursdays and Fridays
Games Yr 4 Friday afternoons
Games Yr 5 & 6 Saturday mornings
Training is after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday on the WPS basketball courts
Round 1 Commences 3/4th May
Round 13 Last Games 23/24th August
Mark Lee Football Coaching – Before School Program – Term 1, 2024
Term 1 Before School Soccer is Back on Thursday’s 7.30-8.30am with Mark Lee Football Coaching.
Mark Lee and his coaching team are delighted to be back and would love your child to attend.
Mark is a former professional footballer and Perth Glory player. His coaching team include former and current professional players who all have a passion for developing children.
Children are placed in their own age groups and the positive, fun and exciting sessions are a great way for your child to start their school day!
Mark and his team can take your child to class after the session also if you wish.
Dates: Thursday 15 February to Thursday 21 March
Time: 7.30am-8.30am on school oval
Cost: $119 per child for 6 weeks
Location: WPS School Oval
To register your child phone/text or email Mark on the details below:-
Mark Lee
0430 788 703
Chess For Life – Term 1, 2024 
School Chess Club Starts: Friday 9 February at Lunchtime, Week 2, Yrs 2-6
Dear Parents
Would your child like to learn how to play chess and make new friends at school? Does your child have an interest in critical thinking and problem solving?
Chess for Life has been operating primary school chess clubs, tuition and tournaments for over 25 years. Some clubs include; Subiaco PS, Wembley PS, Wesley College and many more.
It is known that chess:
- Builds confidence and new friendships
- Develops Logic, Critical Thinking, and Creativity.
- Increases Concentration & Memory.
- Develops Problem Solving Skills.
- Improves Reading Skills.
- Teaches Planning and Foresight.
- Engages the mind OFF of screens.
- Connects You with new friends in other year groups .
Students Year 2-6 are most welcome to come along and learn the wonderful game of chess.
The fee for term 1 is $155 per student.
The fee for Term 1 is $155 per student.
Thanks for your support
Leo South
P & C Association News
WPS Fundraising Committee
P&C – Cocktail Party Event
Click on the below link for Qkr payments: