Message from Principal

As we quickly draw towards the end of Term 2 2023, it has been extremely rewarding to be part of Wembley Primary School.  During this term we have been able to provide our students with a range of quality learning and social activities. Our assemblies have showcased the outstanding learning opportunities that are given to our students across all curriculum areas and it is evident that our  students are full of enthusiasm and committed to learning.

Wembley Primary School is committed to strengthening our connections with our families so that we can work in partnership for the benefit of our students. We strive to be recognised by our core values represented by CARES:

  • Courtesy and Courage
  • Accountability
  • Respect
  • Equity and Empathy, and
  • Service

As we continue on our school improvement journey we are building a community of people who care about one another and value inclusivity. At Wembley Primary School we welcome all; we welcome all because we value people learning together with a single sense of purpose – to be the best we can. We set the conditions so that as a community we continue to flourish.

As we head off on a well deserved break, I encourage students, staff and parents/carers to take the time to rest, rejuvenate and reconnect with loved ones.  Thank you for your unwavering support. Stay safe and I look forward to catching up when we return in Term 3.

Kind regards


Julie Woodhouse



Dear parents/carers,

We are delighted to inform you that Wembley Primary School will be participating in the world-renowned ICAS competition this year.

What is ICAS?

ICAS is an online academic competition that is designed to assess students’ higher order thinking and problem-solving skills. Students in Years 3-6 at Wembley Primary school students will have the opportunity to complete an assessment in English, Mathematics and Science this year.

Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition and development. Every student who participates will receive a printed certificate and an online results report. Top performers will be eligible for medals.

We encourage you to consider entering your child into ICAS this year.

Learn more about ICAS here. (

How to participate in ICAS

If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:

  1. read about ICAS subjects and prices here: (com/products-icas)
  2. read the terms and conditions here:(
  3. go to Parent Portal to purchase tests here: (
  4. enter our school’s access code – UBT450
  5. enter your child’s details, select the tests you would like to purchase, then proceed to payment.

Please note that the ICAS tests shown for selection are at the school’s discretion.

After payment is made via the Parent Payment System, you will receive an order confirmation email, please keep this for your records.

ICAS Results and Certificates

We will notify you of the date(s) that we run ICAS at the school and when your child’s ICAS results are ready. Once we have received your child’s ICAS certificate, we will send it home with your child. The back of the certificate shows ICAS results and the login details, “TAP ID and Pin”, that you and your child need to enter the Results Portal

Privacy Collection Statement

The following information is aprivacy notification about how your child’s data is kept private and secure.

Janison isaware of our responsibility to protect the identity of, and all information relating to, children, and students in general, from disclosure and consequentlyJanisondoes not:

  • collect any personal information or data of children other than asrequiredfor the purposes of completion of the assessment,testorexam;
  • transfer any personal information or data obtained during the delivery of assessments, tests or exams conducted in Australia to anyjurisdictionoutside of Australia other than with the specific consent of the person, or his or her parent orguardian;
  • transfer any personal information or data obtained during the delivery of assessments, tests or exams conducted in other international regions out of the child’sjurisdictionother than with the specific consent of the person, or his or her parent orguardian;
  • share any personal information or data relating to children or students with any third parties (other than a third party whose services are necessary for servicing our products,g.print/distribution companies, medal engraving, etc.) except with the specific consent of the person, or his or her parent orguardian;
  • use any personal information or data relating to children or students for marketing purposes.

Janisonmayretainpersonal information and data relevant to a child for their future purposes or for research purposes byJanisonfor the duration of the schoollife cycleof the child. However, if you or your child at any time wish to have their personal information or data removed from our systems, they or you may opt out by simply contacting our Privacy

We are proud to offer ICAS and look forward to some fantastic results later in the year.  Please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 9253 9400 or Deputy Principal Milani Grace via email on  if you have any questions.

Milani Grace

Deputy Principal

Royal Mail delivered to WPS students

Last week Riley (Yr 6) and Mason (Yr 5) received mail from the King himself, Prince Charles. Last year Miss Smith helped both students write a letter to the King sending their sincerest condolences for the loss of Queen Elizabeth.  Months on, the students received mail from the King thanking them for their letters. What an honour for Mason and Riley to receive this letter and to Miss Smith who supported the students in differentiating their learning programs.

Library News

Book Week Parade

Please take note that Book week Parade is NOT during Book Week but in:

Week 3, (Term 3), Friday 4 August

Holiday Library Borrowing

Students – make sure you borrow over the holidays.  Maybe you’re taking a road trip, a plane trip or just curled up in your PJ’s on a cold morning?   It’s always good to have a book on hand!  Parents, please feel welcome to come in and borrow any extra books for your kids.  We are open before school and after school every day.

Narrator – Stig Wemyss

Wembley staff and students were treated to an amazing ‘performance’ by the fabulous Stig Wemyss last week.  Stig narrates ALL the Andy Griffiths ebooks and many others.  I would like to thank Cambridge Library for making this possible.  It was so much fun to see staff and students actively engaged and having fun together.

Happy Holidays.

Mrs Jill Jordan

School Entry Health Assessment – Kindy Students

Dear Kindy parents

If you are attending the school holiday screening with your child, if you have any queries regarding your appointment please phone us on 6159 6900.

Location will be in the Kindy rooms.

Thank you

Rachel Hopkins

Faction Cross Country Photos

Lost Property

We have copious amounts of lost property, if you recognise anything in the photo with smaller items please come to the office to collect.

If your child has lost uniforms, water bottles, lunch boxes, please look in the undercover area.

Uniforms – Perm-A-Pleat Schoolwear

Perm-A-Pleat Schoolwear annual mid-year break commences on 8 July 2023.

Our office and warehouse will re-open on Monday 24 July 2023.

Home deliveries:

Please place online orders by close of business on Wednesday 5 July for despatching by Friday 7 July.

School deliveries:

Orders received by close of business on Wednesday 5 July, will be despatched from Monday 24 July 2022.

Warm regards

Nat Ramsay

Uniform Subcommittee Convenor

Canteen News

Danielle Clyne


P&C Association

Canteen – It’s Sushi Thursday

Pre-orders are open now on Quickcliq, or at the canteen counter.

Orders CLOSE at  1 pm WEDNESDAY so don’t delay placing your order.

Year 6 classes, it’s Lightening Carnival Day!
Sushi is the only canteen lunch option available to order on Thursday.
Please remember to collect your orders from the canteen at 8:30 before boarding your bus.


P&C Fundraiser –  WPS Umbrella’s

If you would like to purchase a WPS umbrella for those rainy days, please log onto the P&C’s  Qkr to purchase for $25.

Great for watching your children on the sporting fields or walking to school.

Bush Dance

On Saturday night, 240 Wembley kids and parents donned their checked shirts, hats and boots and braved the cold to gather at the Cambridge Bowling Club for the Family Bush Dance.  The Mucky Duck Bush Band were there to play some traditional Australian songs and teach the dance steps, and it was wonderful to see so many families having lots of fun on the dance floor together.

Thank you to everyone who attended, as well as to those who bought raffle tickets in the week before, for supporting P&C’s fundraising for Year 6 Camp. Congratulations to all our raffle winners, we hope you are enjoying your prizes.

Big thanks to all our sponsors – Nathan Tonich from Realmark Urban, Rumble Boxing Subiaco, Emslie’s Floreat Pharmacy, Wards Central Dining, BamBamBoo Floreat, Adventure World, The AFL Store Innaloo, Optimus Gaming World, Smoogie Hair Brushes, Allkinds, Padel Perth Reabold as well as Fremantle Football Club and West Coast Football Club.

A huge thank you to everyone who helped in some way, it was an amazing team effort. To the P&C for their support, especially Abhishek, Delvene and Georgie R. To Fiona N and Paula J for their design assistance. To Genna for the Buddha burgers. To Ben S and Sara T for arranging the guernsey prizes. To Caroline R, Don F and Natalie L for answering the call for native foliage, and to Matt S, Sarah P and Jonathan L for helping set up and decorate. To Jen Nie L and Julia F for their stunning floral display – it was truly a work of art. To the Year 6 helpers Erica, Tyler, Lewis, James and Oscar, as well as very dedicated siblings Isobel, Gabby, Cale, Arabella and Rosalie, for their help decorating and in the kitchen. To Kate F, Lachlan F, Hamish F, Isobel and former students Ruby and Jess for all the help on the night. To ‘Chef’ Andy, ably assisted by Wembley DoGS crew, for the delicious pulled pork buns and sausage sizzle. And finally, a massive thank you to Taryn S and Emily T for all their help during the week, on the day and especially on the night – we really could not have done it without you.

Georgie & Jennie

Bush Dance organisers

P&C Kindy/PP Subcommittee – Quiz Night Success

A huge thank you to the KindyPP parents for making our Quiz night held on June 17th another huge success!!!  The theme was “Around The World” and we loved seeing all the great costumes ideas that came from it. We sold more than 140 tickets this year and had a great response as well from WPS families and local businesses donating items for raffles and silent auctions.

All up the evening raised close to $5,000 for the KindyPP subcommittee for allocating resources to our kids. Previous quiz night funds have been put towards the PP playground upgrade, the Kindy mud kitchen, shade sail, etc. If you want a say in where raised money goes, please join our next meeting early in Term 3.

Thank you Janey Mullins and her team who worked so hard to put this night together, and to Andy Durack, WPS dad, who took over the mic this year as the Quizmaster and did a fantastic job!

Churchlands SHS – Academic Extension Program

Town of Cambridge – School Holiday Guide

Cricket Holiday Activity