Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear parents and caregivers

I thank you for turning out in such great numbers to support our annual Book Week parade on Monday morning. I absolutely loved starting my week as Cruella, although I probably could have been a little more in character! I’m not sure Cruella is known for smiling but it was too much fun to pretend to be cross! My staff of 101 Dalmations and other creative costumes were also outstanding, adding to the enjoyment of the day. Parents and students outdid themselves once again with the array of outfits. Well done to all those parents and caregivers who helped put reading in the spotlight with a focus on characters in favourite stories. We can’t forget Mrs Jordan and Mrs Devenish in the library and our Year 6 Library Captains for all their hard work organising the event. Thank you, it was a fabulous morning.

Year 2-6 Faction Athletics Carnival: We are full steam ahead for our next community event, the Year 2-6 faction athletics carnival this Thursday. Although there are still showers forecast that may pass through, the outlook is better than last week and we will have marquees set up to pause for any heavy rain. Please ensure your child has a rain jacket packed and that sunscreen is applied before school as there are likely to be periods of sunny weather. We will also have sunscreen available at the event for children to re-apply as needed. We look forward to a great day focused on participation and teamwork with our CARES values expected to be on full display. Thank you to all those parents who are helping with running the carnival. Mr Bowman and Mrs Watson, we couldn’t do it without you.

One Big Voice: Congratulations to our junior choir and Miss Kate Goyder who performed at the One Big Voice event last week. One of Australia’s largest children’s choir events, this was a fantastic opportunity for our students to perform alongside students from other schools, an experience I’m sure they will remember for a long time. Well done to Miss Goyder who conducted on the day and spent hours preparing the choir for the event. We are so lucky to have such talented and dedicated staff who make opportunities like this happen.

Home Learning Preparedness: Over the next week, you will see a QR code uploaded to your child’s Seesaw profile. This is your child’s home learning code that will need to used with the Seesaw class app, in the event of school disruption due to the pandemic. It should not be used at the moment but has been uploaded so that you have access should you have lost the paper code sent home earlier this term. Parents and caregivers should continue to use the Seesaw family app to view and comment on uploads from your children in the meantime. If you have any questions, please ask your child’s teacher.

Teaching and Learning

National Science Week: What a fantastic few days we had, with so many activities throughout the week. Many thanks to Mrs Sue Webber, our Science specialist, the whole Year 3 teaching team and Mrs Stacey for their help in making it happen. Dr Webber from the CSIRO was a very entertaining speaker on Wednesday and we also had lunchtime coding, cooking and experiments happening across the week, in class and before school. In the photo below, Year 3s were doing an experiment during Science Week while exploring states of matter and discovering that Ooblek isn’t a liquid or a solid but a non-Newtonian fluid that can change its properties when you apply pressure to it.

We also congratulate all students who entered the science photography competition. Well done to all the school winners who were announced during Science Week. There were 1st , 2nd and 3rd place-getters for all year levels who did an amazing job seeing science all around them. Our winners will be on display during the showcase afternoon scheduled for Friday afternoon, Week 9.

The place-getters were all submitted to the Interschool Science Photography Competition and we had a number of successful students in the interschool competition too! Congratulations to the following budding scientists:

3rd place, Year 3 – Jasmin S

2nd place, Year 4 – Tom L

2nd place, Year 5 – Oscar H


Senior Leadership Team: In Term 2, Dr Melinda Harris joined us as deputy principal when I stepped into the principal role following Donna Snow’s appointment to a system leadership position. We so appreciated the ability of Dr Harris to step into the school at short notice and contribute to our leadership team. Dr Harris’ skills are in high demand as she has just accepted a short term acting principal role for the remainder of this term at another school. We thank Melinda for all her hard work over the past term and a half and wish her every success in this new appointment.

Miss Hannah Cox, Year 6 teacher, School Board member and Senior Teacher, who has engaged in 18 months of professional learning in the Churchlands Regional Schools Network’s Aspirant School Leader Program, will be stepping into the role from Wednesday-Friday for the remainder of the term. I congratulate Hannah on her appointment and thank Mrs Renae Small, her existing tandem teacher, who will increase her hours to enable Hannah to step into leadership.

Community Engagement

Cambridge Rotary Public Speaking Competition: For the fourth year in a row, Wembley has competed in the Cambridge Rotary Public Speaking. It is a fantastic evening with two students from five schools speaking on their passions, raising environmental and social issues important to them. Last Wednesday, Oliver P and Juliet K represented our school superbly and spoke exceptionally. Oliver came 2nd with his speech on The Men’s Shed. He will now speak at the district rotary final in September.

After a rigorous audition process during lunchtimes in Week 4, with 15 Year 5 and 6 students trying out, Miss Smith and Miss Cox narrowed it down to a top five before four other teachers helped select Oliver and Juliet. We thank the students that auditioned and the courage they showed presenting their speeches. Miss Cox thanks the teachers who helped her with the audition process.

Collaborate, Connect, Communicate.

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Tamara, Alan, Rachel and Melinda

Book Week Parade

A huge thank you to all the parents, grandparents and most of all the children for another successful parade.  The costumes were fabulous!  We had a huge turnout of parents and friends.  Thank you for your support. How lucky are we to be able to hold such a fun event.

Faction Athletics Carnival – Years 2 to 6

Our Faction Athletics Carnival is this Thursday 26 August. It will be at the State Athletics Stadium and this year will involve Year 2 – 6 students.

Please click here  for schedule of events.

Events will begin at approximately 9.30am and conclude at 2.30pm. Parents are welcome to come and spectate.

Although the weather does not look favourable, we will get through as many events as we can.  Any events that we don’t get time for we will complete on Friday after lunch at school from approx 1.45pm.  Parents are also welcome to come watch these.

Weather permitting presentations will take place at the stadium on Thursday, but if events are postponed to Friday, presentations will take place Friday afternoon.

If you have a marquee that we may use on the day, please bring it to school on Wednesday, or to the stadium on Thursday morning before 9am.  Weather may be inclement so please remind your children to bring their jacket or jumper on the day, please make sure they have their names on all personal items.

If you are available to help out on the 26 August, please contact Em Roberts:, mobile: 0432 245 404.

Jonathon Bowman

Physical Education Specialist


Year 2-6 Atheletics Carnival – Thursday 26 August

Our picnic boxes are available to be delivered to the stadium in time for lunch. Parent spectators are welcome to order for themselves also.

Ham and Cheese Roll OR Cheese and Tomato Roll

Fresh Fruit Salad

Delicious Home Baked Muffin

Fun Sneaky Treat

$7.50 each

Available NOW to Pre-Order on Quickcliq and orders close at noon on Wednesday. Please enter the date 26/8/21 when ordering.

Please be aware, the picnic boxes are the ONLY canteen option available for Y2-6 on Thursday and we cannot send drinks to the stadium.

All students need to take water bottles.

 Pre-Primary and Year One Orders -Thursday 26 August

Picnic Boxes are also available for these years. A limited menu will be available for lunch and recess for year one students will be on a much simpler scale.


We still need the following volunteer shifts filled this week

Wednesday 25 August: 10.40am-1.30pm

Thursday 26 August: 9am-11.15am and 10.40am – 1.130pm

Friday 27 August: 9-10am and 9-11.30 am

Please sign up here  if you can help.

Hospitality Heroes

Remember your Uni days and part time job in hospitality when you used to sneak off to wrap cutlery in napkins to avoid having to polish the glassware and cutlery?

We’ve heard some fab stories!

If you’re feeling nostalgic, pop in for half an hour to fill your bucket whilst wrapping forks in napkins for our kids.

We always have 15minute, 30 minute and hour long, simple jobs to do throughout the day. And we love to hear your stories!

Please stop in and help us if and when you can.


Canteen Manager

Uniform Shop

The move to Perm-A-Pleat has happened and the online store is now up and running.  Please see below for ordering through the schools website, more information will be sent out through the class reps.

Please remember, the move to Perm-A-Pleat does not improve the stock issues we had due to COVID.  The items that were out of stock are still out of stock. Updates on stock will be placed in the weekly newsletter.   Please click here for ordering

The P&C are currently setting up a Sustainable School Shop which is a platform where you will be able to give, buy or sell second hand uniforms.  More information to come in the following weeks.

Thanks for your patience and support

Nat Ramsay and Susan Havlin

Uniform Shop Coordinators

School Photos – Important Information Please Read

School Photos are scheduled to take place this term as follows:

Kindy A, C, E/PP4 – Tuesday 31 August

Kindy B, D, F/PP4 – Thursday 2 September

PP1, PP2, PP3, PP4 – Wednesday 1 September

Years 1 to 6 – spread across Tuesday 31st August, Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd, Friday 3rd September, more details of which years on which days will be communicated by your classroom teacher.

These dates are also on our school calendar.

Last week, every student should have received a personalised flyer from Kapture Photography containing your child’s unique codes for ordering school photos online.  If you have not received this, please check your child’s bag, contact the office if you have not received one.


The unique codes contained on the flyer will be issued only once.

Order EARLY for sibling photography

Sibling photos can ONLY be ordered online. Once you receive the personalised flyers for your children, it is imperative that you order your sibling photo early to avoid missing out! There is a physical limit in the school schedule to how many sibling photos can be taken. Once the maximum capacity of sibling orders has been reached, no more sibling orders can be placed.

If maximum capacity is not reached, sibling orders close 12pm midday sharp, Monday 30 August.

The school or the photographers cannot accept late orders for sibling photography. Please do not ask as your request simply cannot be accommodated.

Order EARLY for discount photo day prices

Order your photos within 10 calendar days of photo day to receive discount photo day prices. Late orders are handled separately to the school delivery and incur a $20 custom service charge.

Other information

  • Your school will notify you in a few weeks when team and special group photos are available to view and purchase on the Kapture website. Please note; class, individual and sibling portraits are not available to view online prior to purchase.
  • Kapture offer a money back guarantee for any parent who is not fully satisfied with their photo package. Should you have any queries before or after photo day, please check the FAQ’s on the Kapture website.
  • All students will be photographed individually on photo day for school administration records AS WELL as included in their class group presentation available for purchase to all families. Should there be any reason why your child should NOT be included in the photo shoot –please contact the school office.

If COVID is still active in WA:

For the duration of Covid-19 in WA, please be aware that Kapture are following all recommended health guidelines and safe practices. Our photographers are acutely aware of the evolving situation surrounding Covid-19 and abide by each individual school’s Covid-19 policies. Where possible, the photographers will use verbal queues and instructions in an effort to uphold our high standard of student presentation. Students may be instructed by photographers to use single use sterile combs, wet wipes or tissues or to fix their own collars, buttons and stray hairs.

Mr Scott’s Retirement

Attention all students (current and graduated) who had Mr Scott as their teacher… 


In preparation for Mr Scott’s retirement assembly at the end of the term, we are collecting memories from as many of Mr Scott’s students as possible (he has taught 30 classes!).


Please email your memories / well wishes to by Tuesday 31 August.


Please include your full name and what year you were in his class. 


Spread the word. Thank you!

Laura Smith

Education Assistant

The MS Readathon is in its last week and Wembley Primary School’s team has just reached an incredible $9,000! Our goal is to reach $10,000 by the end of August.

We are reading as many books as we can in August to raise funds to fund vital support services for people living with multiple sclerosis, like the Family Camps. These camps provide an opportunity for kids who have a parent living with multiple sclerosis to spend quality time with their family.

If your child did not wish to participate, but you would still like to donate then please donate to our team at

All donations support an extremely worthy cause helping families with a parent with Multiple Sclerosis or other neurological conditions.

Junior Choir

The Junior Choir performing at One Big Voice at the Perth Arena on Friday!  Our talented Kate Goyder conducting.

Father’s, Grandfather’s and Father-Figure’s  Day Stall  2021

The annual Wembley Primary School P&C Father’s Day Stall is happening NEXT Tuesday 31 August. This is a great opportunity for your children to bring along a little money and purchase something special for their dad, granddad or father-figure.

However, this wonderful event cannot take place without the assistance of volunteers to sell the items to the kids! So, if you can spare a couple of hours to help out at the 2021 Father’s Day Stall and assist with selling gifts to some very excited little people, then please add your name to the roster below.

We are using to organise our upcoming Father’s Day Stall.

Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to see our roster:

2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like

3) It’s easy – you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password

Note: does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.

Churchlands Senior High School – 2022 Year 7 Information Night

Churchlands Senior High School – 2022 Year 7 Orientation Day

Mark Lee Pro Football Training – School Holiday Clinics

Our clinics are suitable for all children from ages 5 to 14, with children being placed into age appropriate groups.

Each day the players will experience the following and much much more!

  • Learn the PFT way from our professional coaching staff
  • Fun and exciting small sided games
  • Engagement and a guarantee that they will have a fun and positive learning experience.
  • The opportunity to be identified for our many term based development programs
  • Daily coach challenges
  • Tournament Day

“Thanks for another amazing clinic which he absolutely loved. You have such a fantastic reputation here and we only wish that we had found you sooner!”

Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th, Thursday 30th September and Friday 1st October

  • Lords Sport & Recreation Centre, Subiaco – 9.00am to 11.00am (Indoor)
  • Wesley College, South Perth – 9.00am to 11.00am (Outdoor)
  • Cost: $149 (8 hours)

4 Hour Clinic
Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th, Thursday 30th September & Friday 1st October

  • Lords Sport & Recreation Centre, Subiaco – 1.00pm to 5.00pm (Indoor)
  • Cost: $269 (16 hours)

Tuesday 5th,Wednesday 6th, Thursday 7th & Friday 8th October

  • Lords Sport & Recreation Centre, Subiaco – 9.00am to 11.00am (Indoor)
  • Cost: $149 (8 hours)

To register your child please email:

Please feel free to share our clinic information with others who may also wish to participate.

Best Wishes
Mark & The PFT Coaching Team!