Message from the Executive Administration Team
Dear parents and caregivers
As we head into Week 3, our students are engaged in the initial stages of their inquiry units focused on Sustainability, which is a school-wide priority. The inquiry model, through Critical and Creative Thinking strategies, encourages students to delve deeper into topics and begin to question, analyse and discover more about the world around them. I encourage you to look closely at the Term Overviews posted to classroom blogs over the past few days. Not only do these overviews give you information on the curriculum content being taught and consolidated this term, you will also see some of the projects related to the inquiry units and the cross-curricular STEAM projects your children will be engaging in. Teachers collaborate to produce these overviews each term to ensure parents and caregivers remain connected to the learning happening in classrooms so you can have those important conversations around the dinner table. We look forward to inviting you into the classrooms in Week 9 this term for you to see the evidence of these learning programs. I know your children will be so excited to show you what they have been up to this term.
Opus Concert: Congratulations to our instrumental music students who performed at the Opus Concert last night at Perth Concert Hall. Unfortunately, I am unwell and was so disappointed I couldn’t attend. I am told their performances were outstanding and the whole concert was simply amazing. It is a huge testament to the opportunities provided by the public education system in WA that our students have access to such high-quality experiences as part of their primary school education. This simply wouldn’t be possible without the dedication of exceptional teachers such as Miss Kate Goyder, our Music specialist teacher. Thank you Kate for the hours of work that went into this event and congratulations on making your conducting debut!
New Flagpoles: You may have seen that over the school holidays, two additional flagpoles were installed next to our existing flagpole near the basketball court. We are now proudly flying the Australian flag, State flag and Aboriginal flag together. This has been a goal for the school and we are so thankful to Christine Tonkin MLA, Member for Churchlands, who donated the entire cost of $2,800 for the flagpoles and presented the school with the Western Australian flag last week. This is one small step towards the goals in our Reconciliation Action Plan and we look forward to progressing further steps towards being a more culturally responsive school in the coming years.
Service: Congratulations to Year 1 student Heidi M who recently drew an illustration for this year’s donation campaign run by Coles supermarkets throughout WA. Heidi’s beautiful design was one of only four chosen (and the only winner under 10 years old) to be featured on cards which will be available in the lead-up to this year’s Telethon weekend. Coles will offer Ruby’s card and others for $2 or $5 at Coles to raise money for Telethon. Well done Heidi for spending your time to benefit others, showing the S in our CARES values through service to the community. We love your painting of Fat Cat! Make sure you look out for the card at Coles and support Telethon and Heidi at the same time.
Community Engagement
Tuning into Kids: On a blustery night last week, about 60 parents listened to the free introductory seminar with Tracy Hart, educator and School Psychologist at Penrhos College. Tracy is a facilitator for Tuning into Kids, an evidence-based, emotion-focused program from the University of Melbourne that aims to build parents/carers’ emotion coaching skills for assisting children and adolescents to understand and regulate their emotions. The Tuning into Kids suite of programs provide a way of working that focuses on the emotional connection between adults and children that also assists the adult in their own emotion awareness and regulation.
Tracy is a wonderful, empathetic presenter who understands the pressures of the home environment and provides practical ways to build skills for both children and adults for better wellbeing. We are pleased to host a five-week program at Wembley PS which will give parents the language and knowledge to navigate tantrums, common worries, friendship issues, upsets and big emotions by strengthening connections and building your child’s ability to self-soothe and independently solve problems. I know I certainly appreciated the tips and knowledge gained during the seminar for dealing with these emotions with my own daughter.
The first workshop series is for parents of 5-8 year olds and begins on Thursday evening next week if there is enough interest to proceed. We have six more spots available. The cost is $150 and is paid direct to Tracy. Please email Tracy for further information: If you are experiencing financial difficulty and would like to attend the 5-8 year old series, please email to apply for a fully subsidised spot. The workshop series will start Thursday 12 August at 7pm and run at the same time every Thursday for the following four weeks.
Please also email Tracy if you would like to register for the upcoming 9-12 year old ‘Pre-teens’ workshop series which already has several registered. This is likely to run early in Term 4.
The Fathering Project: Last week, this new community engagement initiative was launched at The Wembley Hotel with about 40 dads coming together to share, learn and laugh with each other. We now invite all dads and father-figures to join the group and get involved, please go to this link to join the online portal where all activities will be posted: A What’s App group has been created to stay connected and the first event looks likely to be a Pizza and Paper Planes night with dads and kids together in a few weeks. So please encourage all dads to join the group through the link, a connected community is a healthy community.
Collaborate, Connect, Communicate.
Yours in learning
Executive Admin Team
Tamara, Alan, Rachel and Melinda
Faction Athletics Carnival Parent Helpers
Our Faction Athletics Carnival is fast approaching on Thursday, August 19. It will take place at the State Athletics Stadium in Perry Lakes. We still require a number of parent helpers to assist with running the events. The day will go a lot smoother the more helpers we have. If you can assist on the day in any way please contact Em Roberts: 0432 245 404.
Thank you,
Jonathon Bowman
Physical Education Specialist
Canteen – French Cuisine Wednesday 4 August
Don’t forget our amazing French recess is on tomorrow at the canteen!
On our menu this year we have:
- Petits croissants with ham and cheese / tomato and cheese $1
- Croque-Monsieur (toasted ham and cheese sandwich) $2
- Mousse au chocolat $2.50
- French crêpes with strawberry coulis $1.50
- Pommes Noisettes (warm potato balls) $1
- Eiffel Tower cookies $1
- Fresh sparkling Lemonade $1
- Chocolat chaud with marshmallows (hot chocolate) $2
We look forward to seeing everyone enjoy a little taste of France!
We also need LOTS of helpers to guide and serve the children from our tables set up in the undercover area from 10.30am to 11.30am.
The children only have 25 minutes to purchase their recess and eat it so we need to make the queues move fast to avoid a long and boring wait and to ensure there is still time to play.
BYO beret and a French crepe is on us!
We also need helpers for lunch shift tomorrow 10.45am to1.45pm and also recess Friday 9am to 11.15am and lunch 12.45pm to 2.45pm.
Please sign up here or call the canteen on 9253 9424 or email us at (note the tricky spelling).
It’s always loads of fun and we would love you to be part of it.
Lauren Ibbotson, French Teacher
Genna, Canteen Manager
Book Week P&C Costume Sale THIS FRIDAY
Don’t stress about your child’s Book Week costume this year. Let your child choose their own!
The P&C are having a costume sale in the undercover area THIS Friday 6 August.
Please send along $5 with your child THIS FRIDAY 6 AUGUST so as your child can purchase a costume from the sale.
Please note the sale will only be happening in the Undercover Area BEFORE school (8-8.45am) and AFTER school (3-4pm).
MS Readathon 
Just a further reminder that the MS Readathon challenge has kicked off and will run for the month of August.
The Wembley Primary School Community did us proud last year, raising over $8,000!! WPS finished up the highest fundraiser in the state and 6th highest nationally!
Please find link below. Parents can register your children, search for our school page, join us, find some sponsors and start reading.
Uniform Shop
This is the last week you can order uniforms at lower prices through Flexischools. After Thursday 5 August you will not be able to order until it moves to Perm-A-Pleat on Monday 16 August. Refunds will need to be processed by this Friday (6 August) and any exchanges will need to be made by Tuesday (10 August).
There is no limit to the number of items you can buy. The following are still out of stock and will remain out of stock even after Perm-A-Pleat takes over due to COVID delays.
- Shorts – size 8-12
- Mesh polos – size 10 and 12
- Cotton polos – size 8 – 12
- Zipper Jumpers – size 8
- Track pants – size 4-12
- School bags
We are fully stocked in other sizes and in all sizes of rain jackets, dresses and skirts.
Remember this is your last chance to get uniforms at the lower price. The uniform shop will be open on Friday morning from 8am – 10am.
Warm regards,
Nat Ramsay and Suse Havlin
Uniform Shop Coordinators
P&C General Meeting – all welcome!
Everyone is invited to the P&C’s Term 3 General Meeting next week, Monday 9 August at 7.30pm in the school library. The meeting is expected to take around one hour.
Get to know your P&C!
Are you interested in learning more about the P&C, what it does and how it operates? The P&C and WACSSO are hosting an information and training session in the school library on 14 September at 6.30-9pm. The session is open to all P&C members and will cover things like P&C governance, constitution and office bearer responsibilities. If you are interested in learning more about the P&C or are thinking about taking on one of the many roles up for election next year, this is a great way to get started. Email for more information.
Tiffany Fox
P&C President
Picture Plates 2021 
Picture Plates are back!
Your child’s unique artwork preserved on a plate capturing memories and milestones
Super simple and loads of fun!
- Your child’s unique artwork will be moulded and printed onto a durable 25cm melamine plate. Strong enough to use every day and are BPA free and dishwasher safe.
- Kindy and Pre-Primary drawings are done under teacher supervision while in class. Our teachers work one-on-one with our little ones to get their best work.
- Students in Years 1-6 who wish to create a plate, will be able to do so at home. Completed drawings are returned to the school office.
- All instructions will be delivered with your template once orders have been finalised.
- The amazing completed plates will be delivered to your child’s class in early October (subject to change due to Covid-19).
- Personalised Picture Plates make gorgeous gifts; get a head start on your gift lists: Father’s Day, Christmas, Birthdays, Bon Voyage, I love you, Thank you gifts.
- They even make the BEST camping plates!
Order through the very convenient, super easy online payment system Qkr!
All orders with payments must be made by 3pm Friday 13 August 2021
Picture Plates are $32 each
If you are ordering for multiple children in the family, it is important that each child is entered individually.
If an order is submitted with three plates for one child, you will receive three of the same drawing for that child.
You are under NO obligation to participate in this Pre-Primary and Kindy P&C Fundraiser, though the quality is so good and the memories so great that you won’t want to miss out on these gorgeous plates!
A sample plate will be available to view at the Kindy pick up gate.
Queries to Georgie Ruloff: email:, please use “Picture Plates” in the subject line.
Picture Plates 2021 
Attention Year 6 Students!
Create a Picture Plate to remember all of your WPS friends
Draw a centre piece with Wembley Primary School 2021 and have all of your friends write their names on your plate in the brightest colours.
Place an order by 3pm Friday 13 August and you can work on your pictures next week
Order through Qkr! You will find this listed under the P&C Fundraising and Events’ tab.
Queries to Georgie Ruloff: email:, please use “Picture Plates” in the subject line.
Book Week P&C Costume Sale THIS FRIDAY
Don’t stress about your child’s Book Week costume this year. Let your child choose their own!
The P&C are having a costume sale in the undercover area THIS Friday 6 August.
Please send along $5 with your child THIS FRIDAY 6 AUGUST so as your child can purchase a costume from the sale.
Please note the sale will only be happening in the Undercover Area BEFORE school (8-8.45am) and AFTER school (3-4pm).
Unavailability of Traffic Warden
The Traffic Warden who works at the Children’s Crossing on Jersey Street (near street – Ruislip Street), Wembley is unable to work every Wednesday afternoon. Unfortunately we have no relief staff available to cover the position but will advise when one is available for a Wednesday afternoon.
Please take appropriate action and inform your students and the school community to be vigilant whilst crossing without a warden present.
Kind regards,
Annette Hayden l 88963 l Staff Officer
Traffic Warden State Management Unit
Western Australia Police Force
T: (08) 6274 8734
Mark Lee Football Coaching
Just a quick reminder that soccer starts again on Thursday!
- August 5 to September 9
- 7.30am-8.30am
- 6 weeks
- $119 per child
If you would like your child to attend please contact our team.
Best Wishes
Mark & The MLFC Team
Mark Lee Football Coaching
0430 788 703
Twitter – @MarkLeeFC
VacSwim Holiday Swimming Lessons
Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the October and summer school holidays.
VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations across WA. Not only is VacSwim a great school holiday activity, it also teaches valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.
Your children can start as young as five years old.
Don’t wait! Enrol your children in VacSwim now at