Emotional Health is a Skill – Free Seminar for Parents and Carers

The seminar will be held this Thursday 29 July at 6:30pm in school Library. CLICK HERE to RSVP attend by Thursday 22 July.

Personal and social capability encompasses students’ personal/emotional and social/relational dispositions, intelligences , sensibilities and learning. This capability develops effective life skills for students, including understanding and handling themselves, their relationships, learning and work – School Curriculum and Standards Authority. 

Community assistance to develop personal and social capability is a crucial part of our approach to improving student health and wellbeing. We are excited to announce we are holding a free seminar called Foundations of Wellbeing – Tuning into Kids run by Psychologist Tracy Hart. Tuning in to Kids is a program from the University of Melbourne, based on evidence and research.

Wembley Primary School engages a variety of evidence based approaches focused around Relationship Building, Responsible Decision Making, Self Awareness and Self Management that align with Social Emotional Language (SEL) and our school targets. Currently, three classes are trialling ‘The Connect Wellbeing Curriculum’, a program aimed at developing grit, perseverance and flexible strength in students and opening a gateway for staff to recognise their own thoughts and feelings throughout the day.

This program is focused on developing the emotional connection between parents/carers and their children and helping our families to understand and respond to common emotions displayed.

Following this free seminar, should there be sufficient interest, Tracy will hold a small group 5 week Emotion Coaching workshop series in Term 3 (costs apply), initially for parents of 5-8 year olds before workshops aimed at parents of older students are offered.