Book Week Parade

We are all geared up and ready for our annual Book Week parade!  We have been busy in the library making characters out of cardboard boxes!  Can’t wait to see everyone’s creations.

This Wednesday 24th August

9:00 am

The Oval

See you all there!

Kym Devenish/Kate Chadbourne/Jill Jordan

Science Week

Last week, across the school we celebrated science in many forms. We had science experiments before school by our Year 3 students, many exciting activities in class and a special guest speaker on Friday, Dr Bruce Webber from the CSIRO.

Dr Webber talked to the Year 1-3 students, then again to the Year 4-6 students about his conservation work on the Ashmore Reef. His team has been studying all the parts of the eco system in that area to understand how to make it more sustainable. Dr Webber is also a keen science photographer who has been all around the world.

After he showed us photographs from Africa, South America and in our own state, in the Kimberley, he announced 1st, 2nd and 3rd for each year level who entered our Science Week Photography Competition. Dr Webber was our guest judge and he was so generous in sharing tips and tricks for photography but also feedback on each photograph. Congratulations to all our entrants and those who made the top 3 in each year level. You can view the winning entries by viewing the links below.

Year 1-3 Science Photography Winners:

Year 4-6 Science Photography Winners:

Thanks to our science specialist teacher Mrs Webber for all her organisation and coordination of Science Week at Wembley PS.

Music Spotlight – Year 6 Ukulele

Year 6 ukulele classes soaking in the sun while having a jam session on Vance Joy’s Riptide.

MS Readathon

We are getting to the end of August and Wembley PS is continuing to do amazingly well in the MS Readathon. We have raised just shy of $11,000 and our students have read 1,131 books so far! We would love to reach our goal of $15,000 by the end of the MS Readathon and help those living with neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and Guillain-Barré Syndrome. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to our school’s team please visit

Feel free to share our link as well!

Thank you, 

Mrs Jordan and Madame Ibbotson 

Interschool Athletics Carnival – Announcer Needed

As Wembley PS is the host school this year, we will require parent helpers to assist for both days.

Day 1 will be on our school oval, Wednesday 14 September from approximately 9.00am until 1.30pm.

Day 2 will take place at McLean Oval in Floreat on Wednesday 21 September from approximately 9.00am until 2.30pm.

One particular job we need filled, is a volunteer for an announcer on Day 2.  This will involve announcing events, results and score updates.  If you think you would be able to fulfill this role, please contact Jon Bowman –

Canteen News

Book Week Cookies and Friday Lunch Boxes

Our resident cookie artist and Year 3 mum, Florina, is in the kitchen!

Flori dedicates hours, pouring her incredible talent into icing our cookies.

They’re really too good to be eaten but too delicious not to be!

Every cookie is unique and they are available tomorrow, Wednesday, at recess for $3 each.

Hot diggity dog! 

We’ve got Dog Man hotdogs and chip boxes this Friday. Chocka block with a drink, delicious muffin and a sneaky treat.

Order via Quickcliq or at the canteen counter.


Parents and carers, if you’re watching the Book Week costume parade in the morning, we would love a bit of help setting up our cookie tables in the undercover area and we also need a handful of volunteers to help sell them at recess. Thank you!

Fathers Day Provisions

Look out for our range of home made provisions, cheese and lavosh hampers.

Orders will be open next week for collection on Friday.


Have we mentioned how much fun it is in the canteen?

The jobs are simple, shifts are only two hours of super great conversation, you’ll get to see what goes into our kids’ food, taste our delicious treats and see your kids’ gorgeous faces.

Come and check it out for yourself. You’re sure to leave with a sense of great achievement!

If you can please help out please sign up here

Chaplain Corner – Mindful Mondays

Before School Nature Club

The juniors were asked to ‘branch out’ and create an animal, plant, or item using natural materials. They were invited to use minimal man-made materials to stick their creations together. I ‘lake’ the ideas the students came up with, varying from elephants, to kites, to butterflies, and presents.

Mindfulness – Monday Lunchtime Yoga

Yoga and mindfulness stretching began yesterday with the wonderful Mrs. Martin. It was great to see students from different year levels attend and attempt an activity out of their comfort zone. Hope to see familiar faces again next week.


Miss Alessia Princi


Picture Plates – Templates to be Returned by Friday 19 August

Please return your child’s picture template either to 31 Reserve St or your child can drop it off to the box in the school office.

Please ensure the template is kept flat, do not roll, fold or crease the template.

Community Service

VacSwim Enrolments

Community Service