Message from Administration
Dear parents and caregivers
National Science Week:
Last week celebrated Science week with a range of fabulous events and activities. The Year 3s provided before school experiments and learning opportunities, our STEM partner in Schools, Dr Bruce Webber sparked our curiosity with his presentations and our captains ran lunch time quizzes.
Policy Updates:
- Wet Weather – the weather over the past few weeks has been timely as we trial our new wet weather policy. The purpose of change from students staying in their classrooms with their teachers is to ensure staff have their required breaks, enable duty of care to be effectively covered and a consistent approach for all students in Years 1-6 according to the Department’s Duty of Care policy and Student Health and Wellbeing policy and procedures. When the students are in zones they can be more readily released to play as soon as the rain stops. At the end of term, we will gather feedback from staff and students and make the necessary adjustments.
- Dress Code: We take pride in our uniform, and how we wear it. If your child’s hair is below collar length, please ensure they tie hair up (male and females). Jewellery: earrings should be studs and sleepers only and a watch. Bracelets, necklaces, anklets are not included in our dress code. Nearly all lost property has been reclaimed. Please check that all items of the uniform; especially windcheaters, hats and rain jackets are clearly labelled, and we will all do our best to get lost items returned promptly.
School Culture Survey:
Community feedback is a welcomed and important element of the school’s self-assessment cycle and school improvement journey. Completion by next Friday, 30 August 2024 would be greatly appreciated. It should take less than 15 minutes.
Click on the link
School Board:
The annual open meeting is scheduled for 3 September at 5:45pm in the library. We look forward to seeing members of the community join the Board as we look at the 2024 data sets and progress and achievement against targets. This is a wonderful opportunity to see how WPS collects, analyses and uses data to inform teaching practice and monitor performance using data from Pre- primary to Year 6. The presentation will also include the school’s performance in comparison to like schools.
In the spirit of learning and community connection.
Donna Snow
Parliament House Guests
On Wednesday 7 August, Head girl and boy; Amelia and Chris, and year 6 students Harry, Mia, Louis and Parker, Mr Porteous and Mrs Snow were the guests of Christine Tonkin, Member for Churchlands at Parliament House.
Following a delicious, silver service lunch in the restaurant with Mrs Tonkin, we went to the public gallery during Question time where we witnessed rigorous debate around some key government policy including the Cost-of-Living relief and the Gun buy back scheme. We met premier Cook and had a photo with him in the courtyard as no photography is allowed in the building and he mentioned WPS being visitors to the gallery. It was a wonderful, memorable experience for our young leaders of the future.
Student Leadership Forum
The Year 6 Prefects and Head Boy and Girl attended a student leadership forum hosted by the Cambridge Rotary Club on Wednesday 21 August.
Mr Jeremy Woods, a Rotarian and friend of WPS has been coaching our student leaders throughout the year on meeting protocols, community engagement and citizenship. It culminated with a breakfast forum, a hot chocolate, and a guest speaker from The Royal Life Saving for our student leaders and those from neighbouring schools. We are very grateful for the opportunities and partnerships the Cambridge Rotary Club provide us.
Kapture School Photos
If you have not yet placed your order for school photos please do so.
The school code is: 3 UHNFD
Lost Property
Please check the lost property located in the undercover area (at the back) or the smaller items in the office. These items will be donated if not claimed.
Compass Tips
Adding an Attendance Note for a Future Absence
Parents can enter attendance notes in advance, if they know their child is going to be absent from school.
To do this from the Home page, click on the ‘Add Attendance Note/Approval’ link listed underneath your child’s name.
This will take you to the Attendance screen, with a pop-up window to enter details of the note. Parents can then select the applicable date range – in the future if required.
If the date range is for consecutive days, please do not enter the first date and time in the start field and the last date and time in the finish field. Please do not enter each day separately.
Enter the ‘Details/Comment’ field (details of the absence with a minimum of 10 characters in that field). Ensure the comment gives a detailed description relating to the absence.
The school reviews all attendance notes and may change the reason for absence, approve or decline the absence.
Save the attendance note.
National Science Week Celebrations
Year 3 Experiments
The Year 3 students had a fun time celebrating National Science Week by performing science experiments early in the morning before school. It was a fantastic opportunity for the students to engage their peers in the magic of science. Great job, Year 3!
Science Week: Photography Competition 2024
The theme for this year’s National Science Week Competition was ‘Save Our Species, Our Survival Depends on Theirs’. The judge, Dr. Bruce Webber, had high praise for the participants, stating, “The photographs keep improving each year, and the standard of photography was very high.”
Our school is very fortunate to be partnered with Dr. Bruce Webber through the STEM Professionals in Schools Project. If you would like to learn more about Dr. Webber’s astounding journey to becoming a scientist, please follow the link below:
From little things, big things grow: the gift of STEM education – CSIRO
Congratulations to the winners of the National Science Week Photography Competition:
Kindy & PP:
- 1st: Kate C
- 2nd: Henry E
- 3rd: Archie A
Years 1 & 2:
- 1st: Alex R
- 2nd: Edward C
- 3rd: Ivo F
Years 3 & 4:
- 1st: Rosalie L
- 2nd: Ethan F
- 3rd: Jade G
Years 5 & 6:
- 1st: Lars P
- 2nd: Olivia W
- 3rd: Agatha CS
A big round of applause to all the participants for their impressive photographs!
Overall Winner: Lars Purse
Eco Warriors Workshop – Species Survival
The Eco Warriors did a fantastic job of running a workshop based on the theme of “Species Survival” for students Years 1-6 last Tuesday. They put in a colossal effort for the planning, promoting and organisation of their event. It was a big hit with over 50 students attending! For the session, they taught their peers how to make eco sanctuaries for bugs, DIY water filters and ran a very fun and engaging digital quiz, with Matt Stone crowned the winner! A big well done to our passionate Eco Warriors.
Art New – Room 8
Congratulations Lucy

Bob Hawke College 2025 Enrolment
P&C Association News
Dads of Grantham Street (DOGS)
The annual Wembley Dads of Grantham Street (DOGS) camping trip to Baden Powell Campground in Dwellingup is back again this year.
The event for fathers and father figures, together with their kids from Wembley Primary School is booked for the weekend of 11-13 October (first weekend back in Term 4). Last year was a sellout, and we anticipate that this year will also sellout.
Tickets and further information about the fun weekend are available at this link, or via the Fathering Project Members area (look for events):
Tickets on sale until Friday 6 September, unless sold out earlier.
Fathers Day Stall
Community News
Behaviour Tonics Parent Education Course
Surf Online Safe – Save the date
Kapinara Primary School is organising a parent/community seminar on 31 October at Churchlands Senior High School.
They are still in the organising stages so more information on booking details will come.
Free Government Funded Better Health Program
The Better Health Program is a free program for children aged 6-12 years old and their families. The program runs for 10 weeks and supports families to make healthy lifestyle changes together. Programs are FREE for eligible families and are delivered online or in-person at BOUNCE Trampoline Parks.
Term 4, 2024 Program Offerings:
Bounce Osborne Park, 5 O’Malley St, Osborne Park (nearest park to Wembley)
Sign up today here: or call 1300 822 953.