Message from the Executive Administration Team
Dear parents and caregivers
We are certainly experiencing a blast in wintry weather this week. We have a wet weather protocol at the school and should there be rain or extreme weather such as a storm, we call ‘wet weather’ and students spend the break time indoors with time to visit the bathroom, go to the canteen and re-hydrate. As much as possible, we try to get students outside in the fresh air during their break times and exercising and socialising with their peers. The library is also open at lunchtime from Monday-Thursday for students who prefer a quiet break time indoors, with rotation between Year 1-3 and Year 4-6.
COVID-19: Parents and carers will be aware through the weekly email updates that COVID-19 is still present in our school community. When multiple cases emerge in a classroom, the parents and carers are notified by direct email. Classmates of positive cases are no longer classified as close contacts however, it is important families are aware so you can remain vigilant should any symptoms present themselves. Teachers are continuing to create learning at home resources for students who recover within their isolation period. Please contact your child’s teacher directly to commence home learning. If you need support with accessing the activities on Seesaw, please get in contact with our Admin team or the teachers so we can help you.
Important dates: This list of important dates was in the Week 1 newsletter but with so many events this term, I have repeated this again. We have also confirmed the Pre-primary-Year 2 carnival date as below. The Kindergarten students who attend on this day (Kindy A & C), will watch for a short time and join in with a fun running race before the PP-Year 2 students start their sprints. Kindy B & D groups will also have the chance to take part in a community event as they attend school on the Book Week Parade day and will be able to dress up and watch the older students parade around the oval. We welcome parents to attend all community events as spectators. Our students love nothing more than their families coming to support these special days in the school calendar.
Events and assemblies are also continually updated on our school calendar on the website here.
Term 3
Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival: Thursday 11 August (WA Athletics Stadium)
K-6 Book Week Parade: 9am Wednesday 24 August (School Oval)
PP-Year 2 Athletics Carnival: 9am Wednesday 31 August
Mrs Patricia Hawkes Retirement Assembly – 2:40pm Friday 2 September
K-6 Inquiry Learning Showcase: 3:30pm Friday 16 September (Open classrooms)
- Kindy A and C will hold their open classroom on Tuesday 13 September as 16 September is not a school day for these groups.
Interschool Athletics: Wednesday 14 September and Wednesday 21 September
PP-Year 6 P&C Colour Run: 1:40pm Friday 23 September (School Oval)
Teaching and Learning
100 Days of School: Our Pre-primary and Year 1 students had a wonderful time last week dressing up and taking part in a range of activities to celebrate being at school for a whole 100 days this year. What an achievement! For our Pre-primary students, this is their first full-time year at school and it can be such an adjustment from Kindergarten, daycare or being at home. In Year 1, they have been on the journey of adjusting to the ‘big school’ as it can affectionately be called.
This has also been a big change and they have done amazingly well with the support of their families and teachers. Parents and carers, you are doing a fantastic job assisting your child with this adjustment in their routine. I know what goes on behind the scenes as parent to a Pre-primary child myself. Thank you for supporting the school through events such as these and also to our teachers who work so hard to create engagement and opportunities for rich learning experiences
Community Engagement
School Board sub-committees: A feature of our community engagement strategy through the School Board, is the work of sub-committees to work through long-term projects or policy change that requires further consultation and discussion to enact positive changes for the benefit of our students and community.
Currently the school has two School Board sub-committees, one focused on the School Grounds Master Plan chaired by School Board member Jeff Gidman and a number of parents and staff. We recently called for the assistance of an architect to help us progress this work. We also have a newly created sub-committee focusing on a review of the school uniform. School Board members Kellie Pearcey, Rachel Clay, Scott Crawley and I (Tamara Doig, principal) are at the beginning stages of reviewing our existing dress code.
One potential amendment is to consider including our recently commissioned indigenous design into our regular school uniform, which is featuring on the 2022 Year 6 Leavers shirts. We are also exploring how we can continue to align being Sun Smart with our school dress code. We are working through what is possible for suppliers to begin with and will keep the community updated and involved as we work through the policy review. Thank you to the Board for continuing to support the school through these processes. The impact of COVID in the past semester has slowed our work at times but we remain committed to community engagement with all that defines our school culture and learning environment.
‘Collaborate, Connect, Communicate and Care’.
Yours in learning
The Senior Leadership Team
Tamara, Milani, Rachel, Stacey and Natalie
Kapture Photos
The school photo orders will be coming home [this week]. Please note the following:
- Magnetic photo frames and additional prints are slotted between the prints of your package.
- Key chains are packed separately and distributed by the school office to the classroom teachers, who then distribute to the students. Check with your teacher if you have not received yours as yet.
- Sibling photos (if applicable to your school) are delivered to the eldest child and placed inside their photo package as additional prints if applicable.
- Digital negative orders will be sent to your email address supplied within 3-5 days of the school photo delivery. Don’t forget to check your junk mail folders.
- You are still able to place additional orders via the Kapture website including orders for sports, music or special group photos taken on school photo day. Use the same school code as previously supplied.
If you ordered photos more than 10 days after photo day, your order will be handled separately and mailed directly to your home address within the next 28 days. Check your confirmation email for more information.
You can now view and order the “2022 Student Leader” photo.
Please go to
You will need to enter our school code CJU4QV under the Sports and Event tab to access the gallery.
Kind regards
The Kapture Crew
Free Parent/Carer Workshop – Supporting Students on the Autism Spectrum
Positive Partnerships will be running a FREE 2-day workshop for parents/carers on 10-11 August at The Vines Resort, Swan Valley. This workshop is for parents, carers, grandparents, and kinship carers who support a school aged child on the autism spectrum (or still considering/undergoing assessment). Families can register via the website:
MS Readathon
The MS Readathon is on again this August! Sign up, join our Wembley Primary School team and help raise money for those living with neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease.
Once signed up students ask family and friends to sponsor their participation and then in August they read as many books as possible. Last year Wembley Primary School was the top fundraising school in Australia raising just over $14,500! Can we reach this year’s goal of $15,000?
Visit MS Readathon to sign up and be sure to sure join our Wembley Primary School team. If you have any questions please see Mrs Jordan or Madame Ibbotson.
Lost Property
We have sorted through 3 HUGE tubs of Lost Property. The few that included students’ names, have been distributed. The remainder which had either NO names or names of students who have since left have been placed in tubs in the Undercover area. Please help yourself – we simply ask that if you take an item, you mark your name clearly on it.
Library News
Book Club
Book Club Issue #5 closed yesterday. Deliveries should arrive late next week! Thank you for supporting your school
Jill Jordan – Library
Students Leaving
To assist with school planning for 2023, if your child is leaving Wembley Primary School at the end of 2022, can you please send an email to, advising of the following details:
- Destination school
- Date of last day at Wembley
This does not include current Year 6 students moving to high shcool.
Thank you.
Picture Plates – Last Chance to Order
Order Picture Plates!
Your child’s unique artwork preserved on a plate capturing memories and milestones
Super simple and loads of fun!
- Your child’s unique artwork will be moulded and printed onto a durable 25cm melamine plate. Strong enough to use every day and are BPA free and dishwasher safe.
- Kindy and Pre-Primary drawings are done under teacher supervision while in class. Our teachers work one-on-one with our little ones to get their best work.
- Students in Years 1-6 who wish to create a plate, will be able to do so at home. Completed drawings are returned to the school office.
All instructions will be delivered with your template once orders have been finalised.
- The amazing completed plates will be delivered to your child’s class in early October (subject to change due to Covid-19).
- Personalised Picture Plates make gorgeous gifts; get a head start on your gift lists.
Father’s Day Christmas Birthdays Bon Voyage I love you Thank you gifts.
- They even make the BEST camping plates!
Order through the very convenient, super easy online payment system Qkr!
All orders with payments must be made by 3pm Friday 5th August 2022
Picture Plates are $32 each
If you are ordering for multiple children in the family, it is important that each child is entered individually.
If an order is submitted with three plates for one child, you will receive three of the same drawing for that child.
You are under NO obligation to participate in this Pre-Primary and Kindy P&C Fundraiser, though the quality is so good and the memories so great that you won’t want to miss out on these gorgeous plates!
A sample plate will be available to view at the Kindy rooms.
Queries : Kindy and PP Julia Foulsham email;
Years 1 – 6 Geogia Ruloff email:
Please use “Picture Plates” in the subject line.