Message from Administration

Dear Parents and Caregivers

We have had a wonderful start to Term 3. Over the holidays significant work was undertaken to improve our learning environment, painting, new pin-up boards and white boards, toilet upgrades in Kindy and the magnificent trees in the quad and on the oval. A huge shout out to the P&C for funding this project and coordinator, Julia Foulsham and family for the preparation and follow-up care over the break.

NAPLAN reports were sent home last week, and there were plenty of reasons to celebrate student progress and achievement. At our OPEN BOARD Meeting at 5:45pm on Tuesday 3 September we will present all the school’s 2024 NAPLAN and On-Entry data. All parents are welcome, and encouraged, to attend to gain insight into how this data drives school, cohort, and individual improvement plans.

Book Week Parade – Friday morning, 2 August is our Book Week parade.

Last week, I attended days 1 and 2 of a five-day leadership course, Leading Cultures of Teaching Excellence, a key component of the Department’s Quality Teaching Strategy. My key take-aways: Culture shapes learning; our motivation and purpose is anchored in student outcomes. The culture we are striving for at WPS: trusting relationships, shared beliefs, strong values, norms and knowing the data, combine to set the preconditions for successful, quality teaching and learning and an engaged community.

WPS celebrated NAIDOC week last week with a range of engaging activities. The trail around the school, created by Miss Bell, engaged classes in history, understanding, knowledge and perspectives. The Student Representative Council participated in an on country experience at Herdsman Lake where they learnt about the importance of the lake systems to the Aboriginal people and the native flora.

Be Fierce and Proud – Go Aussies

This Friday 26 July is Green and Gold Day – a student initiative led by Buddy classes, rooms 5 and 14 to celebrate the opening of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

Let’s get into the Wembley spirit and support our Olympic team on their quest for gold in Paris.

On Friday we would like all students to wear green and gold to show their support on their journey. If students want to wear their country’s colours, they are encouraged to do so.

We are also running a competition for students to create a poster. So, use all your creativity and let us cheer on our Aussies!!

Let’s get a sea of green and gold and show our support!


In the spirit of learning and community connection. 

Donna Snow 


Tipuana Trees on Quad and Oval

A big thank you to the P&C, and especially Julia Foulsham,  for their generous donation contributing to the supply and installation of three Tipuana Trees on the quad and oval.  They look fantastic.

Book Week Parade – Friday 2 August

The theme for Book Week this year is READING IS MAGIC!  Our Book Week Parade will be held on:

 Friday of Week 3, Term 3

  2nd August

9am Basketball Court

This is such a fun event every year.  No need to purchase expensive costumes – be creative with cardboard and recycled items!  Can’t wait to see all the fun ideas come together!

Jill Jordan


Senior Faction Athletics Carnival – Years 3 to 6

The Senior Faction Athletics Carnival will take place at the WA Athletics Stadium in Perry Lakes with events starting around 9.30am.

Presentations will conclude around 2.45pm. In the case of inclement weather, any events not completed on the day, such as relays, will be completed the following day on Wembley’s school oval.

Event is now live on Compass for parents to pay and give consent.

We will require parent helpers to assist with running the events on the day. If you can assist, please contact me via email on

Jonathon Bowman

Physical Education Specialist

ScienceIQ Online Science Quiz Competition

The ScienceIQ Online Science Quiz competition, organized by the Science Teachers’ Association of Western Australia (STAWA), offers an exciting opportunity for Western Australian students to showcase their science knowledge. In Term 2, students from Years 5 and 7 were invited to participate in this competition. They competed in teams of four against other schools of the same year level. Each quiz consisted of two rounds of questions, held a week apart, where teams had one hour to complete each round of 12 science questions. The ScienceIQ quizzes test students’ knowledge, skills, and understanding in various areas of science, including science inquiry skills. The winning teams are those that finish in the shortest time with the most questions answered correctly.

Our team of four students, Raphael S, Bridget M, Evan T, and Agatha C, performed exceptionally well in the first round of the quiz, securing 11th place out of 68 primary school teams.

In Term 3, students from Years 6 will compete, followed by a joint Year 5 and 6 competition in Term 4 to determine the top ScienceIQ students. Prizes for first, second, and third place in each group will be awarded by STAWA at the end of the competition. Congratulations to our team for their performance and best of luck to the upcoming ScienceIQ quizzes!

Sue Webber

Level 3 Science Specialist Teacher

Farewell message from our Chaplain

I would like to thank the Wembley Community for being supportive and welcoming throughout my time at Wembley Primary School. I have enjoyed getting to know you all and support parents/caregivers and students throughout their primary school journey. I will cherish the time I had at Wembley Primary and wish you all the very best.

Lego Club

One of the many things I established at the school was Lego Club.

With donations from the Rotary Club of Ascot and kindly donated Lego bundles from parents we were lucky to build a solid collection of Lego and be able to create a Lego Club.

Throughout the Lego sessions, there were many WONDERFUL creations made by both parents and students. I enjoyed observing and asking questions about the creations made. The creativity displayed was mind blowing.

Lego Club was held Monday mornings in PP4. Unfortunately, as I am no longer at the school, it will be cancelled until further notice.

Warm regards and many thanks.

Alessia Princi


Year 6 Persuasive Letters

Recently Rooms 17 and 18 wrote persuasive letters to the Prime Minister asking if the late Nancy Wake (famous World War 11 spy) could be awarded the Victoria Cross posthumously.  They have received two replies so far.  One from Mr Anthony Albanese himself and another from the Department of Veteran Affairs. The students were very excited to receive the letters.

Churchlands Senior High School – Academic Extension Program 2025

Traffic Warden Unavailable

The Traffic Warden who operates the Children’s Crossing on Jersey Street near Ruislip Street is unable to attend the crossing from Thursday afternoon 25 and Friday 26 July inclusive  and unfortunately  have no relief staff available to cover the position.

Please take appropriate action and inform your children to be vigilant whilst crossing without a warden present.

P & C Association News

WPS Fundraising Comittee


Picture Plates 2024

P&C Merchandise

Please download Qkr! on your phone by following this link:


If you need help, please email the P&C Treasurer:

Community News


Positive Partnerships FREE 2 Day Autism Workshop

Positive Partnerships is very excited to announce they will be running a FREE 2-day autism workshop for parents/caregivers in Wembley Downs on 20th and 21st of August at the Ambrose Estate Golf Club.

This 2 day workshop is specifically for parents, carers, grandparents, and kinship carers who support a school aged child on the autism spectrum (or still considering/undergoing assessment).

These are fully funded by the Australian government, and includes morning tea and lunch and lots of free resources to take home.

Families can register via our website or they can get in touch with me to assist.

Please note: Teachers, EAs and other paid carers such as support workers are not eligible to attend this workshop. We have other learning opportunities for those within paid caring roles.

Wembley Districts Junior Cricket Club

– Registrations 2024/25 are now open