Message from the Executive Administration Team
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Riding to school has been made easier with additional bike racks installed last week. We are thrilled with the number of students riding, scooting and walking to school, promoting a healthy lifestyle and sustainable practices. Please remind your child of the importance of wearing helmets and remaining vigilant. If your child is coming to school from the North of Grantham St, PLEASE use the underpass at Alexander St. We do not want students or their parents crossing Grantham St at peak hours.
Teaching and Learning
Semester 2 Reports will be issued on Wednesday 15 December via email. This report will be a full report with A-E grades, effort, attitude and behaviours, attendance, learning areas and general comments. PLEASE remember to download, save and print the report. They are not accessible after 4 weeks.
Class lists are currently being finalised and will be emailed to parents on Wednesday 15 December. Requests for class placements are now closed. Staff and the Principal spent considerable hours ensuring each student is placed, with careful and deliberate consideration, given all the data available. Once classes are established and published we do not move students. In line with our school culture, we encourage students and parents to practice gratitude and resilience when classes are announced. The holidays give students time to accept change and prepare for the new year ahead.
Transition to new classrooms: In 2020 we are trialing transitioning all students PP- Year 6 to their new classrooms to meet their teacher and classmates on the last day of term. On Thursday 16 December students will go to their new class from 8:45am – 9:30am. Students will take their bag to their new room and line up in designated areas on the quadrangle. As we are still operating under Phase 4 COVID restrictions, parents are not able to enter the verandahs or classrooms.
2021 Student Leadership Elections
Today and tomorrow, students who nominated for the positions of 2021 Head Girl/Head Boy and prefects, are presenting speeches to their peers and staff. Voting will follow and the student leadership team will be announced on Thursday, 3 December at 9.00am. Presentations will be held on the school oval. Parents of the Year 5 nominees are invited to attend. Parents, please observe social distancing.
School Board
Tonight is the final School Board meeting for 2020. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the School Board for their work throughout the year. In particular I thank them for the outstanding collaboration and input through the difficult weeks when COVID-19 broke and the school’s continuity needed to be developed and operationalised within two short weeks.
Congratulations and farewell to School Board Chairperson, Jason Stirbinskis and co-opted member Heidi Rawson who will retire from the Board at the end of 2020. I thank them for their tremendous work and unrelenting support of the school and community.
Jason’s leadership throughout my tenure at WPS has been strong, collaborative and strategic as highlighted with the 2017/18 school uniform survey and the change management process that resulted in our new, flexible uniform.
Heidi is a champion of change management and has been a tireless leader on the uniform sub-committee and more recently on the school engagement committee. The result of Heidi’s collaborative body of work is the entire suite of new policies focused on communicating and maintaining the positive school community culture and promoting positive engagement and behaviour. These policies are on the school website.
In Term 1, there will be a School Board parent representative position advertised in the Week 2 newsletter. This position is for three years. The Board meets twice a term from 5:45pm -7:30pm. I encourage you to seek more information and consider nominating.
A Public School Review is a validation visit from two Department employees, a lead reviewer and a peer principal. Their role is to validate the school’s self-assessment and future actions. Every year the school conducts an extensive range of self-assessment processes to determine how WPS is performing in all domains of the school’s Business Plan, Operational Plans, and student progress and achievement. Our review will take place on 24 March, 2021.
2021 School Development Days: (student free days)
TERM 1 | Thursday | 28 January 2021 | ||
TERM 1 | Friday | 29 January 2021 | ||
TERM 2 | Friday | 4 June 2021 | ||
TERM 4 | Monday | 11 October 2021 | ||
TERM 4 | Tuesday | 12 October 2021 |
2021 Reporting to Parents Dates:
TERM 1 Parent Information Sessions Weeks 2 and 3
TERM 1 Parent Interviews Tuesday 30 March 2021, 12 noon – 3:30pm (1/2 day for students)
Wednesday 31 March 2021, 3:30pm – 6pm
TERM 2 Semester 1 Reports Wednesday 30 June 2021
TERM 3 Learning Showcase Friday 17 September 2021, 3:30pm -6pm
TERM 4 Semester 2 Reports Wednesday 15 December 2021
Collaborate, Connect, Communicate.
Yours in learning
Executive Admin Team
Donna, Alan, Milani, Tamara
Central Server Upgrade – Systems Offline
We would like to advise our school will have no access to internet or network facilities (phones or computers) from 3pm Friday 4 December through to 8am Wednesday 9 December.
This is a mandated Department of Education Central Server Upgrade. We have no control over the timing of this essential scheduled server upgrade.
We will be able to make urgent phone calls to parents using our mobile phones and obtaining phone numbers from student files.
Library News – Overdue Books
A reminder that all books are due back to the library by the end of this week. No borrowing after Week 8. Please have a hunt around at home for any overdues.
Many thanks
Jill Jordan
The Faction Naming Ceremony – Thursday 10 December
On Thursday, 10 December starting at 9.15am and concluding at approximately 10am. All students are to wear faction shirts. Students from Pre-primary to Year 6 will assemble on the quadrangle in Factions at 9am ready to march to the oval. Kindy students are invited to come out to watch. Special guests include Dr Fiona Stanley, members of the Jackson and Farmer families, School Board and P&C representatives.
Australian Mathematics Competition
Congratulations to Mason in Year 5 who has the very special honour of being named Best in State for all students in Years 3-12 who participated in the AMC Competition this year. This is a huge achievement for Mason, making him one of only eight students nationwide to be given this award. We are very proud of you!
Tamara Doig
Deputy Principal
Interschool Basketball
Wednesday, 25 November was the Champion’s Cup of Basketball, taking place at Bendat Basketball Centre in Perry Lakes. This involved teams of Yr 5/6 students from schools all over the State and acted as the State finals for 2020.
Wembley were lucky enough to have two teams competing – one girls’ team and one boys’ team. The girls’ team consisted of Lucy, Ava, Gemma, Matilda, Brooke, Uma, Georgia and Poppy. The boys’ team was made up of Luke, Zac, Makai, Billy, Samson, Jack, James, Zac and Jude.
Huge congratulations go to both teams for making it to the State finals – a fantastic achievement in itself. Special mention to the girls’ team for making the grand final on the day. They went through undefeated in their group then won their quarter final and semi final before being beaten by a very good team from St Emilie’s Catholic PS. The character and courage the Wembley girls showed in their grand final, after being behind early but fighting back, epitomised the Wembley spirit. Several other schools commented on their sportsmanship and effort throughout the day which shows how well they represented the school. It was also great to see the Wembley boys’ team beside the court supporting the girls during their grand final.
A big thank you to Andy Carr, Nicole Freeman, Eilish Russie and Stephen Tangney for transporting and coaching the teams on the day.
Jonathon Bowman
Physical Education Specialist
PP4 – Hot Air Balloons
As artists in PP4, we have been experimenting with the elements of line and colour when designing our hot air balloons.
We have also been thinking about what we want to change in the world, to make it a better place for the future.
Take a look at some of our thoughts as we float around in our balloons.
Young Engineers Club – Term 1, 2021
Young Engineers Club (YEC) (Thursday & Friday after school from 3:30pm) – Young Engineers is on again in Term 1, 2021. Students interested in hands-on STEAM will now get their chance to build like never before. If you’ve enrolled in Young Engineers before, you will get an email invitation when registration opens. If you’ve never heard of Young Engineers before, you are welcome to place your details on the waitlist. Please follow the links below for more info.
Pre-Primary – Yr 1 students | every Thursday OR Friday 3:30pm-4:45pm (Wembley PS – Science Room)
Build, build & more building… learning engineering by building Lego prototypes of historical, modern and functional machines. STEAM can’t be any more real and fun. Starts Week 2 of Term 1.
Yr 2-6 students | every Thursday 3:30pm-4:45pm (Wembley PS – STEAM Room)
All past and present Lego engineering students can now level up and add electronics engineering to their portfolio. We build awesome electronic devices such as FM radio, solar powered lights and much more… while learning about electronics. Starts week 2 of Term 1.
Join the waitlist:
Enquiries: / 0406 542 912
Kind Regards,
Ryan Paramor
Phone: 0406 542 912
Mark Lee Football Coaching – Term 1, 2021
Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are welcome to join.
Dates: Thursday 18 February to Thursday 25 March
Time: 7.30am to 8.30am
Cost: $119 for 6 weeks
To register: Parents simply email or call me on 0430 788 703.
Thank you,
Mark Lee Football Coaching
0430 788 703