Message from the Executive Administration Team
Dear parents and caregivers
What a difference the sunshine makes! It has been so refreshing to see our students being able to take learning outside more often and enjoy playing in better weather. I have certainly enjoyed gate duty even more too!
Year 2-6 Faction Athletics Carnival: Unfortunately, the weather is taking a turn for the worse again on Thursday, just in time for our scheduled carnival. Thanks to a former parent who works at the Bureau of Meteorology, we have been able to obtain some expert advice and we have made the difficult decision to move the carnival date to next Thursday 26 August. The State Athletics Centre can accommodate us on this new date and the long-term weather forecast looks far more favourable than this week. I know this will have an impact on parents and caregivers who may have booked time off this Thursday. I do apologise, but with up to 15mm of rain forecast, it would not be an enjoyable day for anyone to proceed this week.
Teaching and Learning
National Science Week: Science and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) are school priorities at Wembley PS, so when Science Week comes around we really like to celebrate! There are a number of events happening across the school this week, including before school science experiments by budding scientists from our Year 3 classes. The theme for this year’s Science Week is ‘Food: Different by Design’ so there will be a cooking demonstration using native ingredients at lunchtime with Ms Sugden and a Science Week themed lunchtime coding session for Year 5/6 students is happening at lunchtime on Wednesday with Mrs Geelhoed.
Tomorrow, Dr Bruce Webber, Ecologist and CSIRO Scientist, will give guest talks for students in Year 1-3 and again for our Year 4-6 students. Mrs Webber and the STEAM committee have also finalised the winners of our first ever Science Photography Competition. The winners will be presented at the conclusion of Dr Webber’s talks tomorrow. There was an overwhelming response to the photography competition, with hundreds of entries received! The engagement with seeing science in the world around them was truly impressive by our students, from Pre-primary to Year 6, with some very insightful captions. A huge thank you must go to our Science specialist Mrs Webber, Mrs Cusack, Miss Sugden, Mrs Fardell and Mrs Stacey who have helped coordinate the before school science experiments and the judging of the photography competition. We love inspiring our students to engage in STEAM!
Community Engagement
The Fathering Project: The group is up and running and we now have a core leadership group of Wembley Dads established. Thank you to all those dads and father-figures who have got involved and joined the group. A Dads and kids event is likely to soon, closer to Father’s Day. It’s never too late to join, so please go to this link to join the online portal where all activities will be posted: Thanks again to Wembley dad Ehsan Karaji for his leadership in getting the group started.
Collaborate, Connect, Communicate.
Yours in learning
Executive Admin Team
Tamara, Alan, Rachel and Melinda
Faction Athletics Carnival – Years 2 to 6 – Postponed to 26 August
Our Faction Athletics Carnival will now take place next Thursday 26 August. It will still be at the State Athletics Stadium and this year will involve Year 2 to Year 6 students. Events will begin at approximately 9.30am and conclude at 2.30pm. Parents are welcome to come and spectate.
If you are no longer able to help out on the new date, or if you are now available to help out on the 26 August, please contact Em Roberts:, mobile: 0432 245 404.
Jonathon Bowman
Physical Education Specialist
School Photos – Important Information Please Read
School Photos are scheduled to take place this term as follows:
Kindy A, C, E/PP4 – Tuesday 31 August
Kindy B, D, F/PP4 – Thursday 2 September
PP1, PP2, PP3, PP4 – Wednesday 1 September
Years 1 to 6 – spread across Tuesday 31st August, Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd, Friday 3rd September, more details of which years on which days will be advised.
These dates are also on our school calendar.
Today every student will receive a personalised flyer to bring home from Kapture Photography containing your child’s unique codes for ordering school photos online.
The unique codes contained on the flyer will be issued only once.
Order EARLY for sibling photography
Sibling photos can ONLY be ordered online. Once you receive the personalised flyers for your children, it is imperative that you order your sibling photo early to avoid missing out! There is a physical limit in the school schedule to how many sibling photos can be taken. Once the maximum capacity of sibling orders has been reached, no more sibling orders can be placed.
If maximum capacity is not reached, sibling orders close 12pm midday sharp, one business day prior to the first photo day.
The school or the photographers cannot accept late orders for sibling photography. Please do not ask as your request simply cannot be accommodated.
Order EARLY for discount photo day prices
Order your photos within 10 calendar days of photo day to receive discount photo day prices. Late orders are handled separately to the school delivery and incur a $20 custom service charge.
Other information
- Your school will notify you in a few weeks when team and special group photos are available to view and purchase on the Kapture website. Please note; class, individual and sibling portraits are not available to view online prior to purchase.
- Kapture offer a money back guarantee for any parent who is not fully satisfied with their photo package. Should you have any queries before or after photo day, please check the FAQ’s on the Kapture website.
- All students will be photographed individually on photo day for school administration records AS WELL as included in their class group presentation available for purchase to all families. Should there be any reason why your child should NOT be included in the photo shoot –please contact the school office.
If COVID is still active in WA:
For the duration of Covid-19 in WA, please be aware that Kapture are following all recommended health guidelines and safe practices. Our photographers are acutely aware of the evolving situation surrounding Covid-19 and abide by each individual school’s Covid-19 policies. Where possible, the photographers will use verbal queues and instructions in an effort to uphold our high standard of student presentation. Students may be instructed by photographers to use single use sterile combs, wet wipes or tissues or to fix their own collars, buttons and stray hairs.
There has been a delay in the handover with Perm-A-Pleat. You should be able to order online from next Tuesday.
Thanks for your patience in this transition.
Nat Ramsay and Susan Havlin
Uniform Shop Coordinators.
Students Leaving
To assist with school planning for 2022, if your child is leaving Wembley Primary School at the end of 2021, can you please send an email to, advising of the following details:
- Destination school
- Date of last day at Wembley
This does not include current Year 6 Students moving to high school.
Something VERY exciting happened in the kitchen today…
Our new Combi-Steam Oven has been installed!
I feel like it’s Christmas!
HUGE thanks to our Canteen Conveener – Vanessa Saunders, to the P&C Executives and Committee and to all of our WPS Community and kids for your support in making this much needed appliance come to our rescue. It will be most well loved.
Just imagine all the treats we can produce now!
Want to check our new oven out?
We need volunteers this week to get lunches made and out to our kids. Please!!
Wednesday 18th: 9-10am and 9-11:15am and 10.45am-1.30pm
Thursday 19th: 9-11.15am and 10.45am-1.30pm
Friday 20th: 12:50-1:50pm
Please sign up here or call the canteen on 9253 9424 or email us at (note the tricky spelling).
If all of our families signed up for just ONE two hour shift each term, our roster would be full for the year and we could create and produce the miracles that we are capable of. We just need a little hands on support!
Menu Alterations
Depending on our volunteer help, we sometimes need to limit our menu to cope with our daily load. You will find notes on Quickcliq if we have had to limit or substitute an item.
Thanks for understanding when this does happen.
Year 2-6 Athletics Carnival – Next Thursday 26 August 2021
Picnic Boxes will be available and delivered to the stadium. Watch out for notification from your class reps and on the P&C Facebook page for when PRE-ORDERS will be available on Quickcliq.
Pre-primary and Year 1 orders will be available on a limited menu. Notification will also be sent out.
It’s always loads of fun and we would love you to be part of it.
Genna, Canteen Manager
Book Week Parade – this Monday 23 August – 9am on the Oval
We are all excited to kick Book Week off next week with our fun Dress Up Parade! Can’t wait to see all the amazing creations. Parents and Grandparents all welcome.
Wembley Community – you are AMAZING!!! We have already raised over $7,000 for this very worthy cause! Last year we raised $8,300. And were the top fundraisers in the state! This year we are aiming for $10,000 and that is looking so achievable, having already raised over $7,000. This is such a worthy cause and we have several families associated with Wembley Primary who have family members with MS. Thank you to everyone for your support. Let’s come home strong with 2 weeks to go.
Picture Plates 2021 – Reminder
Please return all finished drawings labelled with your child’s name, year and class room in the provided zip lock plastic bag to the school office by this Friday 20 August. If you miss this deadline please return to me over the weekend at 31 Reserve St. We are on a strict time line so please don’t be late.
Please don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions email:
Thank you for your support with this Kindy and Pre-Primary P&C Project.
Best regards
Georgie Ruloff
Triple P Seminars – Free Parenting Seminars
Parents – are you looking for simple strategies to help you raise confident, healthy children and build stronger family relationships? The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is for you!
Triple P seminars are packed with ideas to help you give your child the best start in life. There’s a variety of topics available for parents and carers of both children and teenagers, including positive parenting, raising resilient children, managing children’s anxiety, and discussion groups for common parenting challenges.
The best part about Triple P – it’s free!
Get the support and tips you need to support your child to thrive! Find a free seminar near you at