Message from the Executive Administration Team

Dear parents and caregivers

Thank you for a great start to the term! We know how hard you all work in the background juggling jobs, school runs, keeping abreast of communications, attending community sport and extra-curricular activities, making lunches, helping with homework and keeping students rested and calm. Without you doing these important jobs, teaching and learning just wouldn’t be possible. I understand completely as a working parent how busy life can be so this is a just a little thankyou from me – you’re doing an amazing job raising your young humans!

COVID-19: While we enjoy relative freedom in Western Australia at the moment compared to most other states in the country, we remain committed to being prepared for every eventuality that may occur in the future. Over the next fortnight, the school is again reviewing our School Continuity Plan to ensure we can maintain teaching and learning programs in the event of disruptions. In the coming days, you will receive a survey link by email for you to indicate your access to the internet and devices in the home so we can effectively support families should it be required.

Last year, we developed a model for home learning with the best interests of students, staff and parents in mind. We know there are many pressures involved during lockdowns so we aim to maintain a focus on the health and wellbeing of everyone by keeping the model sustainable, equitable and manageable while keeping students engaged in learning.

For those parents who did engage with the home learning plans in 2020, you will remember that we implemented common concepts and ideas so that if you had multiple children in the home, the topics were similar but the content was differentiated. For example, all children were learning and applying knowledge on length in mathematics, but a student in Pre-primary might have been using informal units to measure blocks while students in Year 3 were measuring with rulers and tape measures using centimetres and metres.

We will continue to use the Seesaw platform for students to submit work and see content from teachers. Recently, a Home Learning Code was sent home for every child. Please keep this in a safe place and if you have lost it, contact your teacher for a new code. It is important to note these codes are only to be used in the event of home-learning using the Seesaw Class app or website. Keep connecting with your child’s Seesaw as a parent using the Seesaw Family app in the meantime. The COVID-19 tab on the school website will also be updated, with password protected year level pages for parents to access learning plans in the event of school closure.

We hope there won’t be any need for us to implement any of these measures and we continue to keep the pandemic at bay in Western Australia. Thank you for your support.

Kiss and Drive: There continues to be safety issues presented by driver behaviour in the Kiss and Drive areas on Simper St and Alexander St. I thank community members who are doing the right thing by:

  • Pulling into the Kiss and Drive as far forward as you can
  • Staying in their cars and moving along promptly when cars move up
  • Not doing U-turns on Simper St or queuing on Grantham St
  • Not parking in Kiss and Drive areas

A working group has been formed to develop some further parent education resources so expectations are clear for everyone. The Town of Cambridge are also working with the school on extending the Kiss and Drive on Simper St and stepping up ranger patrols. Our first priority is on child safety and I ask that all community members do their part to keep traffic zones orderly, safe and respectful.


Student Representative Council: Last week, Miss Hannah Cox brought the entire SRC together for the first time. During this session, the students did some team building and looked at some of the research behind the importance of student voice, agency and leadership in schools and the positive impact this has on student outcomes (see the Amplify document published by the Victorian Department of Education and Training). Importantly the group had the opportunity to share ideas on several aspects of the school and work out their roles, responsibilities and mission for 2021. What an inspiring group of young people who are already impressing us with their ability to work collaboratively, articulate their thoughts and share interesting ideas.

As promised, here are the inaugural Year 3 members of the SRC. Congratulations to these Year 3 students for having the courage and commitment to lead their peers and be a voice for their classroom.

Student Representative Council (Year 3)
Room 1 Room 2 Room 26 Room 27 Room 28
Aoj F Isaac K Isla S Hugo R Milla R

Thank you to Miss Cox for her leadership in continually seeking to positively build our school culture, through her work with the SRC and Year 6 leaders, the School Board sub-committees and with our staff. We are very lucky to have Miss Cox on our staff.

Community Engagement

The Fathering Project: Tonight at The Wembley Hotel at 7pm will be the launch event for this community initiative. Please sign up to attend here. We already have over 45 registered for this event but it would be great to have even more. It will be very relaxed and a great opportunity for dads and father-figures to gather, share, learn and laugh – with each other and their kids. The event will be facilitated by Rory Murray from The Fathering Project WA. If you are a dad or father-figure who can’t attend tonight, please go to this link to join the online portal where all activities will be posted:

P&C Day WA: Last Friday, 23 July we thanked our P&C Corporate Executive with a special afternoon tea and awarded ‘gold medals’ to show our appreciation for everything they do behind the scenes for the benefit of our school and of course, our kids.

The P&C is the heart of our community and the impact on our school learning environment can’t be underestimated. In the past year alone, P&C voluntary contributions and fund raising initiatives have resulted in the school being able to do the following:

  • Operate a school funded iPad program (1:2 access) without having to go to a BYOD model
  • Leased modern fleets of student laptops
  • Upgraded the canteen equipment
  • Purchased shade sails and new faction flags and sails
  • Various playground upgrades (Pre-primary, Junior Climbing frame and Senior Playground)
  • Air-conditioning for Kindergarten
  • Classroom and Science Resources

We also thank every parent who has attended a P&C meeting, supported P&C events, volunteered to help at an event and donated or made voluntary contributions. Every dollar raised goes back into making our school the best possible learning environment possible and we greatly value our community’s engagement. A special individual thanks must go to P&C President Tiffany Fox and the Corp Executive, K/PP sub-committee, Uniform Shop and Canteen – Bailey Stewart, Helen Gotjamanos, Victoria Martelli, Sally Coomes, Delvene Mercer, Rebecca Guy, Laura Campbell, Stephanie Bertholet, Susan Havlin, Nat Ramsey, Vanessa Saunders and Genna Stephenson. What a team of absolute stars. Thank you for going above and beyond.

Collaborate, Connect, Communicate.

Yours in learning

Executive Admin Team

Tamara, Alan, Rachel and Melinda

Payment Reminder – Voluntary Contributions and Charges

A big thank you to those who paid their School and P & C Voluntary Contributions for 2021 via Campion or Qkr earlier in the year.

A ‘REMINDER OF UNPAID BILLING ITEMS’ will be sent home with students tomorrow, to those who have outstanding contributions and charges only.

If you could settle these amounts as soon as possible via Qkr, or by credit card over the phone or at the school office, it would be greatly appreciated.

If you do not wish to pay the voluntary contributions, or are unable to, please notify the office staff on 9253 9400 so that these amounts can be removed from your account.

Please note that participation in online learning programs and incursions and excursions is dependent upon payment.  These items are categorised as optional extra charges rather than contributions.


The amount of school voluntary contributions parents/caregivers are requested to pay each year, is set at $60.00 per student, which is in line with the School Education Regulations.

Funds are used to supplement school expenditure in the curriculum areas. The quality of our teaching and learning programs is maximised when families make a contribution.


 The P & C donates funds to the school towards projects and resources that directly benefit students.  The P & C voluntary contribution is set at $85.00 per student.

Examples of items funded by P & C donations were included earlier in this newsletter:

Qkr PAYMENTS/School Payments Tab:  Please select this option to pay for your voluntary contributions and/or online learning programs if not previously paid (these options will remain on the Qkr system even after you have paid, so please ensure you do not duplicate payments already made – items not listed on the Reminder of Unpaid Billing Items.)  If you are unsure, please phone the office on 9253 9400.

Please refer to the information below to ensure accurate payment of online learning programs:

Kindy and Pre-primary Reading Eggs $18.00
Years 1 – 3 Nessy Reading and Spelling $  8.00
Pre-primary – Year 1 Mathseeds $12.00
Years 2 – 6 Mathletics $12.50
Years 1 – 6 Champion Life $  9.00



If there are outstanding charges for optional activities on your account, please settle these promptly via the Qkr – Excursions and Excursions’ tab.

If your child did not attend the event, please phone the office on 9253 9400 to have the entry removed.


If there are outstanding voluntary contributions and charges on your account from 2020, you will need to contact the office on 9253 9400 to pay the amounts or request to have them removed.  You cannot settle these via Qkr as they are no longer available for payment via the app.


If you have inadvertently paid for something twice or paid for something that your child has then not attended, you should have been notified that you have a credit sitting on your account.  If this is the case and at a later date you need to settle other items on your account, please call the office on 9253 9400 so that the credit can be applied to the amount owing.  If you have unallocated credit, please do not pay for outstanding items via Qkr until it is cleared.

Thank you

Lee Masters

Manager of Corporate Services


It’s GNOCCHI Wednesday

Another huge batch of potato gnocchi was hand-rolled today to be cooked fresh for tomorrow. Served in our delicious homemade tomato sugo with melted cheddar cheese. With or without our little chicken meatballs – you decide!

$5.80 on Quickcliq or cash sales at the canteen counter.

Warm Soup

Cold rainy days call for delicious warming soups.

Send your little soup-lover in at recess this week to warm up on a cup of goodness.

Silky smooth Sweet Roasted Pumpkin Soup with Croutons or Creamy Tomato with Basil Pesto $1.50


We desperately  need you! Please help fill our vacant shifts for THIS WEEK.

Tomorrow-Wednesday 10.45am-1.30pm

Friday 9-11.30am

Friday 12.45-2.45pm


Next Wednesday we will set up a French feast filled with some decadent little treats. Ohlala!

We will have two sections set – one for Years 1-3 and another for Years 4-6 so nobody misses out.

French Recess Prep and Service

Many hands are needed on Monday and Tuesday to prep for our French Recess which is much bigger than any other recess.

Piping skills top notch? Our Eiffel Towers need YOU!

We also need LOTS of helpers to guide and serve the children from our tables set up in the undercover area.

The children only have 25 minutes to purchase their recess and eat it so we need to make the queues move fast to avoid a long and boring wait and to ensure there is still time to play.

Please sign up here or call the canteen on 9253 9424 or email us at (note the tricky spelling).

It’s always loads of fun and we would love you to be part of it.

BYO beret and a French crepe is on us!

Genna, Canteen Manager

Canteen – French Cuisine Wednesday 4 August

The very popular French themed recess will be on again this year! Have your taste buds tantalised with delicious French cuisine on Wednesday 4 August at the canteen.

On our menu this year we have:

  • Petits Croissants with ham and cheese / tomato and cheese $2
  • Croque-Monsieur (toasted ham and cheese sandwich) $2
  • Mousse au chocolat $2.50
  • French Crêpes with strawberry coulis $1.50
  • Pommes Noisettes (warm potato balls) $1
  • Eiffel Tower cookies $1
  • Fresh sparkling Lemonade $1
  • Chocolat chaud with marshmallows (hot chocolate) $2

We look forward to seeing everyone enjoy a little taste of France!

Lauren Ibbotson, French Teacher

Genna, Canteen Manager

Picture Plates 2021

Picture Plates are back!

Your child’s unique artwork preserved on a plate capturing memories and milestones

Super simple and loads of fun!

  • Your child’s unique artwork will be moulded and printed onto a durable 25cm melamine plate. Strong enough to use every day and are BPA free and dishwasher safe.
  • Kindy and Pre-Primary drawings are done under teacher supervision while in class. Our teachers work one-on-one with our little ones to get their best work.
  • Students in Years 1-6 who wish to create a plate, will be able to do so at home. Completed drawings are returned to the school office.
  • All instructions will be delivered with your template once orders have been finalised.
  • The amazing completed plates will be delivered to your child’s class in early October (subject to change due to Covid-19).
  • Personalised Picture Plates make gorgeous gifts; get a head start on your gift lists:  Father’s Day, Christmas, Birthdays, Bon Voyage, I love you,    Thank you gifts.
  • They even make the BEST camping plates!

Order through the very convenient, super easy online payment system Qkr!

All orders with payments must be made by 3pm Friday 13 August 2021

Picture Plates are $32 each

If you are ordering for multiple children in the family, it is important that each child is entered individually.

If an order is submitted with three plates for one child, you will receive three of the same drawing for that child.

You are under NO obligation to participate in this Pre-Primary and Kindy P&C Fundraiser, though the quality is so good and the memories so great that you won’t want to miss out on these gorgeous plates!

A sample plate will be available to view at the Kindy pick up gate.

Queries to Georgie Ruloff:  email:, please use “Picture Plates” in the subject line.

Picture Plates 2021

Attention Year 6 Students!

Create a Picture Plate to remember all of your WPS friends

Draw a centre piece with Wembley Primary School 2021 and have all of your friends write their names on your plate in the brightest colours.

Place an order by 3pm Friday 13 August and you can work on your pictures next week

Order through Qkr!

Queries to Georgie Ruloff:  email:, please use “Picture Plates” in the subject line.

School Photos

School Photos are scheduled to take place this term as follows:

Kindy A, C, E/PP4 – Tuesday 31 August

Kindy B, D, F/PP4 – Thursday 2 September

PP1, PP2, PP3, PP4 – Wednesday 1 September

Years 1 to 6 – spread across Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd, Friday 3rd September, more details of which years on which days will be advised.

Faction Athletics Carnival – Years 2 to 6

Our Faction Athletics Carnival will take place on Thursday 19 August (Week 5). It will be at the State Athletics Stadium again and this year will involve Year 2 to Year 6 students. Events will begin at approximately 9.30am and conclude at 2.30pm. Parents are welcome to come and spectate.

Like last year we will require parent helpers on the day to assist with the running of the events.

If you are able to help out on the day please contact Em Roberts:, mobile: 0432 245 404.

Jonathon Bowman

Physical Education Specialist

Celebrating Success

Congratulations to Ethan L in Year 5 who won his PEAC Chess Tournament last week.  Ethan competed against 15 other students to take first place. We’re very proud of your achievement, Ethan!

Uniform Shop Closure Update

The P&C would like to inform families that the uniform shop will be closing on August 16 and moving to an online store run by uniform providers Perm-a-Pleat. This has been a big decision for the P&C, but the steady growth of the school population has meant running and managing the business of the uniform shop has become too big a job for our small but dedicated band of volunteers. We are confident the transition to Perm-A-Pleat will continue to provide Wembley parents with the ease of online ordering and payments, combined with the convenience of home delivery.

Families will be able to order via Flexischools until August 5, with the final deliveries expected to be made on August 6. The uniform shop will be open for exchanges the following Monday and Tuesday, August 9 and 10. Families can also buy directly from the uniform shop, while stocks last, on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8am until 9.30am, with the last day being Friday, August 6. Perm-a-Pleat’s online store is expected to be open for orders on August 16.

Please note that some uniform items are currently low or out of stock due to shipping delays caused by covid-19, and these shortages are expected to remain even after Perm-A-Pleat takes on management of the uniform shop. If the item you want is currently out of stock, please be kind to our volunteers – they are doing the best they can with what is available!

For information on closing your Flexischools account, visit Flexischools FAQ page and select “How do I close or cancel my account?”

The P&C would like to thank our uniform shop convenors, Susan Havlin and Natalie Ramsay, for their massive amounts of time and effort in managing the uniform shop and for their help in smoothing the transition to the new providers.

Tiffany Fox

President, P&C Association

Book Week P&C Costume Sale

The P&C are having a costume sale in the undercover area on Friday 6 August.

Costumes can be dropped off in the boxes provided in the undercover area next Monday 2 and Tuesday 3 August.

Please make sure that costumes are clean, complete and in reasonable condition (please include any accessories and put altogether in a sealed bag).

Then please send along $5 with your child NEXT FRIDAY 6 AUGUST so as your child can purchase a costume from the sale.  

Please note the sale will only be happening in the Undercover Area BEFORE school (8am to 8.45am) and AFTER school (3pm to 4pm).

Father’s Day Stall  2021

The annual Wembley Primary School P&C Father’s Day Stall is happening on Tuesday 31 August. This is a great opportunity for your children to bring along a little money and purchase something special for their Dad, Granddad or father-figure.

However this wonderful event cannot take place without the assistance of volunteers to sell the items to the kids! So, if you can spare a couple of hours to help out at the 2021 Father’s Day Stall and assist with selling gifts to some very excited little people, then please add your name to the roster below.

We are using to organise our upcoming Father’s Day Stall.

Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to see our SignUp on

2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.

3) Sign up! It’s Easy – you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on

Note: does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.

Victoria Martelli

Fundraising Convenor

Scholastic Book Club 

Book Club Issue #5 catalogue has been sent home.  Orders close Next Monday 2 August – so parents and students have one week to order.

Thank you for your support.

Jill Jordan – Library

MS Readathon 

Just a further reminder that the MS Readathon challenge kicks off this Sunday 1 August.

The Wembley Primary School Community did us proud last year, raising over $8,000!!  WPS finished up the highest fundraiser in the state and 6th highest nationally!

Please find link below.  Parents can register your children,  search for our school page, join us, find some sponsors and start reading.

Donations for Homeless

Dear Wembley Community

Thank you so much for the generous donations that have already come in.

The collection for these items will close this Friday 30 July

Please place your donation in the tubs outside the library

Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Mrs Jordan and Miss Smith

Community News –  Wembley Junior Football NAIDOC Celebrations